.::is 5000 lumens enough?::.

hey im about to start growing and i was screwing in one of my bulbs (i have 3) but 1 broke so now i have 2 they are 27w 2700k cfls i have a VERY small cabnit thats 16" in hight, 15" in depth and 9" in width the cfls give off 1750 lumens at least it says on the box and i have two making me have 1750+1750= 3500 lumens in total BUT i found a fish tank double light fixture i may install but i only have 13w 2700k cfls from around my house they are sappose to give off 800 lumens im pretty sure so i will have 1750+1750+800+800=5000 lumens is that good enough? the grow space as i said has only 9" of width but im going to try and get the 2 13w ones in the double light fixture on one side and the 2 26w cfls in single light fixtures next to each other the double light fixture is too big to make it go along the width from side to side so i have to make it go back to front i will design a CHEAP, BAD quility picture of my idea on paint right now it may take a while becuz i am eating:P please leave any comments or if u think this should/will work

P.S i am getting the lights so i DONT have to add more as i go on BUT i might only leave the 2 27w cfls on intil the seeds sprout or should i have them all on? its a 12/12 from seed also becuz of the hight and i WILL be doing a major lst job thanks for reading please post and help me :)


Well-Known Member
a if u got the money screw cfls go with a hps..my boy got a cfl grow and its puny compared to mine and i got a hps and would never go cfl i use cfls for side lighting..u dont yield much at all and in the end with just cfls and u loose money if u add nutrients and all that..i'd make it worth while and go with a hps


Well-Known Member
look at it like this lumens is pretty much one of the most important things in bud production..they say at least like 40,000 and u got 5,000 get a 600watt hps and u will have 90,000...more lumens=more bud


Well-Known Member
and just cuz a light says it has lumens doesnt mean its used to grow plants..just a lil heads up..u dont wanna burn ur plant by using the wrong lights
40,000?!?!?!!? i was told the sun gives u 10,000 and 5,000 is ideal for a 1sq ft grow cab? look at the pc grows thats how big my cab is a hps i cant use becuz i need it in this cab for stealth and if 5,00 is ideal for a 1 sq foot cab (mine is only a bit more in hight and depth which means it should work and second i already have the blubs and third if i can hardly fit cfls in the cabnit i doubt a hps would be good since i dont even have a fan or exhuast and if its 16 inchs in hight a hps is WAYYY out of the question