Is 600 watt hps too much light for veg

I do not know what you are asking. A 600 watt light is okay to veg with. If it is only one or two plants then it isa lot of expense to runn 600 wattts.
My problem is that my plant is very small . So I switched my ballast down to 250 watts hopefully that will work. I witches to flowering yesterday should I stay flowering or should I veg
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Lowering the wattage on your light will definitely not make your plants larger. If you want your plants to get bigger your going to have to keep vegging. And it looks like you topped it. In my experience it takes the plant 2 weeks to bounce bake from topping and start growing again. Genetics could be at fault some plants will not get large. The more light the bigger the plant will be. Turn your wattage back up let it veg. I wait until my plants show their sex before i flip my light thats how you get the trees.
K I will turn The wattage back up right now it's on 250 I will turn it up to either 400 or 600 what do you think is better and I am using the HPS lightbulb I have a MH lightbulbs at home also which one would be better I thought the only way they will show their sex with me if they were on the flowering stage to me it looks like a female and two little hairs have came out at the main stem
They will show their sex every time if you let them complete their veg cycle. Turn your light back to 600 and leave it. The dimmable ballast is for heat issues nothing else. Mh is for veh hps for flower. As long as its not to hot in there dont dim the light.
Can u use hps for veg also or does it have to be mh. Also how long does it take to finish veg stage. They are in air conditioned room with fans also heat ain't the problem they just won't stretch. She is seven weeks already going on 8 . I have a6" online fan pulling air from the lights and putting it outside
I wait until they show there sex before i switch the light. You will either have two small hairs or a set of balls, thats all thats going to happen during the veg stage. As soon as you see this your veg stage is over. The reason i veg so long is i think it increases the flavor terpenenes. Plus the overall size and health of the plant. It does not have to be MH. I have only used HPS for both veg and flowering. and produced terrific results. MH just has a better light spectrum for veg. Im just to cheap to buy two different bulbs when one will do both.
Yes you can use HPS for Veg too. MH has a lot more blue and will give tighter internode spacing. HPS will usually give more spaced out internodes, more stretch. 250w HPS will make your plant bigger, in height, it will stretch. But you will have less bud sites on a branch that way so it may be bigger in size but not bigger in a good way.
Well she has her hairs already they came in last Sunday so is it safe to switch 12/12I even found two red hairs and the other set is White. How long do u let yours veg
Well she has her hairs already they came in last Sunday so is it safe to switch 12/12I even found two red hairs and the other set is White. How long do u let yours veg
After 4 weeks under a thousand watt MH I switched to a thousand watt HPS. After three more weeks under the HPS, they were about 25 inches tall. That is when I flipped to 12:/12.

Are your minimum canopy temperatures falling below 65 degrees? That will stunt your growth a little bit each day. If you're only nine inches tall I would say definitely keep vegging.
My problem is that my plant is very small . So I switched my ballast down to 250 watts hopefully that will work. I witches to flowering yesterday should I stay flowering or should I veg
Because plants needs N in veg for vigorous, robust growth.

MH lamp fuels faster growth.

Light to far away and under power will induce stretching.

Hps veg will cause minimal node spacing, which can be good or bad depending.

I veg under 600 mh and LED. 250 is not enough but will work. Also I have plants 12 inches under the glass of 1000w.

Smallish plant could be small root zone. Feed some P to get roots moving.

Good luck.

Ok I put them on 600 and put my two 75 watt grow light bulbs in there also I keep the house at 72 degrees with there window open so I would say there at 70-75 degrees I'm in Texas baby it don't drop past 75 at night.I have them in 2or3 gallon potswhatbdoes that "p" stand for ? Phosphorus?
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These macro-nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) or NPK for short. The higher the number, the more concentrated the nutrient is in the fertilizer. For example, numbers on fertilizer listed as 20-5-5 has four times more nitrogen in it than phosphorus and potassium.