is 5cfl lights rated at 23 watts and 5000k ok for 3 autoflowers durring veg?

id have a much higher watt bulb if anyone in my area carried them...this is as high of watt as i can i need more lights? or can i get away with this since autoflowers are in veg only a short period of time.....for flowering i think im set. i have 5, 50 watt cfl's at 2700k...thanks


Well-Known Member
As long as you space/place the CFL lights strategically, it might be enough to get them to start to veg, if you want them to really fill out though you are probably going to need more lighting. I did one bagseed with about nine or ten CFL''s, some 23 watts and some 40 watts for budding (2700k). I got around two ounces of some quality bud off of her and she was a bagseed beauty with a skunky odor and orange pistils. She was only around four feet high total with a single, large cola on top. She had some sideshoots with nice buds on them too. I hung the CFL's from the top and put some all around her on the sides. I had reflective material on the walls, and this was done in a closet, size was 4x3x6. I used a large, box fan for ventilation and my room/house stunk to holy hell without any smell control. So, answer is maybe, but I would fashion some type of hangable lighting system to maximize space. Later, and good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Honestly, there's no sense in even using the 23w (5000k) bulbs. The vegetative period is so short it would almost be a waste not to utilize the other 5 50w (2700k) bulbs, for the added lumens, as well as 85% of an autoflowers grow cycle is in fact flowering. The best would be to have both spectrums of light, ranging from 2700k-6500k, but is not necessary. With what you have immediately, i would use the 5 50w bulbs through the whole cycle, from start to finish. Or even use 3 50w bulbs and 2 23w bulbs until you see the first signs of flowering, or see the first pistil show. I've had amazing success with cfl autoflower grows. I'll have to dig through my camera and upload some of my previous grows for you. Hope this helped!