Is 10,000 lumens in a t5 lighting system enough light?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and i have been having a problem with slow growth i am to the point now of being pretty sure my problem is i dont have enough light and i really do not have enough blue spectrum light. So i was thinking of going to a 10,000 lumen 110 watt t5 light with all 6400k light and want to know if that will be enough light for the veg. Cycle and do i need some red spectrum light in there right now. I only have 2 plants and they are 1 month old now and not growing as fast as they should right now they are under a 90 watt led light that has to much red and not enough blue light and i think is not enough light to start with. I put them in a tent 3 days ago and they are doing better in the tent but i think they still need more light. So everyone let me know what you think i need the help again. Thanks to you all.

full of purple

Well-Known Member
Thats a great light for veg for flowering i would get a 150w hps for 2 plants if money is not an issue 400whps would
be better


Well-Known Member
Yeah agreed a HID light would make a good mixture with ur LED lights, and you can actually grow MJ a full cycle regardless of the spectrum ur light uses its just that like u said blue/green=veg, red/yellow=flowering. Also contrary to what most growers think its really not all about lumens, there r many other factors, if $ is an issue u can always go with some 125w or 200w cfl they have smaller 1z too


Well-Known Member
Money is a big issue right now so i was trying to get the most light for the least amount i can. They are in a small tent 4' x 2' 5' so i wondered if that 10,000 lumens at 110 watts was enough. I hope it will work i am running out of options.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics. Makes me feel better about changing the lighting. I need to do something if not i am going to be in veg. Cycle for the next 4 months at the rate things are going. I think i'm sold and going to the 110 watt t5. Thanks and good luck on your grow.


Well-Known Member
U don't need to change ur lights I'd keep using ur LED lights only add some cfls. here is a link this will just give u an idea of the price of the cfls and I think they have T5 lights on there, but with cfl bulbs u dont have to get a different fixture, I have seen ppl get adapters for a reg clip light and put like 4 clf bulbs on 1 clip light it was pretty kool. Anyways there r the smaller cfls u can get pretty much anywhere like 20w and 26w then larger like 85w, 105w, 125w and so on. Lol forgot to put the link huh


Well-Known Member
Money is a big issue right now so i was trying to get the most light for the least amount i can. They are in a small tent 4' x 2' 5' so i wondered if that 10,000 lumens at 110 watts was enough. I hope it will work i am running out of options.
It's GREAT!!!!!

I have 2 of them (PL-55, yes?) and IMO they are better than HID for vegging. Blew my 400w MH right out of the water. It's in my flower tent now.

Be sure and get extra bulbs when you order.



Well-Known Member
Back with an update yes i did get the pl-55 from htg supply and it is working great these 2 plants are growing like they should be now and looking really good. Thank you to everyone for all your help i needed it.