into 3 weeks flowering leaf issues.. help!!


my Jack Plant is into her 3rd week of flowering
bottom leaves fell as expected
after 2 week top leaves began loosing their color in a strange manner & a few brown spots appeared on them
I thought it might be the proximity to the light so I separated it more.
I was using a NPK 8.0-2.0-6.0 bio-grow organic fertilizer once a week.. but stopped and began watering it down incase of nute burn..IMG_1402.jpg
the leaves continue to turn yellow..

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
that is not nute burn its more then likely mag deficiency and probly cal too. do u put calmag in the water? check this out
it basicly goes on to state that it could be you bloom nutes as too much k can lock out cal mag also too low ph can too. read the guide and see if u can find you problem

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
u need some of that if it is,i had same problem when i went into bloom,
p.s. check ph that was my problem plus i was putting to little at the time, so make sure u read the feeding chart on the bottles