Goud, great stuff as usual
Alas everything the antagonists here know, they learned from a chinese led lighting website
And once hey learn something (right or wrong) they refuse to reboot
Our global education system at work
Just the way the controllers envisioned it
What are you a Rhodes scholar then

? Is this "statement" of yours conducive, (
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conducive), to this conversation in any way? No. It's just a vain attempt to show yourself as superior to people who you aren't intelligent enough to disprove. And where the fuck were you educated? Go ahead Pet tell everyone how you were Pre Med and had to take Botany like you did on ICMAG. C'mon tell us all about you're supposed superior edumacation, you know nothing hick

. Pathetic as always Pet. Pathetic. Does that person who's gear you're going to demo know what a know nothing you are? God I would kill to get those new lights in the hands of someone who knew what they were doing and wasn't a lying turd like you.
And ASSHOLE don't you ever diss my education or my knowledge. See how you link to a synopsis and not to the actual study? IT"S BECAUSE YOU DIDN"T READ THE ARTICLE AND DON"T KNOW WHAT IT SAYS

. That's you're level of education. Only seeing what you want, you ignorant fuckin' turd. Where'd ya learn that critical thinking? Cornell? You wish. Newsflash Pet. The only thing they proved is there's lots of green light on the canopy floors and little plants have adapted to that, not THAT YOU NEED GREEN TO FUCKING GROW WEED YOU THICKHEADED TROLL!
And don't disagree with SDS. He taught you, and that little 2-bit mind of yours all it can comprehend, so the only thing you should say to him is "THANK YOU". A lot!
Help me PetFlora, HELP ME! Evil FranJan is killing me with RBFR!!! LOL

And if you want me to stop this, either cry to Sunni like you always do or stop trying to set yourself up as some expert and disrespecting others who don't agree with your "statements". From what I can tell your intellect is about moron level so really you should not even speak around here.