

Howdy from Canada.
I'm Polexia, otherwise known as Lexy. Photographer from Vancouver. Married. Mom. Tall. A little eccentric. Really messy. Great memory, forgetful with stupid shit like keys.
I like long walks on the beach and Cannabis. And have been in the legalize/regulate movement in Canada for ten years.
I don't grow. I just pay all y'all.

puff puff pass.


Well-Known Member
hows it goin up north there? legalization wise? my state, mass, is getting closer and closer to legalizing MMJ and if they dont in the next few years i am moving to California.

i know you said you were a married mom but, have you thought of entering the "hottest girl on RIU" thread? i think your a shoe in


I didn't know there was such a contest.
And besides, I'm probably on the old side for popularity contests.
Wait until I gain your support with my winning personality.

As for legalization, it comes and it goes in waves. Canada is in the process right now (under conservative government idiots) of passing Bill C-15 which is a bill that imposes mandatory minimums for as little as FIVE (yah, you read right), 5 plants.
We're also pretty close to shipping Cannabis Activist. Marc Emery, down to the States to serve time for selling seeds across the border via mail order.
So.. You know... If you're caught with it it's not a big deal yet. Unless you're trafficking.
Their idea of trafficking is our idea of personal use.


Well-Known Member
Marc Emery got what was coming to him and knew the risks involved with intercontinental trafficking, even if it was just seeds, he is a moron.

what is personal use for you? an ounce? a qp? an ounce is personal supply for me for a week give or take a few days


My husband and I go through about a half during the week and a quarter on the weekends.
Which is a whole lot less than back when we weren't parents.

Marc Emery may have got what was coming to him, but he's fighting against an unjust law. A victimless crime should require no jail time, if it should be illegal at all.
Which.. selling seeds wasn't here.
He made a bad judgment call on shipping across the border, probably not the call I would have made. But that makes him a martyr and me a chicken shit.
He singlehandedly funded 90% of the rallies we held and progress that we made, and PAID TAXES on his income.
Not typical kingpin dealer bull.
But even all that being said, I don't personally like the guy.

grow space

Well-Known Member
hows it goin up north there? legalization wise? my state, mass, is getting closer and closer to legalizing MMJ and if they dont in the next few years i am moving to California.

i know you said you were a married mom but, have you thought of entering the "hottest girl on RIU" thread? i think your a shoe in
you stupid man:shock:-thats the most pointless thread ever and its hardly any so sick of"OH Im so cute,Whos the cutest,Look at my dog int he the cutest.:evil::evil::hump:

grow space

Well-Known Member
hey Polexia-is that you on your avatar pic???dont get it wrong or all, but it looks litlle retarded, like you haded a down syndrom :)

stay safe girl....


Now that I have a wee bit more time, I thought I'd post a few pictures. But I figured I'd do it in here so that I'm not bothering anyone or starting a new thread someplace. Ten years of getting stoned and causing trouble!

Me, with my natural hair colour.

This was in Vancouver's New Amsterdam Cafe

AND THEN I left my rich engineer boyfriend and....
I dyed my hair black in 2005.

Then I ate pussy for a bit




Well-Known Member
lol literally and figuratively ate the pussy right? nice looking buds by the way, and that pic in vancover at 4:20 on 4/20 is the shit. that cloud rising over all those people reminds me of the alman brothers concert i went to last year. there was this guy rolling joints and passing them around to the croud, and enough smoke in the air i didnt even need to smoke a j. i mean i got one too, but i could have just stood on the lawn and huffed and puffed the air and goten high


Found some more, and my kid is asleep, so I have the time to put 'em up.


When I used to have access to garbage bags full of lbs of bud to cook with. I miss those days.

July 05

The day of the DEA raid on Marc Emery Direct Seeds. I was next door getting a coffee. Sad day for Canada, cuz we rolled over and took it hard.

The girl who looks like she's in shock is Mrs. Jodie Emery.

The raid lasted a few hours anyway, so we blocked a lane of traffic.

more '05

I miss this rainbow glass. I think the engineer ex probably still has it, even though he quit smoking when I quit him.

This glass is one that I never would have picked for myself, but that I got for my birthday to replace one that got stolen from a friends house by an exes new snotty 16 year old girlfriend.

And I know, I know... metal pipes, yeck. But this baby has been kicking it around here for a good long while. At least 6 years. If there is one thing to be said about smoking out of metal, it's that metal pipes are durable as all getout.


More glass. This was the one that got stolen.

We found an avril lavigne album, unopened in the parking lot of HMV, so I scribbled on it.
If you were wondering.
I was 18. ;)

Marc, doing an interview.

Love living where I live