Introduction post

Blue Box

After lurking this forum for some time I finally have some pictures I'd like to contribute as part of an introduction.
I'll start off with the info on my grow cab.

Stats on the "Blue Box"

1x 250w HPS magnetic ballast DIY
1x cool tube
1x 60 CFM 4" tube mounted
3X 110/120VAC 120mm Muffin Fans
1x 26w 2.0 UVB
1x 26w 10.0 UVB
6x Passive light catching intakes

Meet my "Blue Box"

The irony is that when I had my close friend take pictures of the grow he did not get a single shot of the cabinet exterior which has a "ocean wave" look

This is one of the white widows I have to give you an idea of the plant in detail (please ignore my friends lack of camera skill, and the absence of a quality digi)

This is a close up of one of the bubba tops (the picture is kinda bad but with my limited time online I'll have to update again.)

And for schnitz n' giggles here's one more my friend took while the UVB light was on (yes I warned him about the UV rays, but once again when your strapped for time you make do)

The front left plant is Green Krak
The front right plant is White Widow
The rear left plant is also White Widow
and the rear right plant is Bubba

All plants were started from well rooted clones.

Light timing used
First to third weeks in veg were 20/4
Fourth to fifth were 18/6
fifth until now (seventh week) 12/12

UVB 2.0 starts for 2 hours and then UVB 10.0 comes on for another 2 hours to simulate noon and the hottest point in the day.

A small dehumidifier is used anytime the UVB bulbs are off.

The nutrients being used are BC technaflora

That about covers everything I got off the top of my head as of now.. oh and this is my very first hydroponic grow.

Thanks all~! :joint: