International Money Order Problems?!?


Well-Known Member
I ordered some seeds from (Jilly Bean 10 pack) and have been trying to find a place to get a money order...

I know I know, go to the post office right? Nope..they dont deal with the UK? :shock:

I have been looking at moneygram and it seems that they will work (a money order, not an actual moneygram).

Was wondering what other services people may have used to send an international money order to the UK?

+Rep for sound help. :joint:



I thought for sure the U.S. Postal Service would do it, and I just checked, and they have International Money Orders, but the U.K. is not listed as an accepting country, as you mentioned above.

I also thought Western Union had them, but their website really doesn't seem to mention them, but I wonder if you walked up to a Western Union location, like in a grocery store that has a terminal, if they might have them.

Other than that, perhaps travelers checks, but I'm not sure if that would work, since you normally have to sign them when you use them.

I've ordered seeds from the U.K., but I always send cash. I know it's risky, but what the heck, from ordering the seeds to growing, it's all risky I guess!

Sorry that didn't really help.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know Western Union will do it, I am pretty sure MoneyGram will work as well. Just so long as it's not an actual "moneygram" of course. I am going to figure it out today though.

Thanks for at least trying dude.



Well-Known Member
i dont know anything about money orders but i know you can get a prepaid visa at walmart and it works, seems it would be easier too just cus you wouldnt have to wait all that extra time sending money in the mail ,, plus what if they open ur mail wit ur order and money, now u got 2x the risk instead of 1, nahmean??


Well-Known Member
You can go to a bank and get it done there.
I found out that Chase and a few other banks do indeed handle IN money orders. Thanks. :leaf:

For anyone else who wants a simple solution, MoneyGram International Money Orders are also an option. Called and confirmed today. :clap: