Iraq war over...


Well-Known Member
Was it worth it?

Do you think it was a good idea to allow the pull out of all the troops at this time?


Well-Known Member
I do not trust the politicians in the Swamp to do the right thing by the military.

The Military & National Guard are being stretched far too thin and deployed too often in this never ending war. The swamp is talking about cutting the defense budget while they are expanding the wars. Fires are being set everywhere especially along our Southern border.

The world and the USA are broke and printing money like madmen. Anyone that thinks this will end well must be getting a check or 10 from the State. Theres no other excuse for supporting the same incompentent morons that made this mess to clean it up.

Bunch of money grubbing parasites and predators in the D of C


Well-Known Member
I did not even answer your question.

I dont think we "pulled out" so much as we just moved chess pieces around the board.
We are all over the midle east killing brown skinned people.

Maybe they can give Oboma another nobel peace prize


Well-Known Member
Was it worth it?

Do you think it was a good idea to allow the pull out of all the troops at this time?
We haven't pulled out
16,000 staying to guard the embassy and then we have all the private companies like blackwater that will be their


Well-Known Member
saw a army news paper saying" to many troops at home" wait didnt you want them home-goes to the public. i personally think war should stop now. all of the USA's death tyrant isnt going to help plus the troop can help rebuild our country. theres enough that can be done here. screw the boarder war though, this whole place is full of immigrants, obama is one of them, my ancestry is german polish and czech.


Well-Known Member
why don't we use troops to rebuild roads and infrastructure during peace times. We already have the are army corp of engineers why not just enlarge that program. Think how much work would have got done if we took all the money from the iraq wars and spent it on infrastructural upgrades.


Well-Known Member
why don't we use troops to rebuild roads and infrastructure during peace times. We already have the are army corp of engineers why not just enlarge that program. Think how much work would have got done if we took all the money from the iraq wars and spent it on infrastructural upgrades.
cause your govenments skint from bombing iraqi and afgani civillians