Ironic end to a first grow

Hey guys, first post on RIU, but I've been watching the forums for several months (how many times have you heard that). I've gained practically all my growing knowledge from this site, so I thought I'd give back by sharing my recent experience. I spent months meticulously planning my micro-cab grow, and had the perfect window of time to accomplish it and enjoy the process. After much research, I decided to grow hempy style, with a drainage tray below the plants, cfl for lights, and orion fans for active intake and exhaust -- intake drawing cool air from outside, exhaust filtered through small diy carbon filter blowing into my room.

My first and really only mistake after all this planning was to use bag seed, which I thought was a great idea for a first grow. Started with 5 seeds, after germination, two plants grew strong during seedling phase, so I kept them. I grew these two plants like they were my children, used fox farm hydro nutes and brita water ph'd to ~6.1, and all was great for the first four weeks -- only issue growing was some light burn on the leaf tips from a few hot days while I wasn't around to raise the lights. Most days were around 78 degrees, nights around 55 degrees (sometimes getting into the 40's until I changed my intake setup, then nights stayed around mid 60's). No signs of deficiencies.

I was feeling really proud to make it to the flowering stage, about 10 days ago I switched to 12/12. To my shock, I Immediately began seeing the preflower pods. I gave the plants the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe those pods will bloom into beautiful white pistols! What a dream... Well, needless to say this did not happen. After about a week of seeing these single pods turn into bunches of pods, I knew I was in denial and my plants were both male. I pitched one of them without hesitation, but the other had beautiful indica pheno's and I just couldn't bring myself to chop it down. The ten days I mentioned passed, and here I am with an ironic twist. Not only is this plant male, but it released some of its pollen the other day -- and man, I am highly allergic! HAHA -- Adding insult to injury, I am now wheezing and congested while writing this post, and left buddless after all this damn effort!

I can't say I didn't enjoy the progress, patience, and discipline of growing, but I have to admit I saw all my time and money invested flush down the toilet (literally). A tip of the hat goes out to all of you who endure the intricacies of growing, and are still able to enjoy it, and share your knowledge. Peace roll-it-up, and all the folks who took the time to read!

i always just pop 3x more than i could even handle at first when using bag seed. never again, although i selfed a few with an "LA" and have one going beside some dinachem and keeping up really well. i'm surprised by this. when growing that small it's impossible not to force them to sex, since they don't get to mature enough and still remain micro sized. i do SoG in those situations and as i stated a second ago, i use WAY more than i could handle at the end of flower. had room for 12, started 30. ended up with 14 lol. but tucking and pruning saw me through the end. hope you don't give up after one failed grow. but if you are allergic to the pollen i'd have to implore you to either attend to them every single day to assure pollen never escapes the sack, or just go with femmed seeds. i got mine through attitude and they are stellar! can't wait until you get a chance to do it again and win this next time. i'll be sure to look for it.


Well-Known Member
I say if you raised healthy males you at least succeeded in that. That is far more than some of the folks who post on here can accomplish. Use what you learned and buy a few feminized seeds and enjoy the experience more next time. Good luck.
I am so very sorry, Bootlegger. I can definitely relate to the feeling because this happened to me with my very first attempt at growing. All I had at the time was bagseeds, and while all 3 turned out male, the experience of vegging them and growing them taught me a lot. They were beautiful plants, would have made great moms, but eh, sometimes the best thing a person can do is go back to the drawing board.

But let me tell you this, amigo.. Do NOT waste your time playing around with bagseeds until you are far more advanced and plan to make your own crossbreeds, if even then. Buy some good quality feminized seeds. It will change EVERYTHING. I have heard nothing but amazing things about Bomb Seeds, Bodhi, Delicious, DNA/Reserva Privada, Female Seeds, Mandala, Samsara, and Sagarmatha. I would recommend sticking with Photoperiod for now, as I discovered the hard way that Autoflowers are just not stable enough to produce the kind of results a Photoperiod plant can with the right conditions.

Feminized seeds may be more expensive then others, but you can still get them dirt cheap. I've seen feminized seeds with nothing but glowing smoke and grow reports selling as low as 9-10 dollars a seed, so even if you are afflicted with Chronic Brokeass Syndrome as I am, they are still affordable.

Good luck.


Active Member
Yeh wish more ppl would research before doing, messing up, then asking how can i fix this.
You still raised a heathly plant and without doubt you will be a good gardener. Stick with the feminised seeds...

Good luck man. You really didnt deserve this fate.
Hey thanks a lot for the input guys, I appreciate the support! I think I'll try again with feminized seeds in the future, maybe this summer. It really was a fun experience watching the plants flourish. Peace fella's.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, choken back tears, seriously...
That was the saddest story I have ever read....
And now learn, from it, and know you can grow a plant to bloom....


Well-Known Member
I say if you raised healthy males you at least succeeded in that. That is far more than some of the folks who post on here can accomplish. Use what you learned and buy a few feminized seeds and enjoy the experience more next time. Good luck.
I was going to say this too. Give yourself a pat on the back for making it to flowers.
...yes, male flowers, but consider for a moment that your entire grow system is up,
running, and proven. You will rock when you start right. Femmed seeds are indeed
very cool. I used two of these for mothers of crop #2 but am having to deal with
regular seeds for crop #3. (It is cool...I want to crack this "pre-flowers" thing ;0)

Rock on.

Thanks Javadog, best of luck with your grow, may the gods give you females! Gsp#1, from my research if both plants grew to be females, I calculated around 1-2oz for the whole grow. I didn't provide details as to how old the plants were, keep in mind. I was expecting to flower for another 70 days or so. Regardless, I would've been fine with an 1/8, knowing it was grown by me with my hard work! Peace guys