Ionizers effectiveness


Well-Known Member
Wondering if anyone out there uses Ionizers (UV or not) to control smell and how effective they are. If you do have one, please let me know which model and how big the area is that you have it in. Thanks in advance! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I don't use one with my grow, but I've seen them used in industrial and commercial applications when I'm working. Most noticeably at a sewage treatment plant. They use them on the incoming air supply in the offices and control rooms. Takes the stench right out of the air. I have to imagine they would do good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm running a Uvonair 5000. Works great. Problem is that ozone is a serious pollutant. Get informed on this issue before you decide to buy one.


Well-Known Member
yeah I remember reading they were great at controlling odor, but the ozone can cause spots on ur plants.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah, it can be harmful to plants, but I was talking about ozone's effects on humans:

How is Ozone Harmful?
The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of ozone to react with organic material outside the body give it the ability to react with similar organic material that makes up the body, and potentially cause harmful health consequences. When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs (see - "Ozone and Your Health" - Relatively low amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and, throat irritation. Ozone may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections. People vary widely in their susceptibility to ozone. Healthy people, as well as those with respiratory difficulty, can experience breathing problems when exposed to ozone. Exercise during exposure to ozone causes a greater amount of ozone to be inhaled, and increases the risk of harmful respiratory effects. Recovery from the harmful effects can occur following short-term exposure to low levels of ozone, but health effects may become more damaging and recovery less certain at higher levels or from longer exposures (US EPA, 1996a, 1996b).

Ozone Generators that are Sold as Air Cleaners | Publications | Indoor Air | Air | US EPA


Well-Known Member
Well yeah, it can be harmful to plants, but I was talking about ozone's effects on humans:

How is Ozone Harmful?
The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of ozone to react with organic material outside the body give it the ability to react with similar organic material that makes up the body, and potentially cause harmful health consequences. When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs (see - "Ozone and Your Health" - Relatively low amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and, throat irritation. Ozone may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections. People vary widely in their susceptibility to ozone. Healthy people, as well as those with respiratory difficulty, can experience breathing problems when exposed to ozone. Exercise during exposure to ozone causes a greater amount of ozone to be inhaled, and increases the risk of harmful respiratory effects. Recovery from the harmful effects can occur following short-term exposure to low levels of ozone, but health effects may become more damaging and recovery less certain at higher levels or from longer exposures (US EPA, 1996a, 1996b).

Ozone Generators that are Sold as Air Cleaners | Publications | Indoor Air | Air | US EPA
Damn... not sure if it's worth all that...
Does ionizer = ozonator?


Well-Known Member
Don't get side tracked by the idiot force. Ionizers are not ozonators. I use an ionizer/carbon filter combo device. I love em, they're quiet and effective.

Also, concerning ozonators, you have to regulate how long the are on or they will kill bacteria, plants and people. The smallest model I have seen will hit toxic levels fairly quickly in a small area.
Ionizers sold on the commercial market produce SAFE levels of ozone. Read that EPA information again and you'll find that Ozone generators are marketed as such and it's made very clear that they produce toxic levels of ozone.

An Ion generator CAN produce ozone but generally, it's safe doses.
Also know they concentrate oxygen content so you're actually upping your oxygen intake-not necessarily a bad thing.