PetFlora did you know some "open minded" people use both types of LEDs in order to produce the best MMJ possible? Silly boy, stop trying to be right like some DA putting an innocent person in jail try to be correct instead. OK? In other words, OPEN YOUR MIND AND SHUT YOUR SIMPLE-ASS MOUTH! Grrrrrrr. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds Sonny Jim. And opinions are not facts

From Illumitex. Open your mind and see the possibilities PF. Stop trying to get people to drink your Kool-Aid. And yes PetFlora, re-edu-ma-cation is hard so maybe you should take a nap before you begin.
450 nm BLUE
The 450nm spectrum enacts regulation by cryptochromes and phototropins, mediating various plant responses, such as phototropic curvature, inhibition of elongation growth, chloroplast movement, stomatal opening and seedling growth regulation. Can be directly absorbed by chlorophyll in photosynthesis. Recommended as supplemental light for seedlings and young plants during the vegetative stage of their growth cycle, especially when “stretching” must be reduced or eliminated.
525 nm GREEN
The Illumitex 525nm wavelength LED can be used as a tool for eliciting specific plant responses such as stomatal control, phototropism, photomorphogenic growth and environmental signaling. When combined with blue, red and far-red wavelengths, 525nm completes a comprehensive spectral treatment for understanding plant physiological activity.
624 nm RED
This 624nm region has the highest photosynthetic relative quantum yield for a range of plants. At the same time, its action on red-absorbing phytochrome is considerably weaker compared to that of 660 nm red light and can be used to balance the phytochrome equilibrium towards lower values (closer to those of daylight) than those achievable with 660 nm red light, especially when used together with 730 nm red light.
660 nm DEEP RED
The 660nm wavelength has a very strong photosynthetic action and also exhibits the highest action on red-absorbing phytochrome regulated germination, flowering and other processes. Most effective for light cycle extension or night interruption to induce flowering of long-day plants or prevent flowering of short-day plants. Most energy-efficient source for photosynthesis among all available supplemental LEDs.
730 nm FAR RED
Although the 730nm wavelength is outside the photosynthetically active range, it has the strongest action on the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome, converting it back to the red-absorbing form. It becomes necessary for plants requiring relatively low values of the phytochrome photoequilibrium to flower. Can be used at the end of each light cycle to promote flowering in short-day plants.
See monos are your friends not your enemies. People just need to figure out what works and what doesn't. White is a tool. Not "The Way" Herr Flora.
PS You do know your precious whites starts off as a mono? LOL I love that actually. LOL
PPS Have you apologized to Puff for all the beautiful plants he has grown without "white" light? Didn't think so. Wolves I say. LOL
PPS You just got invaded