interracial dating

What desire?

If I wanted to date and marry a black chick with kids I would prefer one with half white kids like the one I'm talking to now.

But I don't date white girls with pure white kids either.

And no, I didn't know she had kids until I looked at her Facebook after our date.

you went out on a date with a girl and didn't think to ask her if she had any chittlins when you were together, but thought to look on her facebook after you spent face time with her?? just seems kind of odd imo..
It's actually completely made up.

He even told me how he came up with it all.

He's just a way better troll than Uncle "You're Racist, so I'll stalk you" Buck.

the easiest thing in the world is to make up some story.

the last forum we trolled, i was a recovering alcoholic who was fucking his black sponsor and the sponsor was trying to force me to smoke weed to cure my impotence.
my grandma didn't come to my wedding because i married a jew.

man up, bignbushy. your dad will probably cut you off if he found out about this or your sexual proclivities with men, but that is part of being an adult.

you can't rely on daddy's dollars all your life, cupcake.

edit: cupcake, not cuntcake. freudian slip.
Jew lover!
Although I do have some diversity in my ancestral ethnicity, for all practical purposes the world looks at me as a white man.

About two months ago I met a lovely young black girl and we've been chatting. We decided to spend most of the day together doing stuff.

I live in the south, but I'm in a tourist town with people from all over the eastern half of the country in large numbers. In fact out and about there are probably more people there from somewhere else, many of them places like PA NY OH AND MI.

Anyway, first time dating her, and first actual date with someone of another race.

I felt a lot of stares.

There was this one place we went to. We were put into an elevator with two young white girls who were attractive. Those two girls acted very strange.

We then went to another place and walked passed another interracial couple, a black man and white woman. The white woman probably didn't even have a clue we existed, the black guy with her was just giving me a mean stare.

There was another time when we pulled over at an overlook for a view. As we were standing there a big suv full of white people pulled in and made us feel awkward.

But I had a real good time.

But man, I might understand what some people go through a little better now.
LOLOLOL, is that why you changed your handle Big and bigoted? You couldn't let her find out what you really thought of her while you surfed RIU. Chickenshit.
the easiest thing in the world is to make up some story.

the last forum we trolled, i was a recovering alcoholic who was fucking his black sponsor and the sponsor was trying to force me to smoke weed to cure my impotence.

Bucky! How many alts you really got??? Would you tell if I guessed?
Now if he would've married a black woman started fucking like mad and lived on soul food and not fucked around with that Atkins shit...

... Well who knows?
I say u don't date the black girl and bring me home to your parents and tell them u fell mad in love with the cock I'm shure they would understand.. If the don't believe it I'd be more than happy to show them ;)
you went out on a date with a girl and didn't think to ask her if she had any chittlins when you were together, but thought to look on her facebook after you spent face time with her?? just seems kind of odd imo..
I hate Facebook. I go on about once a month.

We took some pictures and I uploaded one and I checked my notifications and one was a friend request from her.

I have no need for imaginary friends online.

I have like 4 real friends I talk to a lot. I'm not jealous that some people think they have 300 friends.

So yeah. I didn't ask her about her fuck trophies.

Don't get me wrong. I'll still fuck a single mom. But I'm not intermingling my life with one.
A white male is the most desirable mate on the planet.

Black females often feel intimidated that white men wouldn't want to have anything to do with them.

This is according to some reading I've done over the past few days.

There really aren't that many attractive black females. Proportionally much fewer are good looking compared to other ethnicities.

So black men like white women for two reasons. First it is a status symbol (being that white females are the second most desired mate) and they usually have money, at least more money than their black counterparts.

Unfortunately I have had to eliminate this girl I went out with from any serious consideration. She has kids. I don't have kids, I'll be damned if I'm going to raise someone elses.

her kids are mixed. Apparently she only dates white dudes.

Wait a minute... a black unwed mother?? don't tell me the baby daddy has nothing to do with the kid also...