is a homemade CO2 thingy safe to be around


so is it safe to build one like the sticky on this same page and have it in the bedroom around people 24/7

probably a really dumb question but I know co2 isn't safe to breathe a lot of
well im assuming if you have it in the room that your plants are in, without the fan on it will turn into oxygen. The home made ones don't put out too much co2 anyways, I'm pretty sure it's safe, but someone more credible will prob post after me.
so is it safe to build one like the sticky on this same page and have it in the bedroom around people 24/7

probably a really dumb question but I know co2 isn't safe to breathe a lot of

CO2 isn't worth the effort unless you are fortunate enough to have a very professional and legal set up with practically nothing limiting your efforts (parents can't know, neighbors can't know, etc stuff like that). You don't have to worry about making enough CO2 to hurt yourself.
If the grow is in the bedroom, make it light tight, intake the air from the bedroom and run the lights at night. Now you have one or two free co2 generators running for at least 6 hours.
For CO2 to be a problem. You would have to be in an airtight space where the CO2 displaces most of the breathable air. CO2 is heavier than atmosphere and fills low places first. There have been instances before modern refrigeration where train boxcars had dry ice (solid CO2) in them to keep perishables from spoiling and workers suffocated from sublimating CO2. Highly unlikely in your house.
hypothetically speaking you can easily get a co2 tank from behind a bar/restaurant just don't get a yellow or orange one bc those are coka cola and easily identifiable. a hydro shop will refill them for cheap and you can get the timer and valve for cheap too. hypothetically of course.
hypothetically speaking you can easily get a co2 tank from behind a bar/restaurant just don't get a yellow or orange one bc those are coka cola and easily identifiable. a hydro shop will refill them for cheap and you can get the timer and valve for cheap too. hypothetically of course.

wow... uhh... hmm...