Iranian photo shoping / what a bunch of newbs


Well-Known Member
In an Iranian Image, a Missile Too Many

By Mike Nizza and Patrick Witty
In the four-missile version of the image released Wednesday by Sepah News, the media arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, two major sections (encircled in red) appear to closely replicate other sections (encircled in orange). (Illustration by The New York Times; photo via Agence France-Presse)
Updated, 9:33 a.m., Agence France-Presse has retracted the image as “apparently digitally altered.”
As news spread across the world of Iran’s provocative missile tests, so did an image of four missiles heading skyward in unison. Unfortunately, it appeared to contain one too many missiles, a point that had not emerged before the photo appeared on the front pages of The Los Angeles Times, The Financial Times, The Chicago Tribune and several other newspapers as well as on BBC News, MSNBC, Yahoo! News, and many other major news Web sites.

The Los Angeles Times, The Palm Beach Post and Chicago Tribune, among others, used the image on the front pages on Thursday.
Our homepage at 3:56 p.m. on Wednesday.
Agence France-Presse said that it obtained the image from the Web site of Sepah News, the media arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, on Wednesday. But there was no sign of it there later in the day. Today, The Associated Press distributed what appeared to be a nearly identical photo from the same source, but without the fourth missile.
As the above illustration shows, the second missile from the right appears to be the sum of two other missiles in the image. The contours of the billowing smoke match perfectly near the ground, as well in the immediate wake of the missile. Only a small black dot in the reddish area of exhaust seems to differ from the missile to its left, though there are also some slight variations in the color of the smoke and the sky.
Does Iran’s state media use Photoshop? The charge has been leveled before. So far, though, it can’t be said with any certainty whether there is any official Iranian involvement in this instance. Sepah apparently published the three-missile version of the image today without further explanation.
For its part, Agence France-Presse retracted its four-missile version this morning, saying that the image was “apparently digitally altered” by Iranian state media. The fourth missile “has apparently been added in digital retouch to cover a grounded missile that may have failed during the test,” the agency said.
Top, the image that Agence France-Presse obtained from Sepah News on Wednesday. Below, another image that The Associated Press received from the same source on Thursday


New Member
Mussolini did the same thing prior to WWII with his propaganda films. He pretended his military was way larger than it was. Americans were shown Italian warplanes flying in drove after drove through the Italian skys, along with jack-booted Italian military troops marching as far as the eye could see. Italy fell in the first months of WWII and was nothing more than a paper tiger.



Well-Known Member
Mussolini did the same thing prior to WWII with his propaganda films. He pretended his military was way larger than it was. Americans were shown Italian warplanes flying in drove after drove through the Italian skys, along with jack-booted Italian military troops marching as far as the eye could see. Italy fell in the first months of WWII and was nothing more than a paper tiger.


damn i didnt know that

man but it shows how stupid they are, i mean did they really think they could fool the world with this shitty job?

i heard our military was like no you didnt fire 9 missles you fired 7 and they knew that by watching

they got that whole country under arial survalence

i bet they could even tell you which kabob stand had the longest lines:mrgreen:

they are too used to newbing thier people cuz they have a media black out

lol he even looked so stupid when he came here and said theres no gays in iran and all the students laughed at him:mrgreen:
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chosuichi inu

Active Member
Seems to me 1 mid range ballistic, in the big picture, wouldn't mean a whole lot to anyone. Israel's not going to start shakin in their boots and Iran still knows, 4 missles or 5, that when all is said and done, we got their(Israel) backs. probably a "news" agency that touched it up.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me 1 mid range ballistic, in the big picture, wouldn't mean a whole lot to anyone. Israel's not going to start shakin in their boots and Iran still knows, 4 missles or 5, that when all is said and done, we got their(Israel) backs. probably a "news" agency that touched it up.

oh ya i didnt even think of that, your right thats probably who did it cuz i was gonna say how dumb would irans gov have to be to do somthing like that, cuz they are the ones who released the pic of the truck with the missle that was not lauched


Well-Known Member
Seems to me 1 mid range ballistic, in the big picture, wouldn't mean a whole lot to anyone. Israel's not going to start shakin in their boots and Iran still knows, 4 missles or 5, that when all is said and done, we got their(Israel) backs. probably a "news" agency that touched it up.
Your probably a bit nuts.
Why would a news agency want to touch it up?
They are just trying to puff themselfs up which is why they had the so called tests in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Your probably a bit nuts.
Why would a news agency want to touch it up?
They are just trying to puff themselfs up which is why they had the so called tests in the first place.
The media thrives over political controversies. The more people watch the news, the more money they are making. I wouldn't doubt it if the media did some whack shit, it wouldn't be the first time.




Well-Known Member
The media thrives over political controversies. The more people watch the news, the more money they are making. I wouldn't doubt it if the media did some whack shit, it wouldn't be the first time.


While you are right in what you say the US media could not git a way with such shit even if they are left wing., We a broken clock is right twice a day and with years of hard work you to could be right as often as the broken clock.


Well-Known Member
While you are right in what you say the US media could not git a way with such shit even if they are left wing., We a broken clock is right twice a day and with years of hard work you to could be right as often as the broken clock.
Go fist yourself :D




Well-Known Member
Go fist yourself :D


Good answer!

While you are young enough spend a lot of time fisting yourself I on the other hand am old and smart enough to have other things done for me by females.
As I said with years of hard work you could be as right as a broken clock.


Well-Known Member
Good answer!

While you are young enough spend a lot of time fisting yourself I on the other hand am old and smart enough to have other things done for me by females.
As I said with years of hard work you could be as right as a broken clock.
What the hell do you know? Blow me away with your intelligence.

*bows down to the superior may*

HAHA, I'm not going to bother talking to you because I don't talk to boobs. I just lick them :D




New Member
I keep wondering how a country with as much history and cultural development as persia is so nuts at this point.


New Member
Why is Persia nuts? Whats going on with them?


I have a feeling, that just like our country, it is the leadership that is nuts. One can't sit back and look at the Bush regime and not see the insanity, can one? Well I suspect there are a few brain damaged individuals that can, and do,


Well-Known Member
Do yo guys think Persia is going to be one of the next countries on the USAs 'hit list'?

Do you think they also "harbor terrorists" and are a threat to ********** (just put in whatever word in you want)... Do you think Persia is filled with a bunch of "insurgents" ?

Heres the definition of "insurgent" from insurgents - Definitions from

  1. Rising in revolt against established authority, especially a government.
  2. Rebelling against the leadership of a political party.

Don't we consider anyone who fights against the USA in the Iraq war an "insurgent"? So, any Iraqi that revolts against the "leadership of a political party", aka the USA, is considered an "insurgent" and, in the American peoples minds these insurgents should be killed.

Have you guys ever wondered if we are doing the "revolt against established authority(look at the above definition)"? We invaded/"liberated" two middle eastern countries all ready and have dropped bombs and built USA infrastructure, aka military bases, on their homelands.

Is Persia going to be in the cross hairs of the USA because they aren't up to par with the worlds industrial revolution? After all, we need liberate all these countries because they need democracy and a bunch of McDonalds, Burgerking and other US chain stores, or else they aren't really a free country. :lol:

In my honest opinion- FUCK THE WARS, OUR LEADERSHIP IS ON A POWER TRIP AND NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. The USA is going to put us into the next WW3 because of our crazy tyrannical warmongering leaders. The rest of the world is going to tell us to stop, but the Americans are going to persist because because of the media feeding them bullshyt propaganda. The more countries we put bases on the more the rest of the world is going to see the USA for what it is, ON A POWER TRIP! The leaders of the USA could always slip into underground shelters, underneath mountains and whatnot, just in case the other countries of the world start dropping NUKES on us! At least, thats what I could potentially see unfold, if the USA keeps doing what they are doing.


And why do we favor Israel so much anyways? Why do they get welfare checks from us? Why couldn't we have diplomacy with other countries instead of raining bombs on their homelands in hope of killing "terrorists". Why not send moles into Iraq and Afghanistan and have them take out the "terrorists" anyways. How can we be at WAR with terrorism anyways? It just doesn't make sense because there can be terrorism anywhere. What if Russia was allegedly "harboring terrorists", does that give us the right to go to war with them?

This video is about the pictures of the ROCKETS in this thread. YouTube - Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?

YouTube - How Dick Cheney Is Trying to Start a War with Iran


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Well-Known Member
so why wait until they are as powerful as us to fight them:blsmoke:

its time to get rid of the guys stoning little girls to death. watch this video if you dare my friend but I prewarn anyone this is the most disgusting thing you sould ever see. This is just the video that got away.... there are countless incidents, im glad everyone here in American feels safe and happy, I wonder how she felt?

Video of a Young Woman being stoned in Iran

June 20, 2007

What is a stoning like you ask? Below you will see a video of a young woman being attacked and stoned by bloodthirsty elements of the Islamic regime in the town of Khatoon-Abad, Iran.
Warning: Extremely Graphic
View Video Here

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you can stay here, keep typin tarded, but dont hate on the people who wanna go and stop them.

here you have only one of the reasons why it is a good idea


Well-Known Member
here you have only one of the reasons why it is a good idea
In my honest opinion- FUCK THE WARS, OUR LEADERSHIP IS ON A POWER TRIP AND NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. The USA is going to put us into the next WW3 because of our crazy tyrannical warmongering leaders. The rest of the world is going to tell us to stop, but the Americans are going to persist because because of the media feeding them bullshyt propaganda. The more countries we put bases on the more the rest of the world is going to see the USA for what it is, ON A POWER TRIP! The leaders of the USA could always slip into underground shelters, underneath mountains and whatnot, just in case the other countries of the world start dropping NUKES on us! At least, thats what I could potentially see unfold, if the USA keeps doing what they are doing.

Watch, you will see. Its not our job to make sure people aren't getting stoned in other countries/cultures that are MUCH OLDER THAN OUR OWN.

Did not they stone people in the time of Jesus? Did Jesus threaten to blow up their country with bombs because of it? He said "He who has no sin, throw the first stone" or something like that.

All one needs to do is look in retrospect. What good has the war with Iraq and Afghanistan done for ANYONE? How many lies did we get fed in order for them to take us into the last two wars? Don't you guys have a memory? Don't you guys realize that this war has done nothing but undermine the integrity of the USA and bring our economy to shambles? Our dollar is worth less than the Canadians now, at least thats what I heard. We didn't have these kinds of problems before the wars.

If you guys believe this, than maybe we will get what we deserve BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

You guys need to WAKE UP.

