Is an 8 Lamp T5HO Okay For My Flowering Setup?


Active Member
I agree 4' = better lumens and coverage. The get brighter at higher temps also, I think max is achieved at about 95 degrees. A couple 2 bulbs fixtures for sidelighting will help too. Bulbs from are cheap like 1/10 the price.


Active Member
i used a sun blaze 2' 8 lamp t5 fixture in my grow for fowering. you can check it out from the link in my sig. i just switched over to a 400 hps for the last couple of weeks though. They've only been under the hps for 2 days now, so you can get an idea of what 4 plants under that fixture will give you. In my opinion, it isnt all that impressive. It WILL work, though.

From now on, I will be vegging with the t5s and flowering with the hps. I didn't want to give in to the HID world for various reasons, but if you're gonna grow, might as well make it worth your while.