Interview to lead a commercial grow

AZ just became legal

And they don't erase meta data on pics so I never post my grows here, safety 1st

But yes I do grow
Idk about the the meta data fuss here, I gave up trying to find out. What I did get during that was a site to check your pics to see if any metadata remains. I thot it might be out of my realm but it was easier than I thot.
I use that for each pic I post just to make sure. That's how I started posting my pics now. I didn't want to at first. Give it a try.
I email them to myself and the phone asks if I want to remove data. eazy peazy.
No biggy now it's legal here, but would be nice for non legal states

You can checkmeta data on pics, they don't strip them here
A few OTHER sites use this same software and it's easy to strip it, they all do

They are working in the software now so maybe that's on the list if ToDos
Well if anyone can recommend what talking points I could/should use to argue that scaling up from home growing to commercial growing in an interview, I would sure appreciate it.