is 15w bulb too small ???


Active Member
Hello GUYS!? ,,,after u pepl told me to bring the lights closer to my plant ,,, i setup a bulb (until then ,,it was just sunlight),,,so anyway,,,dis is a temp. setting ,,,so plz tellme if the bulb will do the job for a month or so ....,,,..And also ,,,i wanted 2 noe if the seedlings(small germinations) will grow faster if i give 'em 24 hr lights??
THANX PEPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



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Hello GUYS!? ,,,after u pepl told me to bring the lights closer to my plant ,,, i setup a bulb (until then ,,it was just sunlight),,,so anyway,,,dis is a temp. setting ,,,so plz tellme if the bulb will do the job for a month or so ....,,,..And also ,,,i wanted 2 noe if the seedlings(small germinations) will grow faster if i give 'em 24 hr lights??
THANX PEPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


how old r u ?
that is an incandescent bulb, not good for growing with. a 15w one will be doing pretty much nothing for the plant.
get a 6400k(blueish light) 30 watt CFL(compact fluoro) for now (this will work good for seedlings too) and think about what youre going to do when you start to flower it.
you could start flowering it now if you wanted but youll need to get some 2700k(reddish light) 30w+ CFLs , 3 of them should the job. or look at using a small HPS(high pressure sodium) light.
do some more reading to get a better understanding of what you are going to be doing and why you need to do it.
Your better off leaving it outside. Get rid of that bulb. I think hes/shes over 18.
"Second year pre-university mathematics"
Or he/she stole a math book. HAHAHHA
Hello GUYS!? ,,,after u pepl told me to bring the lights closer to my plant ,,, i setup a bulb (until then ,,it was just sunlight),,,so anyway,,,dis is a temp. setting ,,,so plz tellme if the bulb will do the job for a month or so ....,,,..And also ,,,i wanted 2 noe if the seedlings(small germinations) will grow faster if i give 'em 24 hr lights??
THANX PEPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


You know you have to be 16 or over to use this site, how old are you?

Are you sure your 17?

lol,,,u pepl shud giv a break of smokin da weed man ,,,, Ya'l sound lik stoners ,,lol,,,,giv a break guys,,,itl b good 4 u ....neway ,,,paddy510 ,,,,,thx for da info dude ,,,,pepl lik u keep da site alive ,,,THANX DUDE!(ONLY PADDY)............
lol,,,u pepl shud giv a break of smokin da weed man ,,,, Ya'l sound lik stoners ,,lol,,,,giv a break guys,,,itl b good 4 u ....neway ,,,paddy510 ,,,,,thx for da info dude ,,,,pepl lik u keep da site alive ,,,THANX DUDE!(ONLY PADDY)............

I hate to tell you this, but this site is English speaking. If you can't be bothered to type whole words, don't type, I find it really annoying.
I hate to tell you this, but this site is English speaking. If you can't be bothered to type whole words, don't type, I find it really annoying.

Its probably best to just go ahead and comply with this. For two reasons I can think of off the top of my head. 1, Some people, like me, aren't bothered by it. But there are those, like my friend NGT here, that effin hates it. So... by doing this you would be being courteous to others. Some people also have the mind-set "Well if this guy can't take the time to ask questions in a decent manner, then I aint gonna take the time to answer them in a decent manner." If you're serious about MJ growing, this is the place for u, and welcome. But we do have a line of edicate here that everyone is expected to follow.

Second, you'll just make it that much easier for cool people to understand ur questions and actually take the time to answer them. When u need a fast response in a sticky situation, these guys got u. But you gotta keep urself straight with'm.
Don't ever go with straight 24 hr lighting, it'll greatly increase the percentage of males over females. And we don't like males.
hey,,,,( purple ganja) ,,your the man dude :) ,,cool ,,,i will try and make the threads as simple as possible ,but if you guys find any mistakes ,please be cool with it as i cant write english like u guys (us n uk) ,,,so ,,,THIS IS A GREAT SITE MAN! ITS THE MOST ACTIVE ,AND MOST INFORMATIVE !!! GREAT WORK !!!! :))
ya grow that light will basically do nothin but end up killin ur plant cuz it'll be getting no light...i say throw it back out in the cant buy better lighting then that
depends where u live at...but if u are gunna move it inside then u need to go get some good lights....either like a 400w hps or make a good cfl set up urself...
id say you need at LEAST 6 40 watt cfls to grow properly. and ive used 2700k cool whites throughtout the whole grow and nothings wrong.
if u wnt 2 tlk lyk dis i wil 2 lol
tek da plant from unda dat lite it wil make da plant strech nd den da stem b to flopi to old up n e buds if it make it dat far.
Put it unda a 20+ wat cfl 4 18 hours nd den in da dark 4 da rest
u need a fan 2 ovawise it myt get hot nd da air need 2 move
round da room

if u av n e qwestins dnt hezit8 to ask!
if u wnt 2 tlk lyk dis i wil 2 lol
tek da plant from unda dat lite it wil make da plant strech nd den da stem b to flopi to old up n e buds if it make it dat far.
Put it unda a 20+ wat cfl 4 18 hours nd den in da dark 4 da rest
u need a fan 2 ovawise it myt get hot nd da air need 2 move
round da room

if u av n e qwestins dnt hezit8 to ask!

LOL :rolleyes: now that is funny!!