Interview to lead a commercial grow

So, no new episode this week? Been a good read.
Well I started and now I'm just trying to get a feel for the corporate cannabis environment. I must say it has been challenging. First I am training on dispensary duties so if say a manager calls in I can help open or close the shop and of course I am learning to greet and sign in patients and recreational customers. I really want to focus on the build of the grow room and the procurement of equipment. However like any corporation there are hurdles to overcome and I am just trying to be patient and listen. Sometimes it feels like I don't have enough time in to get the influence I how to attain over time. But overall it has been interesting and fun.
Rockwool blocks on top of rockwool slabs is the only way to go. You're not going to be vegging plants more than a couple of weeks. They are not going to be able to pay people to transplant cuts into coco, potentially twice, or dispose of it and thoroughly sterilize the containers at the end of the cycle. On top of the financials anything but rockwool gives you more of a potential pest headache.

Definitely the most important details for you to get right follows...

Make sure you're building a space that provides an area that's positively pressured for your crew to shower, change/store belongings and wash their clothing. They should be told to wear clean clothes that haven't seen their home grow in and expect them to be washed during the shift for them to wear the next day or to wear out after a shower if they so choose. They will only be able to wear clothing that has been washed on site/shoes that stay in the building, after they shower, with a disposable suit or washable coveralls. Look into an air shower.

If any of the above gets any flak based on budget or necessity, walk away, these people will fail just fine without you.

Design your space so it's impossible for someone to go into the wrong room based on a day's work flow. You should have a veg crew and flower crew to limit cross contamination and put your aces in their places.

Have several smaller rooms/tents for R&D. Keep them in your veg space, if possible, to prevent possible pollen contamination.

Your flower crew is mostly going to be low skill, low knowledge people being led by yourself or someone whom is working in lockstep with you. Don't be afraid to hire the guy that will replace you, you're going to need someone who is a maverick on your side to keep YOUR job.

The veg crew is going to need to be very strong, people that have an eye for detail and actual abilities with extensive knowledge on strains and horticulture. If you were going to do coco anywhere, your mothers are the only place I'd use it. This is probably going to be an older person that requires a higher rate of pay and might take some finesse to get on board with your SOPs. Again, don't be afraid to hire top notch folks. This person or people might be able to help you tighten things up, take feedback and carefully consider whether they have a path to improvement.

Look into a water ionizer for ipm in flower. Alternating between high/low ph water should kill any pathogens and not allow a pest population to get established.

This is a game of seconds, you're going to want to make things as streamlined as possible from the get go. Sounds like the other location's crew might be able to help you out with this.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me.
Should hire this guy!
Well I started and now I'm just trying to get a feel for the corporate cannabis environment. I must say it has been challenging. First I am training on dispensary duties so if say a manager calls in I can help open or close the shop and of course I am learning to greet and sign in patients and recreational customers. I really want to focus on the build of the grow room and the procurement of equipment. However like any corporation there are hurdles to overcome and I am just trying to be patient and listen. Sometimes it feels like I don't have enough time in to get the influence I how to attain over time. But overall it has been interesting and fun.
Awesome, can't like posts yet, probably a good thing, I would've flooded this thread with likes. Lol
Oh yeah, liked
They hired you as a master grower and they put you as an intake person? That's weird. Here in Cali. We have retail stores. Farms are separate. Like stiiizy or raw garden kings garden glass house farms green dragon farms almora farms Humboldt's finest pacific stone caliva ect ect. Some have a store front like stiiizy but I work in irrigation and prop for big flower farms and it's crazy that Arizona has it set up like that. Almost like a dealer selling weed out the house grown in the garage lol. So many hands in the pot in Cali before in hits the consumer
They hired you as a master grower and they put you as an intake person? That's weird. Here in Cali. We have retail stores. Farms are separate. Like stiiizy or raw garden kings garden glass house farms green dragon farms almora farms Humboldt's finest pacific stone caliva ect ect. Some have a store front like stiiizy but I work in irrigation and prop for big flower farms and it's crazy that Arizona has it set up like that. Almost like a dealer selling weed out the house grown in the garage lol. So many hands in the pot in Cali before in hits the consumer
What are the trendy strains these days at the farms in Cali?
Right now the hot grabs are from stiitzy, caliva, almora, green dragon, and kings garden. Most of there strains reaching 30% and off the chart terpene profiles. Strain specific. Some of my favs
Blue burst
El Chapo
King Tut

But to each his own. I tend to lean towards the farm then the strain. If had kush mints from almora that was good. But I had kush mints from green dragon and that was amazing
They hired you as a master grower and they put you as an intake person? That's weird. Here in Cali. We have retail stores. Farms are separate. Like stiiizy or raw garden kings garden glass house farms green dragon farms almora farms Humboldt's finest pacific stone caliva ect ect. Some have a store front like stiiizy but I work in irrigation and prop for big flower farms and it's crazy that Arizona has it set up like that. Almost like a dealer selling weed out the house grown in the garage lol. So many hands in the pot in Cali before in hits the consumer
WORD! But actually lead cultivator. I'm NO master grower. However, yes I am the only man on the grow team and am working on building out the facility. Luckily I come from a semiconductor factory background and I think this is very doable. But hey I'm the best paid dispensary greeter in town, lol.
We have a huge one going up now I believe owners are with local restaurant green tea. Excited to see it finish. Watching since ground break
Thank you for the local insight! I am not in Cali but respect it as (imo) the best grows hands down in the world.

Your list is helpful because the rest of the country follows your trends. Thx again.
Right now the hot grabs are from stiitzy, caliva, almora, green dragon, and kings garden. Most of there strains reaching 30% and off the chart terpene profiles. Strain specific. Some of my favs
Blue burst
El Chapo
King Tut

But to each his own. I tend to lean towards the farm then the strain. If had kush mints from almora that was good. But I had kush mints from green dragon and that was amazing
One more Q if you are open to it.

We hear how Oregon and especially Washington have supply gluts where people pay 50 or 100 per oz for excellent quality.

Is it still true that in Cali for these top strains from a top farm, consumers are still paying 400 an oz??? Amazing if true. And if it is true is it because Cali peeps want the best?
Hi, I am interviewing for a lead grower position at a dispensary in Arizona. I am told it is a small a small on-site grow facility at the dispensary. Any advice on how a home grow piker like myself can make an impression it would be greatly appreciated. a dog...then fake it til you make it...growing weed really isn't that hard
One more Q if you are open to it.

We hear how Oregon and especially Washington have supply gluts where people pay 50 or 100 per oz for excellent quality.

Is it still true that in Cali for these top strains from a top farm, consumers are still paying 400 an oz??? Amazing if true. And if it is true is it because Cali peeps want the best?

Most of my shops are retail 3rd party.
Meaning it's already the 3rd buyer of the product consumer for recreational use being the 4th. Top shelf oz is 40 an eighth plus tax all the way up till you hit the oz mark. Some farms offer mid shelf at oz discount bags. Like 140 an oz plus tax. So prices ain't changed much. Just more hands in the bag. And imo quality is shot to shit. Because everybody ready these stupid fucking number that can simply just be put in there. I know. Because iv watched them guess when they fucked up at the printer and laugh by placing a high percentage number
Most of my shops are retail 3rd party.
Meaning it's already the 3rd buyer of the product consumer for recreational use being the 4th. Top shelf oz is 40 an eighth plus tax all the way up till you hit the oz mark. Some farms offer mid shelf at oz discount bags. Like 140 an oz plus tax. So prices ain't changed much. Just more hands in the bag. And imo quality is shot to shit. Because everybody ready these stupid fucking number that can simply just be put in there. I know. Because iv watched them guess when they fucked up at the printer and laugh by placing a high percentage number
I've always yall shake those buds for keif before it hits the shelf...seeing how it's passed thru so many hands...surely someone did