Is anyone harvesting??


Active Member
So I have a single plant growing outdoors, ive looked at all the tricomes and stuff they're pretty cloudy, but the buds are still really airy, I really need to cut it down before hunting season opens(October 1), but its just so damn airy and fluffy I think it needs more time.its been really freakin rainy lately and mushrooms habe been poppin up everywhere i found some weird yellow mushroom growin around and one on my plant so i ate it lol no jp i didnt eat it, finally got some sun today and yesterday hopin it will stay so the buds dense up more Ill post pics later, but i was just wondering if any of ya'll growin outdoors in south middle u.s. have started cuttin yours down? any feed back would be awsome thanks


It has been pretty wet around here and now the sun starts to poke out and heat it up. I checked right after the raining quit and some of mine were airy and a few were dense so I took 3 girls and was out. I have the same thought as you as far as the 1st day of hunting. I guerilla spiked about 40yds from a tree stand and she's going on 12ft but still white so she'll be there until the night before hunting season!! The way the weather has changed you just have to play it by mother nature's schedule it looks like we got a high of 67 tuesday so that will be a change from 83 today. Let her beef up as much as possible especially if you have a girl alone(by herself in the woods) lol thats some haloween stuff:)