Irish Boys Return Of The Inferno With The Spectra 180's

i wish i had some man, like i said before i recently changed partners old partner wouldnt let me take pics dont remember if you remember from when i tried to start my journal on my blackstar when i first picked it up. Now i only have 1 kessil instead of the 4 i used to have because 3 were his, odd you havent seen any results with kessils, bushy old man was using them viagro was using them as well with excellent results, kessils footprint is small but when you do the math on 90 watts over a 2x3 table with a half pound result you just can't argue with that only thing ive seen close to that is what your using currntly. Kessils footprint area is fixed by light movers if you do some more research on their company you will find that they push moving light almost as hard as they sell their led's i believe moving light is better, lets me get the light closer to my plants without burning, also enables me to run different color kessils, and place them in different areas on the spinner and have a custom spectrum running instead of magenta or purple you know. Kessils are worth it, if at the very least for the power savings, oh and fyi the h350's that just came out are 3.5 times stronger than a single h150 and can be had for less than one of the 180 spectra's and i know 3 kessils will outperform 1 180 not 2 of em but definately 1

h350's can be had now locally in cali for 360 bucks out the door. Just info, im still very interested in these panels again now that they've come farther along, i kinda wish i had grabbed one instead of the blackstar but at the time couldnt afford it.
dried and its more about like 1.5 grams a watt a lil over. but yes 3 of them will do that one just isnt powerful enough on its own to really get good results flowering unless your gonna scrog and do all kinds of madness. Kessil is designed to be run with multiple units one will not do much of anyting for u.

Also want to make clear i did not come in here to bash on these led's irish is using or say kessil is better for all i know it may not be, i only know what i have done with them. I know i dont have pics, you can say pics or it didnt happen if you want, it wont hurt my feelings because i know i did it. Im only here to speak on facts and look at this lovely LED grow that irish has going on. Regardless of manufacturer its nice to see good led bud and people trying to use them because they really are the future and you really can produce HPS size yields from them. Go led powered buds =)

to kaptain kron. are you stating that your 3 h150 kessils pulled a half a pound dried and manicured ? that would equate to aproximately 2 grams per watt. even experts have a hard time pulling those numbers. I bought a h150 to play around with it. I was quite amazed at how well it kept a large mom thriving for only 37 watts but when I tried it in flower on a small plant I had it seemed to lack the intensity needed to flower...
ya i am more of a pic and journal type of guy.. i dont see how you can say you know the kessil will out do the spectra when you havent used them? i dont think its right to make claims like that until a side x side is done, every grower is different and a true side x side will show the truth.
ive seen/talked to a few growers that used the kessil and they did not like them and switched to the spectra and said they were more happy. think a few growers were on THC farmer? not sure i dont keep track but i rember dude wanted me to look at his plants. ill post a link if i find the journal some time

i like how the kessil are light weight, but ive yet to see pics of results to make me think their not over priced. i am just more of a documented type of person. nothing personal, thats just me
if my plant was overwatered will it come back and would it take 2 days after feeding to look like this?it look great yesterday.
how often do u feed your plants?
i can say that purely based on what i've seen you produce in this thread man, 3 kessils is stronger than 1 180 its a fact an undeniable one, i dont have to do a side by side to know that i used my black star which is BARELY less power than your 180 and it got made to look like an absolute kiddy toy compared to 3 kessils, It would be like say comparing my blackstar as a 250watt hps and the 3 kessils as a 600w hps, it just beats it out you cant argue that and i know your panels are better than the blackstars but they cannot be so far above and beyond better with only 60 watts more draw from that style of panel. I've also compared a 300w blackstar which pulls i think somehting like 20 watts less than your 180 with the 3 kessils and it came closer but still not the density and yeild of the 3 kessils. For comparison i pulled down 3.5 zips of smaller gram to 2 gram sized nug off of a 2x2 ebb and flow under a single kessil h150 the blackstar most i pulled under it alone singly was 6.5 dry

I understand needing documention, it upsets me i cant document the grows with them how i want because i feel like a lawyer in a court room with no papers and shit, i know the results i produced i just can't prove it with pics cuz i have an asshole for a partner -_- I can almost guarantee you too that the people that switched did not use as many units as i did over the size area i did, if i had only had 1 kessil i would never have bought another one. You just cant grow the same with them its about modularity and using light movers to get the best results. anyways enough of this debate i wanna see some nug porn

ya i am more of a pic and journal type of guy.. i dont see how you can say you know the kessil will out do the spectra when you havent used them? i dont think its right to make claims like that until a side x side is done, every grower is different and a true side x side will show the truth.
ive seen/talked to a few growers that used the kessil and they did not like them and switched to the spectra and said they were more happy. think a few growers were on THC farmer? not sure i dont keep track but i rember dude wanted me to look at his plants. ill post a link if i find the journal some time

i like how the kessil are light weight, but ive yet to see pics of results to make me think their not over priced. i am just more of a documented type of person. nothing personal, thats just me
Grumpy Old Deamer grows with kessils. he has some great buds grown with one of them. he uses one for veg and one for bud. he grows one scrog'd plant and gets great yield. he built his entire setup around the lights. he is on RM3's forum quite often.
this grow hasnt even flowered so i dont know how you can say that? also leds dont have anything to do with the power they use its all about the spetrums used, or every 180w would be the same. ive seen 1x180w spectra pull a 1/4lb from 1 plant, so do worse some do better.

you want to see nug porn of my older grows? i dont have any with the new lights because i havent flowered yet, but i have tons of my older ones.

so you say the spectras with 60w more then the BS cant be all that much better but yet the kessil with allot less watts can be?lol. your looking at things all wrong my friends watts is the small part when dealing with leds, its about how their built and what NM are used.

either way i am glad they worked for you. if you decide to do a journal feel free to post the link here on my thread. or can you post a link to a grow with the kessil that are having great yeilds? like ive said ive yet to see one and would love to. feel free to post any links you want of completed grows with the kessil i also like seeing other leds grows.

this is my 1st time using the 180's also so i dont see how you seen the proof in my thread?

bottom line is ive yet to see proof and comparing the BS to the spectras to judge the kessil is not accurate at all. also every grower is different and you have to take that into consideration.
thank you for correcting me thats right, grumpy was the one who turned me onto grafting and really got my interest pumpin on kessils, they really perform EXCELLENT under scrog, and GOD does have an excellent setup and gets great yeilds. thanks for contributing that. Im trying now that most people agree LED's work to sort thru the ones that work and the ones that dont. We know irish boys work they been kickin ass for a year or two now if i remember correctly, also know kessil and BS work but BS not ideal for yeild. I just want to get rid of the bullshit companies so we can stop hearing about how LED's dont work and we can start hearing about what matters, who produces the best light for price and quality and yeild.
if my plant was overwatered will it come back and would it take 2 days after feeding to look like this?it look great yesterday.
how often do u feed your plants?
they should bouch back as long as you didnt cause root rot from lack of O2? are they pretty wet? ur not gonna like my answer because its not help but i just water mine when they need it no set time. the key is to learn how heavy ur pots are when their dry and pick up each pot to know when to water, if their heavy but u put ur fingure in them and the top is dry then the bottom is still wet and leave them alone. always pick up the pots to know when they need water.
Grumpy Old Deamer grows with kessils. he has some great buds grown with one of them. he uses one for veg and one for bud. he grows one scrog'd plant and gets great yield. he built his entire setup around the lights. he is on RM3's forum quite often.

you have a link bro? i would love to check that out.
kessil is different technologie you cannot compare the two watt for watt like that, ive seen lots of 180 grows with these style panels they dont beat out three kessils, can we talk about something that matters.

Sorry i mispoke must not have been your grow using the 180s s1 i used to follow on here used them with excellent results. Still not as impressive as 3 kessils.

this grow hasnt even flowered so i dont know how you can say that? also leds dont have anything to do with the power they use its all about the spetrums used, or every 180w would be the same. ive seen 1x180w spectra pull a 1/4lb from 1 plant, so do worse some do better.

you want to see nug porn of my older grows? i dont have any with the new lights because i havent flowered yet, but i have tons of my older ones.

so you say the spectras with 60w more then the BS cant be all that much better but yet the kessil with allot less watts can be?lol. your looking at things all wrong my friends watts is the small part when dealing with leds, its about how their built and what NM are used.

either way i am glad they worked for you. if you decide to do a journal feel free to post the link here on my thread. or can you post a link to a grow with the kessil that are having great yeilds? like ive said ive yet to see one and would love to. feel free to post any links you want of completed grows with the kessil i also like seeing other leds grows.

this is my 1st time using the 180's also so i dont see how you seen the proof in my thread?

bottom line is ive yet to see proof and comparing the BS to the spectras to judge the kessil is not accurate at all. also every grower is different and you have to take that into consideration.
thank you for correcting me thats right, grumpy was the one who turned me onto grafting and really got my interest pumpin on kessils, they really perform EXCELLENT under scrog, and GOD does have an excellent setup and gets great yeilds. thanks for contributing that. Im trying now that most people agree LED's work to sort thru the ones that work and the ones that dont. We know irish boys work they been kickin ass for a year or two now if i remember correctly, also know kessil and BS work but BS not ideal for yeild. I just want to get rid of the bullshit companies so we can stop hearing about how LED's dont work and we can start hearing about what matters, who produces the best light for price and quality and yeild.

ia agree bro 90% something percent out their are BS and thats why i know go by grow journals and pics of trusted growers because ive seen it all in my time. its nothing personal just the things ive seen and the stuff ive tested in the past with other led company's dose not make me trust the led market that much. this is why i like to read completed journals that are detailed..
unfortunately its not if i decide to do a journal its not my choice, not my house you know. If it was you would be seeing everything. Im not scared i got a med card and a lawyer and i follow the laws so let em come after me, why he wont let me post a journal i dont know hes alil bitch about that stuff sometimes. LEDs spectrum and penetration, that conects directly to power using the style leds your using, your not using a special chip set like the kessils its different technology you cannot compare the two the way you did, just can't you can't say that cause a kessil uses less power than a 180 it cant do it, its totally differnt tech than what your running. They really shouldnt even be called LED's honestly because they arent if you really must know a kessils tech is closer to a laser than an LED.

this grow hasnt even flowered so i dont know how you can say that? also leds dont have anything to do with the power they use its all about the spetrums used, or every 180w would be the same. ive seen 1x180w spectra pull a 1/4lb from 1 plant, so do worse some do better.

you want to see nug porn of my older grows? i dont have any with the new lights because i havent flowered yet, but i have tons of my older ones.

so you say the spectras with 60w more then the BS cant be all that much better but yet the kessil with allot less watts can be?lol. your looking at things all wrong my friends watts is the small part when dealing with leds, its about how their built and what NM are used.

either way i am glad they worked for you. if you decide to do a journal feel free to post the link here on my thread. or can you post a link to a grow with the kessil that are having great yeilds? like ive said ive yet to see one and would love to. feel free to post any links you want of completed grows with the kessil i also like seeing other leds grows.

this is my 1st time using the 180's also so i dont see how you seen the proof in my thread?

bottom line is ive yet to see proof and comparing the BS to the spectras to judge the kessil is not accurate at all. also every grower is different and you have to take that into consideration.
really really true man i could care less what brand i use you can call it what you want as long as it works and gets me at least 1.5 gpw im happy. Right now kessils doing it for my and for my style grow its gonna work better than a panel with the way my room is designed i have friends i wouldnt reccomend the kessil too becase of how their room was built its not set up right really for it, for them i've been sayin look here or blackstar, i wonder who else is makin decent shit now days.

ia agree bro 90% something percent out their are BS and thats why i know go by grow journals and pics of trusted growers because ive seen it all in my time. its nothing personal just the things ive seen and the stuff ive tested in the past with other led company's dose not make me trust the led market that much. this is why i like to read completed journals that are detailed..
ya it feels pretty wet but its my biggest plant ,would think it would drink the most,temps got down to 63 in there the last 2 nights also
kessil is different technologie you cannot compare the two watt for watt like that, ive seen lots of 180 grows with these style panels they dont beat out three kessils, can we talk about something that matters.

Sorry i mispoke must not have been your grow using the 180s s1 i used to follow on here used them with excellent results. Still not as impressive as 3 kessils.

ill be honest until i see proof i dont really care anymore because its not getting anywhere. everyone has their own opinions. please post some links of the kessil grows so we can see. ive seen enough leds grows and until i see proof i and not going to respect them. thats just me. ive seen one plant hit 1/4lbs from the older model spectras and that was impressive to me.
really really true man i could care less what brand i use you can call it what you want as long as it works and gets me at least 1.5 gpw im happy. Right now kessils doing it for my and for my style grow its gonna work better than a panel with the way my room is designed i have friends i wouldnt reccomend the kessil too becase of how their room was built its not set up right really for it, for them i've been sayin look here or blackstar, i wonder who else is makin decent shit now days.
yup to each their own as long as it works for that person who cares. i am not saying the lights didnt work well for you i am just saying ive yet to see stuff that makes me think their better then the lights i use. but thats me and dosent really matter. its hard to say look at this dudes grow compared to this one because at the end somones feelings are gonna get hurt and i rather not go that route and ever diss a growers grow. i rather leave the subject alone because i dont care that

the said thing is not too many lights work that good that are out and all that dose is hurt the led teach name and make people think others wise.. this is why i tell everyone to do their homework.
ya it feels pretty wet but its my biggest plant ,would think it would drink the most,temps got down to 63 in there the last 2 nights also
bro thats pretty low temps!! that can shock ur girl! always water less when its colder, no matter how big ur girl is! cant go off of the size of ur plant all the time you have to learn what the medium can hold before its over watered. the more water the less O2 to ur toots and roots love air and need it! i am telling you its not the lights its something els, this is how i was able to call the over watering because ive done the same thing in the past. just takes time.. out plants like to be watred less and more often.
you bet man, He is an awesome guy. and his thread is very well organized with lots of photos and descriptions!! he is very friendly and supportive!!,1273.0/topicseen.html

thanks bro ill check it out.
can you post some pics of his grils flowering? i have to join and i dont feel like joining another fourm at this time? can u post some pics of the most recent flower update for us please stoneyluv or Kaptain Kron