Is a seed from a hermi always a hermi?

I k
Well unfortunately cannabis still needs pollen to creat seeds
I know but I have nothing man? About we start by autos making a single plant with a bunch of seeds and nothing else? What creates this with no nanners BK? It’s an honest question I’m done with whatzup
Sounds good. Ps. No one read what I said earlier. I know this. Thanks thyco. Everyone else, learn some respect I never pushed beliefs I was asking questions with a slide in from what I experienced. Lol.

pollen absolutely make seeds. Got It.
Yes Bk that’s what I was saying but self pollination is what I was trying to bring up without itself pollinating. Could it be possible for a plant to shoot a few seeds as a last resort?
I have an auto. No stress factor. Out of 16; 1 threw herself into what I call “self pollination”. There’s actually weirdly enough a good explanation to this even though most refuse to say yea or no.

no nanners. Watched the whole time. If there was one as we all know with all the ventilation they should all have a few with the affected hermie throwing out a shit ton right? By the common logic?

wrong. 15 years running and I’ll put my two cents into this. Nature is nature. Meaning some strains are extremely stable and viable. And then there’s what I like to call “the rushed crosses”. You know, the crosses that we absolutely would love to be stable; but as we all know, unfortunately they aint. They are rushed out of production; or 2. My hypothesis: they decided that it was somehow A good idea to take a shitty non tested F1-2-3 and just kinda tell themselves; “how would they know right? Like it’s a cycle thing; you can always just send them an email saying “it happens sometimes”. I get that. But nowadays they don’t even test the prog. They just literally sell it. That’s def not right cause we get like 4 different base genomes; and it’s still sold at 11-13 a seed. Unless you go old school truly tested stable strains; what the hell are we really getting?

point is; this just happened from king crop seeds for me. Bought 20; 16 made it. Huge buds very fragrant. Def not the timeframe they said it was gonna be but it ain’t even what I wanna talk about.

the question is not asked enough and when so; the grower is shut down. I’ve grown long enough to realize that; all the pros here always say “impossible?! No nanners; no seeds!”. NO. I’m here to tell you that seed production is or immaculate and you know it was hermied; or I offer to you a different perspective.

screw people saying it’s literally impossible for plants to throw seeds without a trigger. I’d agree usually; after all you’d think any calyx needs a pollination. No. It doesn’t. The more they develop unstable sold strain no one has an answer for; the more it’s possible survivability from within the plant is possible. I just experienced it. Actually I did about 4 times now in 15 years and it’s always when I switch over to a new genetic from seed. You know how I know? A very different make up in the look and genetic of the plant; even if it’s supposed to be the same strain. It comes down to the graph AaBBAB etc. But don’t get it twisted; they sell us those seeds and don’t even really know how they came up to the result they got to. Autos or feminized... it don’t matter. I’m here to close the convo. I grew G13 the real one, 00 seeds bubblegum photo and northern lights #5. No problem, stable as all hell.. I then tried all the new strains. Nothing but chaos and headaches.

last one;king crop seeds: cream C. No nanners I’m telling you nothing. Seed production was not normal. One seed per every like 20 branches;very weird; unexplainable if I may. Not tried and true strain; the hot stuff. Never tested; never stabilized. Cream C made itself with no nanners a seed here and there. No nanners I guarantee it. I can’t explain it. There was nothing. So how? Survivability? I think it was nothing more than nature telling nature “do something before you die”