Is anyone growing tobacco? Any tips for a beginner?

Lot of work or I would have been doing it for years. Great 'baccy all cured and ready for shredding. About $30CAN/lb and hardly any duty on unprocessed tobacco. One plant yields about a pound and you could grow a pound of pot in the same space. Just sayin. :)

I'm with you stick with growing the wacky tabaccy ....((wink))
Lol credentials my ass. Who's to say mine yours or anyone elses farming experiments aren't for education I listed about a book I'm writing and I'm sure they will ship without issue.
Lol credentials my ass. Who's to say mine yours or anyone elses farming experiments aren't for education I listed about a book I'm writing and I'm sure they will ship without issue.

Certainly worth a try

If you realy want a strain(s) that only grin can provide and have no other way, Start reading/posting over at 'Fair trade tobacco'

The women that operates the grin's tobacco seed bank is also a member and sometimes takes requests, They also trade tobacco seed varitys their and their members are truly tobacco nuts, Check it out.
Certainly worth a try

If you realy want a strain(s) that only grin can provide and have no other way, Start reading/posting over at 'Fair trade tobacco'

The women that operates the grin's tobacco seed bank is also a member and sometimes takes requests, They also trade tobacco seed varitys their and their members are truly tobacco nuts, Check it out.
The strain I want is called Y1 but there was a lawsuit that made it illegal. They somehow manipulated the breed to have a really high nic content but was smooth tobaccum not heavy rustica I love fair trade def nuts about baccy. Hopefully after a few seasons and selected breeding from multiple strains I will have something similar
The strain I want is called Y1 but there was a lawsuit that made it illegal. They somehow manipulated the breed to have a really high nic content but was smooth tobaccum not heavy rustica I love fair trade def nuts about baccy. Hopefully after a few seasons and selected breeding from multiple strains I will have something similar

Yea, I rember hearing about that back in the 90's I think. Strange becouse their are strains out their that were/are much higher in N content
Yea, I rember hearing about that back in the 90's I think. Strange becouse their are strains out their that were/are much higher in N content
There def is. I am looking for this particular kind simply because it is a tobaccum/Virginia strain. Which has a decent taste along with the content. Some of my Rustica I'm sure will have 10% and higher
There def is. I am looking for this particular kind simply because it is a tobaccum/Virginia strain. Which has a decent taste along with the content. Some of my Rustica I'm sure will have 10% and higher
Theres some south American strains with 9.5 -12% i was thinking about ordering. The ayahuasca shamans smoke it during ceremony.
Theres some south American strains with 9.5 -12% i was thinking about ordering. The ayahuasca shamans smoke it during ceremony.
Exactly! My Monte calme yellows I hear have round 7-10% along with being pretty good for ciggerettes once it's blended, we'll have to see how it goes. I have read this particular Rustica/south American variety has been popular in eastern Europe for it's ability to grow in most climate's.
I tried growing some indoor and couldnt get my seeds to sprout. Maybe my seeds were just bad. I tried so many different methods to germinate them. Not a single sprout.
I got mine online. amazon, ebay, and more. no issues with fresh stock usually.

i grew indoors first but that sucked for me so outdoors now my baccy rocks. indoors was too much
...I couldnt keep up with the resources.
I feed organic just like my fruits and veggies next to the baccy and get this....I dry it in my drying room, controlled to the max right with my buds. when its dry about 3/4 weeks in
its awesome to smoke that moment. just like my weed. illegal to sell without permit unless its whole leaf here. its been nagging at me for some time, like a road side stand maybe, honor system, whole leaf, I have over a dozen different varieties and they all grow nicely. I dont even really smoke but be nice to have a little stand. I'm really curious how damaging they are to our organ if they are not fed hundreds of chems to the end and treated just so you dont cough so much.

note=if you feed nitrogen to the end for giant leaves, like the big baccy does, you'll have to jar/ferment/cure the leaves to break down the unburned carbs/sugars etc to make it taste acceptable. this could take many weeks depending on how much and what you've fed in its last weeks/days.

think folks would buy bundles of baccy at the roadside?
This organic tobacco loose in a bag roll your own that I occasionally smoke, says they dry/cure their tobacco for 3years before putting it to market. That's what the worker on the phone told me one time when I was pestering them for information how they grow it.(lol) I was quite surprised. Probably exactly because of the reasons stated above. they harvest it super green packed with chlorophyl. He said they do it that way because it's the oldschool slow drying method from the past, in comparison to big tobac companies that quicken every part of the process.
I got mine online. amazon, ebay, and more. no issues with fresh stock usually.

i grew indoors first but that sucked for me so outdoors now my baccy rocks. indoors was too much
...I couldnt keep up with the resources.
I feed organic just like my fruits and veggies next to the baccy and get this....I dry it in my drying room, controlled to the max right with my buds. when its dry about 3/4 weeks in
its awesome to smoke that moment. just like my weed. illegal to sell without permit unless its whole leaf here. its been nagging at me for some time, like a road side stand maybe, honor system, whole leaf, I have over a dozen different varieties and they all grow nicely. I dont even really smoke but be nice to have a little stand. I'm really curious how damaging they are to our organ if they are not fed hundreds of chems to the end and treated just so you dont cough so much.

note=if you feed nitrogen to the end for giant leaves, like the big baccy does, you'll have to jar/ferment/cure the leaves to break down the unburned carbs/sugars etc to make it taste acceptable. this could take many weeks depending on how much and what you've fed in its last weeks/days.

think folks would buy bundles of baccy at the roadside?
I would pick up a bundle, honor system wouldn't work stupid kids would screw that up.. thanks for the advice! Most of my reasoning for growing is for my wife and my owns smoking habits. I hope it's not so bad for health cuz I ain't quitting. Would you be down to mail some wholeleaf out west?
and some people bury their fresh cut harvest in the dirt for months after molding and composting they dig it up for that perfect
effect on top of flavor I guess. I suggest doing it all every way you can and decide for yourself. old herbs suck to vaporize, cook with , eat and smoke. go figure
This organic tobacco loose in a bag roll your own that I occasionally smoke, says they dry/cure their tobacco for 3years before putting it to market. That's what the worker on the phone told me one time when I was pestering them for information how they grow it.(lol) I was quite surprised. Probably exactly because of the reasons stated above. they harvest it super green packed with chlorophyl. He said they do it that way because it's the oldschool slow drying method from the past, in comparison to big tobac companies that quicken every part of the process.
Certain cigars (mostly cubans) have 50yo cures for certain wrappers
mailing baccy you say? didnt consider an internet venture....may be on to something...stay tune for my webby...any webmasters...?
If people paid more for longer cures then others will cure longer for more money surely.
I guess its all in the eye of the besmolder