Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))


OK. Never felt the need to sub in to a thread before. Now if I can figure out how..........
Anyway very excited about your grows. Wish I had known more before I jumped in.
I use a cheap 120wt. Quad LED for my veg but it's to weak for bud. I now use a 400Wt. HPS and was going to go to 600Wt. (have to stay on the DL, neighbor doesn't like me and I return the favor) but now ya got me thinking.
Anyway love the grow can't wait for more.
Tell me how to do reps and you have that!:dunce:


Active Member
WHY ON EARTH IS IT SO EXPENSIVE FOR A BUNCH OF TINY LIGHT BULBS. Someone is making some money but I don't think I want to contribute. How long are these lights that must be made by bently expected to last? Only if you say forever would it be worth the price. To me it sounds like you "irish boy" get a ton of free lights and grow some dank and think all is well but for the people who have to spend 1500 for one light are a bit more skeptical.


Active Member
WHY ON EARTH IS IT SO EXPENSIVE FOR A BUNCH OF TINY LIGHT BULBS. Someone is making some money but I don't think I want to contribute. How long are these lights that must be made by bently expected to last? Only if you say forever would it be worth the price. To me it sounds like you "irish boy" get a ton of free lights and grow some dank and think all is well but for the people who have to spend 1500 for one light are a bit more skeptical.
New technology will always be expensive wait for a new grow light to come out and then you will see the existing LED light prices go down a bunch same logic applies for everything new.
GLH uses Toshiba LED TV power supplies in theirs... that can't be cheap.

Out of Anxiousness as well as a little skeptisism I went ahead and ordered only 1 of the 290's for now. I want to see really how bright these things are and I think my friend has a lux/par meter. Plus I wouldn't have been able to buy the 2nd one until next thursday anyways so this will give me a day or 2 to really see if this shit is legit. Talked to Mike directly, new ones are on the way should be there tomorrow - latest monday, he said they are flying off the shelf... shit just 2-3 days ago when I emailed him there were 35 in stock and now he's out.

I think I'll probably end up going with the 1kw the 2 LEDS then a 600 on the other side - in that order - along the 10-11ft length and hopefully have enough coverage to capture 5-6 ft of floor space with plants within that area.


Well-Known Member
So i am stumped
I have 3 options here.
Spectra 500 - $1400
Quantum 600 - $1349
Apache AT120RB - $999

Apache claims and kinda proves they have the most u/mols per watt. At 120watts it compairs to the Quantum 600 which is 550w true draw
Apache also claims 120lumens per watt... I cannot make my mind up.
Its either 1 spectra 500 and 1 quantum 600 for now
total cost $2749
4 Apache AT120RB
total cost $4000

I will be buying all three models by 2012 but my first choice for 2011 i do not know who to pick :/
Apache has Nasa using there lights ( dunno how true this is )
And other sources on youtube
Most of these sources i noticed did not know how to grow asides from nasa... all there plants were hideous!

Choices are difficult haha


Well-Known Member
So i am stumped
I have 3 options here.
Spectra 500 - $1400
Quantum 600 - $1349
Apache AT120RB - $999

Apache claims and kinda proves they have the most u/mols per watt. At 120watts it compairs to the Quantum 600 which is 550w true draw
Apache also claims 120lumens per watt... I cannot make my mind up.
Its either 1 spectra 500 and 1 quantum 600 for now
total cost $2749
4 Apache AT120RB
total cost $4000

I will be buying all three models by 2012 but my first choice for 2011 i do not know who to pick :/
Apache has Nasa using there lights ( dunno how true this is )
And other sources on youtube
Most of these sources i noticed did not know how to grow asides from nasa... all there plants were hideous!

Choices are difficult haha
I've never seen a cannabis grow journal of apache lights, nor have I seen them from quantum. But I know I've read at least 8 between Irish, SettingSun, and some other people over at 420mag and here with GLH. If you plan to get at least one from each company, I'd go with GLH first because its the safest bet (you know it will work pretty good, but you don't know if it will be better/worse than the others)

Here are some pics of my 2011 395w GLH Irish cause you asked to see them occasionally (and this page seems a fitting spot)



Well-Known Member
Irish, I really enjoy following your thread. you really have your shit together with your grows!! I have a question about the GLH. I have been using a 180 for a little over a month now. I hve been using LED/CFL for over a year but just got the GLH 180 a month ago. I notice how far away you and jdizzle have your panels from the canopy. I unfortunately do not have the head room at the moment to keep the light that far away.

on my old panel the tops of the buds would get bleached from having it to close, The GLH seems to only bleach the leaves and not my buds. and some are quite close. so my big question is:

Do you and the other LED users here think that bleaching a small leaf or two is really gonna cause any damage? the buds are growing fine and look good to. I'd post a pic but the light doesn't come on for another few hours... I'm really not worried about it.... do you think i should be?

Looking forward to your next photo update!!!
2011 395w ?? must have been early 2011? I only see their new 2011 models as a 180, 290, 500.

I ordered my first one yesterday and when I was talking to Mike about the different in the new gen and old, I asked if the 290w was brighter than the old 300w? He said absolutley, much brighter - so I'm VERY stoked about that to say the least. I believe I saw one of Irish's journals where he did a 2 -300w grow and got 13.6oz? So maybe I can push a lb+ with these 2, next to HPS bleedover.

Stoneyluv, hey man I haven't seen irish in a week so figured I might tackle part of your question because I saw something on this actually.

I've even seen these bleached tips on one dudes LED Grow on youtube, I forget which one but I'll try and find it.

You'll be good dude, just use the tops that get bleached out the most to make some bubble, or some BHO.



Well-Known Member
Stoneyluv, hey man I haven't seen irish in a week so figured I might tackle part of your question because I saw something on this actually.

I've even seen these bleached tips on one dudes LED Grow on youtube, I forget which one but I'll try and find it.

You'll be good dude, just use the tops that get bleached out the most to make some bubble, or some BHO.

Thank man, i appreciate it!!! I can't see the links but I get what you are saying. The buds aren't bleaching at all yet... just a leaf or two... weird because the bud is closer than the leaves. here are a couple photos from a few days ago... thanks again!

that sucks, they stripped the links. I just stole the picture links from here

check it out. pretty tight. I'll try to find the one on youtube... even if you do bleach some of the tops because you're forced to, you'll be ok - not sure how well that would smoke as bud, but looks like it would be GREAT for a little trich Raping.

If you're really worried on it on some strains that take longer to finish, you might want to start training and bending that plant over. You can totally move a plant 45 degrees (over a few days) with enough coaxing.


Well-Known Member
I just unboxed my pair of 180's and plugged them in. They look tight as hell. They have some weight to them too, more than I expected from the guts. Hoping to get them going in the next week or two and will post my thoughts as soon as I get them installed.


Well-Known Member
that sucks, they stripped the links. I just stole the picture links from here

check it out. pretty tight. I'll try to find the one on youtube... even if you do bleach some of the tops because you're forced to, you'll be ok - not sure how well that would smoke as bud, but looks like it would be GREAT for a little trich Raping.

If you're really worried on it on some strains that take longer to finish, you might want to start training and bending that plant over. You can totally move a plant 45 degrees (over a few days) with enough coaxing.
The first time i used an LED, I bleached almost al my buds... At the time i didn't know why they were pure white... they smoke just fine. no bad taste, just as potent.... absolutely no difference what so ever!

It is hard to see from the one photo I posted but one of the plants is supercropped. check out my grow if ya want, lots of high quality THC.... I also have a thread over at RM3's if you prefer that site better!


Looking Good Irish as always...I`m just starting Flower as well and wonder how much Dyn-Gro per gallon you are using etc....Also are just sticking to the Gro or Using the Bloom at all?



Well-Known Member
hey guy's and gals by now most of you know me, but if not i am Irish Boy

i am a Medical Card Holder, with a prescription from a doctor to grow cannabis for my Medical Conditions.

for the last 3 grows ive been using lights. On both of those grow's they have treated really good. (check my sig to see my other led journals.)

well guys and gals i am back at it again! This time i have some new grow toys. heres a little info about this new grow.

STRAIN: Casey Jones

LIGHTS: Two 500w lights from

MEDIUM: Roots Organic Soil

POT SIZE: 5gal Lowes buckets


FANS: S&P 6" Vent fans

Nutrients: As i see fit? Dyna-Gro and Organics mixed.

if someone is looking for one of these lights, i made a deal with the owner for my thread supporters to get a discount, just tell him you follow Irish boys threads and heard about a discount offer.

I grew some Casey Jones on a past grow and they ended up dieing on me and had to cut them 5 weeks into bloom, so this the (Revenge Of Casey Jones).

i started these clones off under the 1st gen 2011 GLH spectra 240w lights and will keep them under these lights until their big enough to throw them under this insanely bright (2011) Spectra 500w light witch i have two of this thing is a beast!!

heres is some pics of my baby girls i raised.

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Heres the New 2011 Spectra 500w.. they are insanely bright, i couldn't even come close to looking into them, i had to walk backwards to turn it off. the in crazy crazy bright, my friend almost fell to the ground because it caught him off guard. when its hanging in the room its not so bad as long as ur above the light but for these pics it was insane bright!! please please wear sunglasses with these lights.

heres some side x side pics next to my old 360w light. the 500w is on the left and the 360w is on the right. the pics dont even do it justice. my 4x4 tray is lite up crazy now. this is going to be very nice.

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Hello Irish Boy. Glad to meet you. I am hella interested in LED growing. I was reviewing different ones and I wasn't sure what to buy. I was thinking of a tent maybe 4 x 8. I was soooo hoping to prove to someone that LED's are the shit! Can you fill me in on prices and what I will need?


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a cannabis grow journal of apache lights, nor have I seen them from quantum. But I know I've read at least 8 between Irish, SettingSun, and some other people over at 420mag and here with GLH. If you plan to get at least one from each company, I'd go with GLH first because its the safest bet (you know it will work pretty good, but you don't know if it will be better/worse than the others)

Here are some pics of my 2011 395w GLH Irish cause you asked to see them occasionally (and this page seems a fitting spot)

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I love LED lights on mary :P very nice

I decided on
Spectra 500
Quantum 600
for 2011 when 2012 comes around i will have or be picking up some apaches and if they are as good as they say... I will buy 4-6 of the fuckers and light up a 10x10 area ;)

Also they are the only LED company that actually makes their LED units in San Jose!


it is done by the company tho :/


Well-Known Member
1st off i wanted to say thanks for the guys giving help, things in life will be holding me back from posting all the time like i was, but everything all good and girls are still growing


Well-Known Member
SiRStonedAlot allot of questions and ill try to cover right off my head some of them. 1st the whole 300w is now a 500w u have it wrong all it is saying is the 300w was the top watt panel and now the 500w is, its a new design and 500w now.

ive tried allot of leds a few from other company's and ive tried the 2010 models,1st gen 2011 models and now the new models. i can say hoe the new new models work because this is my 1st grow, ive seen some killer dank from other grows though and ive grow some crazy dank with the older models ie..300w.

the spectra were not 2w and 3w leds they were 3w with 3chips now their just 3w leds.

now if i were u i wouldn't get the 500w and get the 290's instead, i8 think their a perfect light and you will get more foot print and penetration over a wide canopy.

leds are for people with high heat like me, 105F as of now and plants look great as hell. because of the less radiant heat with leds but its mainly for quality meds. ill put it like this ive yet to not get a yield that hasn't paid for either on my lights on the 1st run in savings from buying meds. allot of grower has to do with the grower.

as you can see Mike is a straight up guy that always been no BS and thats why i decided to do a grow with his light back in the day when i was testing out leds on the web. if these lights weren't the best IMO i wouldn't be usesing them, plan and simple.


Well-Known Member
can u hook me up with a link on a thread that explains how to grow in soil with leds so i can prepare my head.thanks man i figured thatd be better than asking u to explain lol,itll be a few months b4 i get started in soil but im gonna go soil and folllow your system ,thanks bro ,u rock
to be honest i dont think ive seen one? its simple my friend, throw the plant in soil and give it was when it needs to drink. most soils have allot of food so u dont need to feed for a few weeks. i dont grow in soil too much but its all the same to me, keep PH around 6.3-6.5 and ur good. google should give u some soil links and if something sounds not right just ask and ill try to help. remember its a weed and it will grow just keep it simple.
Yep I know but they look so cooooool .Thanks boss! Something happened with shipping and lights won't be here till today.
I agree, it also helps drive home the fact its an LED grow. What I would do was just take a picture of them before I took them out, then take one under normal light once I pulled them out.

Pwetty pwease iwishboy? pics under LED light? :)
i got u guys, next pics will have the leds on a few of them just for you. the girls are getting big and temps are in the 105F area the last week, still looking healthy as can be. my theory is working out, but i am worried i will get a delay in flowering like what happen in my last summer grow. their showing sings of flowering though.
quick question - are leds cheaper to run than HIDs?
a watt is a watt no matter what ur talking about, its cheaper in a since that u have to use less watts of leds to match a HID but not by much like some companys claim but its mainly cheaper in cooling, think about this if this grow turns out great with 105F-110F temps witch not most get like me why in the hell would we ever run A/C in our grow room? think about that savings?
You are correct (a 400 HPS draws 480watts of power ) a 400 watt led will usually draw less then 400w's not always the case.

300watt LED will replace a 400 watt HPS so yes all around cheaper to run.

Spectra 300 300Watt (305watt true draw ) but can out preform a 400W HPS

Stealth Grow 300Watt ( True draw is 288watts ) Something like that lol Its usually similar but you gotta find the right product i would stick with Spectra Look at the results!
good point
Irish will likely advise the same, a single 500w panel would not be enough at 14w per square foot, but more importantly it would be taking on a tent almost double what it should. If I were you to save money (upfront and in electricity usage over time) I would start off by buying 1 or 2 of the smaller ones and going from there if you can/feel like it. There are TONS of advantages to having more smaller watt panels than a single bigger one (if you can reasonably fit the smaller ones).

But be warned, with GLH it can take up to 2 weeks before your order ships out of California unless you happen to get them at the right time or they have some exchanges that showed up (you can get a discount on used units that were traded in)
i agree smaller panels have allot more to offer in felxablity

I can't say they're the best because I haven't seen enough done with other companies lights, but I can say I haven't seen as many completed grows done with any other company (or such consistently good results without complaints about it not working as well as thought/claimed. I do think they are the best for the money though, as they are the only company that uses all 3w diodes in 12 wavelengths wtih the safety tech that keeps 1 dead LED from cutting off power to more (only a few other companies do this, but not with 3w diodes and 12 wavelengths) and they only charge $2.9-$3 per watt for all that when most companies want up to $5 and run old tech (the cheapest that is worth it I know of is Blackstar 3w panels for $1.8-$2, but they don't have that safety tech). Absolutely they will perform better watt for watt than HID, but a 7x6 space is a pretty big space for LED without light movers (you may want to consider it if you intend to fill up that whole space with good light and not spend more than a few grand).

*my 395w sure as shit covered my patients medicine with WAY more trichomes than the 400w HPS ever did, others claim the smoke is a slightly higher quality too (aside from higher potency from more trichomes)
yup its all about the track record, every buddy even HID growers that didnt like leds love their spectra's, their the most proven and no BS, i love my quality meds i get and will not be going back to HID
OK. Never felt the need to sub in to a thread before. Now if I can figure out how..........
Anyway very excited about your grows. Wish I had known more before I jumped in.
I use a cheap 120wt. Quad LED for my veg but it's to weak for bud. I now use a 400Wt. HPS and was going to go to 600Wt. (have to stay on the DL, neighbor doesn't like me and I return the favor) but now ya got me thinking.
Anyway love the grow can't wait for more.
Tell me how to do reps and you have that!:dunce:
yup bro been their done that, my 1st led i bought was a UFO that cost allot and i got fluffy crap buds
WHY ON EARTH IS IT SO EXPENSIVE FOR A BUNCH OF TINY LIGHT BULBS. Someone is making some money but I don't think I want to contribute. How long are these lights that must be made by bently expected to last? Only if you say forever would it be worth the price. To me it sounds like you "irish boy" get a ton of free lights and grow some dank and think all is well but for the people who have to spend 1500 for one light are a bit more skeptical.
1st leds are not meant for every one. they are ment for people that have high temp problems, and that want to most quality meds they can get. i think they last 50,000 hours or somthing? IDK never had the same light long but ya me "irish boy" gets free lights and i dont even think about the price nore do i care because i dont tell people to go but these leds, i answer questions that are asked to me and i guide people that are mislead by scam led company's making false claims. ive only bought 1 led light in my time all the other companys and leds ive used throwoput all my grows were donated to me, some how it just worked out like that ans companys sent me their lights. got a few crappy grows gave up on leds and this GLH company comtacted me and offered me a light to test out i said no he said ill give u a 600w led light and u can sale it or toss it in the ocen if i did like it so i say alright, i can sale it for the lack of meds ill get since i lost hope in leds from grows with other companys making false claims did my grow loved the lights and just started to test out different lights from that one companys. so for me "Irish Boy" i dont look at the price nore care about it. its actually very cool wish u can have the same put the point is too many growers are miss lead and if their going to go the led rout then they need to be guided, and they need to do their home work. i dont really care who buy what or uses what to grow, i just do my thing and grow my meds and just worry about that. i still love and have respect for HID, leds just meet my needs and give me the quality i am looking for. the guys making all the money are in China, they always do. i think u should stick with HID and not worry about leds though by ur post
New technology will always be expensive wait for a new grow light to come out and then you will see the existing LED light prices go down a bunch same logic applies for everything new.
ya remember DVD player when they came out? or Blue Ray? its just how it is. the problem is more company's need to actually get their shit toghter so their can be some comptaion and its forces the companys to lower their price.
GLH uses Toshiba LED TV power supplies in theirs... that can't be cheap.

Out of Anxiousness as well as a little skeptisism I went ahead and ordered only 1 of the 290's for now. I want to see really how bright these things are and I think my friend has a lux/par meter. Plus I wouldn't have been able to buy the 2nd one until next thursday anyways so this will give me a day or 2 to really see if this shit is legit. Talked to Mike directly, new ones are on the way should be there tomorrow - latest monday, he said they are flying off the shelf... shit just 2-3 days ago when I emailed him there were 35 in stock and now he's out.

I think I'll probably end up going with the 1kw the 2 LEDS then a 600 on the other side - in that order - along the 10-11ft length and hopefully have enough coverage to capture 5-6 ft of floor space with plants within that area.
bro nothing wrong with buying one light at 1st and seeing if u like them or if their meet ur needs, their not cheap and its best to make sure. just hit me up for sure when i turn on the girl, do not look into the light they are no joke bro.
So i am stumped
I have 3 options here.
Spectra 500 - $1400
Quantum 600 - $1349
Apache AT120RB - $999

Apache claims and kinda proves they have the most u/mols per watt. At 120watts it compairs to the Quantum 600 which is 550w true draw
Apache also claims 120lumens per watt... I cannot make my mind up.
Its either 1 spectra 500 and 1 quantum 600 for now
total cost $2749
4 Apache AT120RB
total cost $4000

I will be buying all three models by 2012 but my first choice for 2011 i do not know who to pick :/
Apache has Nasa using there lights ( dunno how true this is )
And other sources on youtube
Most of these sources i noticed did not know how to grow asides from nasa... all there plants were hideous!

Choices are difficult haha
IMO u in for wasting allot of money and i would take JD's advice and get the spectras 1st. ive never seen or heard of those companys its hard to say because companys pop up every day but 99% are scams and i wouldnt be the tester if ur paying for them, ive said it 100's of times you have to looked for proven grows buy respected growers with the leds ur looking to buy.
I've never seen a cannabis grow journal of apache lights, nor have I seen them from quantum. But I know I've read at least 8 between Irish, SettingSun, and some other people over at 420mag and here with GLH. If you plan to get at least one from each company, I'd go with GLH first because its the safest bet (you know it will work pretty good, but you don't know if it will be better/worse than the others)

Here are some pics of my 2011 395w GLH Irish cause you asked to see them occasionally (and this page seems a fitting spot)

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nice bro.

ya their just too many growers with these lights even allot more now on a new site that were/is hard core HID growers that are loving their lights this far
Irish, I really enjoy following your thread. you really have your shit together with your grows!! I have a question about the GLH. I have been using a 180 for a little over a month now. I hve been using LED/CFL for over a year but just got the GLH 180 a month ago. I notice how far away you and jdizzle have your panels from the canopy. I unfortunately do not have the head room at the moment to keep the light that far away.

on my old panel the tops of the buds would get bleached from having it to close, The GLH seems to only bleach the leaves and not my buds. and some are quite close. so my big question is:

Do you and the other LED users here think that bleaching a small leaf or two is really gonna cause any damage? the buds are growing fine and look good to. I'd post a pic but the light doesn't come on for another few hours... I'm really not worried about it.... do you think i should be?

Looking forward to your next photo update!!!
1st off thanks for the kind words.

ive had bleaching on the buds pretty good before, never smoke them just cut it off and tossed it, but on the leaves should be a issue. ill have more pics this weened for the 2 weeks
2011 395w ?? must have been early 2011? I only see their new 2011 models as a 180, 290, 500.

I ordered my first one yesterday and when I was talking to Mike about the different in the new gen and old, I asked if the 290w was brighter than the old 300w? He said absolutley, much brighter - so I'm VERY stoked about that to say the least. I believe I saw one of Irish's journals where he did a 2 -300w grow and got 13.6oz? So maybe I can push a lb+ with these 2, next to HPS bleedover.

Stoneyluv, hey man I haven't seen irish in a week so figured I might tackle part of your question because I saw something on this actually.

I've even seen these bleached tips on one dudes LED Grow on youtube, I forget which one but I'll try and find it.

You'll be good dude, just use the tops that get bleached out the most to make some bubble, or some BHO.

ya ive been not able to be on here much.

remember that grow i did that on was a pure organic grow so i gained quality and loss quanty IMO and that was only 4 plants. ive hit around 19oz from 4 plants with my 1st run with these leds when i had the older 600w model that was with 4 plants and mainly feeding with GH lucas formula. it was a insane grow with great quality also. the grow in on the web, Google my name and you will find a ton of grows by me that are not even on this fourm

Thank man, i appreciate it!!! I can't see the links but I get what you are saying. The buds aren't bleaching at all yet... just a leaf or two... weird because the bud is closer than the leaves. here are a couple photos from a few days ago... thanks again!

nothing to even woory about
I just unboxed my pair of 180's and plugged them in. They look tight as hell. They have some weight to them too, more than I expected from the guts. Hoping to get them going in the next week or two and will post my thoughts as soon as I get them installed.
no joke right bro? ur going to like these once u see that frost and just pure dank
The first time i used an LED, I bleached almost al my buds... At the time i didn't know why they were pure white... they smoke just fine. no bad taste, just as potent.... absolutely no difference what so ever!

It is hard to see from the one photo I posted but one of the plants is supercropped. check out my grow if ya want, lots of high quality THC.... I also have a thread over at RM3's if you prefer that site better!
good to know
Looking Good Irish as always...I`m just starting Flower as well and wonder how much Dyn-Gro per gallon you are using etc....Also are just sticking to the Gro or Using the Bloom at all?

i am using .5ml per gal of the grow and 2ml per gal of the bloom in flowering. remember my temps are very hot and ur plants might be able to eat more then mine. in veg i just used 2.5ml of grow
Hello Irish Boy. Glad to meet you. I am hella interested in LED growing. I was reviewing different ones and I wasn't sure what to buy. I was thinking of a tent maybe 4 x 8. I was soooo hoping to prove to someone that LED's are the shit! Can you fill me in on prices and what I will need?
some leds are already proven by many growers u just have to do some Google searching. i wont recommend any other leds but the ones i use. just cause i know for a fact they work great and their the most proven. do ur homework and u will be happy at the end my friend
Thanks man + rep.

When I talked to Mike right before I ordered the first 290 I asked if the new 290's are brigther than the old 300w, because on the website said the old 300 is the new 500 and the old 180 is the new 290 etc... he said yes it is going to be brighter than the old 300w (the 290 will be). So the 500 must be fucking amazing. I am so stoked to get it... I need it too, I have a mom that is fucking hogging up the room and more than half of my 1kw (and I have a monster hood) I want to put her under her own 290, or half and half HPS and half LED (she's got quite a wingspan and only 7th day into flowering).

This is 3 DWC buckets under a XXXtreme 8 hood, 40" x 30" the 2 tops in the back left are of another bucket on the floor that you can't see. This bitch better stop stretchin soon, or I'm going to go get some bushmaster... lol only 7th day in 12/12 so I figure she'll stop in about another 10 days. I'll have the LED by Thursday.

I've got about 10 soil plants ready to enter the main stage, but I need that other light - I'm going to add 4 tomorrow (2 in 5 galon buckets, 2 in 2 gal - hopefully can prop them enough to get some light!)



Well-Known Member
TillthediDIE420: Sales Manager from Sunshine Systems went to work at Apache maybe a year ago. Sorry, I do not recall his name, but their lights sound good. If the price for the Apache is correct, they must have significantly reduced the price to get some sales going. hth