Iron deficeincy cure ?????


Active Member
I have an iron deficiency. And my PH is also low. I'm sure its an iron deficiency I've researched it for 4 dyas.

Has anyone ever used Ironite? Does it work? Any other cure for iron deficiency?
I'd start with the pH...

But *if* you decide to use something to "treat' this (a good micronutrient package would be advantageous to have on hand) go for a foliar appllication and give it a few days to see if anything happens before dosing yer soil...

especially if you *already* know you have a pH problem. The last thing you need/want to do is add more stuff in the soil that cannot be absorbed because the pH is so far outta whack. Once you do correct the Ph...all of the stuff in the soil will become available and it may WHAP yer plant badly..

adj the pH first and see what happens..then look for a secondary cause if that doesn't clear things up.

bt dt
I have a bottle of ironite-it is 7-6-6 with some chelated iron. I used it during veg very sparingly.Iron def. are very rare.If you actually have a def. you can use ironite at 1/3 or 1/2 strength to fix your problem. Most likely your PH being off is locking out this and/or other nutrients. Fix your PH first and see how it goes. If you fertilize trying to fix the problem and then adjust your PH you will prob. burn/kill your plants when the nutrients finally do become available the nute levels will be so high. I would say fix your Ph, then post some pics here and see what a more likely def. might might be.

Good luck!
Jorges' book recommends lowering soil pH to 6.5 or less and avoiding fertilizers that contain excessive manganese and zinc. Improve drainage and increase rootzone temperature. Apply liquid chelated. Apply a complete balanced hydroponic formula. Organic sources include well-rotted cow, horse and chicken manure. Never had this problem before.
I know from personal grows that a few rusty nails thrown on top of the soil, and left for a few weeks or longer can help with iron deficeincy :D