is 8 pounds good?


Just some idiot
I feel small around everyone...especially people bigger than me. Do you have any pictures I would love to even see what 8 pounds looks like on a plant?


Well-Known Member
i wish i could post pictures,but i dont know already paranoid haveing invoved an archeologist and a linguistics expert,and now arrid want me to get a mathamatician in to apply the pythagron theory,no way am i going to trust a computer programer to help download pictures.Someone sent me a private email adviseing me to lay low that their might be alot of people after this stran,i said that if this next plant is successful i will do one other with the nutes found at a local grow store if it responds to that and i dont have to scour the archeology community for ancient organic matter,then i will gladly let any one who asks have access to the seeds or clones.Also i advise you to stay tuned to MRbudsmokers 4 leaf plant.There was anchient parchment that talked of the comeing of this weird mutant,it was found at the same site as were the clay pottery was that contained these seeds.take care all.and thanks for the spirited advice,one more tidbit of information i forgot to mention was that water is from gacier ice dated to be of that time period,so i will be useing tap water for the next plant thanks.


Just some idiot
OK I think I understand now...:-?

Why do you need a mathematician? Just get a scale. Why do you need an archaeologist? Just buy a shovel. Why do you need a linguist? Plants don't talk.


Active Member
I can't believe trapper said 5,000 years ago. Sounds like Ethno wants to have a chat with your achrealogist friend, lol.


Well-Known Member
To be honest.
if it was found in a bog, ya know like that marshland, it is possible that the seeds could [just possibly] have survived.
Assuming they did...hell we all know they didn't..
But if they did.. then there might be a bit of truth to it..
but who am i kidding??
i bet he's like 10...

A ten year old on crack..


Well-Known Member
Thats what i was thinking when i posted.

Damn the dude IS Indiana Jones.

he found the seeds and now he's growing it in that box, the arc of life or something... That had a pretty good light in it too!


Well-Known Member
Thats what i was thinking when i posted.

Damn the dude IS Indiana Jones.

he found the seeds and now he's growing it in that box, the arc of life or something... That had a pretty good light in it too!
I think that was a prehistoric 2000 watt hps system in there, it was very bright and had a red glow, it definately wasnt 6400k


Well-Known Member
This is getting deep.
I think I'm gonna get out before i have Nazis knocking on my door asking for ZE AMULET!!


Well-Known Member
wtf...i dunno man, i guess crazier shits happened... i for one will pay you for a clone or 2 maybe even just seeds...i would def have to see it with my own eyes though... if, in fact, your not dillusional; im very interested... if not, your not supposed to EAT the paintchips.


Well-Known Member
shit man i used 39 1000 watt hps lights on one plant and all i got was a t-shirt....... how the hell did you do that!?!?!?!?
they were all funny, but this was the one that actually made me fuckin start laughing out loud. this site is retarded. i love it.


Well-Known Member
I only seen this post now but wanted everyone to know that i've spent the last 2 weeks researching the archeological nutrient matter. It appears it may be some kind of teradactyle guano. So I think as someone said earlier I believe it has something to do with the dinosaurs!


Well-Known Member
haha it musta look like that!!:mrgreen:
i wish mine grew in bagged pounds n a buncha joints!! haha


New Member
all i know is that since i started reading this thread..i have 14 grows with a bic light an pic of the sun...i have harvested more then 42 tons...the olny difference is every third hour of every other day in every other week...i would fart on all my plants...i think thats the key...FARTS....