is 1800ppm high enuff?


Active Member
I just bought a "Bluelab Truncheon nutrient meter for 135.00. When I got home I noticed 4 scales on the side of the meter--> 1. ppm X700(140-2520). 2. ppm X500(100-1800). 3. CF(2-36) 4. EC(0.2-3.6).

I don't understand what the CF scale is for. From what I read, we are suppose to use the "ppm X500" (100-1800). My friends tell me I need to mix my nutes at 2200 ppm, and that my meter only goes up to 1800ppm. Do I need to get a larger scaled nutrient meter?.. or should I be using the ppmX700(140-2520). The guy at the hydo store told me to use the "CF" side of the nutrient meter........CONFUSED:roll:

So, back to my 1800 ppm high enuff (flowering)to mix my nutrients at? or should I return this nutient meter for a better one.


Active Member
hello my name joebejoe..
just read the 700 side and you will be ok..
I checked all water supplys that I could to fimularize myself with the stick..
Tested well water, tap, distiled, spring waters..
all came up with different readings..
Hope this helps..


Active Member
Im flowering out my first nlxh was gonna be my mother but was autoflowering.
Did you figure out your ppm meter.?
Question for anybody. Im using Ionic full strength 4 tsp/gal.
Fresh mix was 400 ppm , next day checked was 500-600ppm today it reads 700ppm, she's drinking water, looks good but how high ppm should I let this get before either adding more water to the mix, change the mix??
Thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
EC (Electrical Conductivity) and CF (Conductivity Factor) are actual figures which can be measured in your solution. They are the same reading, CF is just EC x 10.
PPM is a calculation of EC x a factor which the meter companies haven't decided to become universal on yet. Some use 500, some use 640, some use 700.
The 500 scale means that 1.0 EC is 500 ppm, the 700 scale is the same deal, 1.0 EC is 700ppm. If you measure 500 ppm on the 1st scale you have the exact same nutrient strength as if you had 700ppm on the second. I imagine having all the scales provided is to help if you had your routine down using a meter of another brand, you just go by that scale on the Truncheon meter.

2200ppm is very high regardless of which scale you're using and will very likely burn your plants. I'd do some more research into this based on what methods you're using, how far along the plant is etc.


Active Member
Used the X700 and put MAX of 1200ppm
Or a used the EC and never pass over 2.0,

(you can goes higer but it's dangerous to burn the roots)