Iran's gone nuclear


Well-Known Member
IRAN'S gone nuclear :evil: With a bit of luck they will blow themselve's up before they blow everyone else up :eek:


Active Member

Yes i saw that on TV. They said Iran would strike the planet if they were getting attacked.


Well-Known Member
[sarcasm] oh no, people who are not mostly white and Christian have nuclear power...we is all fucked. [/sarcasm]
Yes. It always makes me glad to hear that a group of people that believe that you are either of their persuasion or a target having nuclear power. They are mostly just misunderstood pacifists that never threaten anyone...


Active Member
Nukes are dangerous but at this point its kind of hard to tell people they cant have something that we do... I can own a weapon but you cant cuz your brown and pray different... PLus with as much shit as we send to isreal... Id want some protection against the US back isreali gov.


Undercover Mod
Think it will melt done? Has it been inspected?

Ehh The deal Iran made with Russia is they get back all the spent fuel and get to hold nothing.


Active Member
nukes shouldn't exist. america should get rid of them. everybody should. their only purpose is to kill huge amounts of people in short amounts of time.