interesting facts about Bob Marley


Well-Known Member
Bob once said: “America is pure deviltry, dem t’ings dat go on there. Dem just work with force and brutality. Dem lock out the punk thing because they see something happening. So the oppressors bring another man to blind the youth to the truth, and dem call him-John Tra-vol-ta.”


Well-Known Member
Etymology 1 bois - wood
Old French, from Vulgar Latin boscus, from Proto-Germanic *bosk. Compare Italian bosco, Spanish bosque.

​Get a room funbois
<font color="#ff0000"><font size="6">[video=youtube;z3JulFmtvgM][/video]

bois - first person singular present indicative of boire (thats you victory verb)


Well-Known Member
someone stamped on his toe during a game of football - that injury killed him. He had a stroke.
Plain old FUD

He died of skin cancer, by far smoked more weed than any other human that lived but died of cancer. Intresting for sure
Only if you believe the CIA


bois - first person singular present indicative of boire (thats you victory verb)[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
He shot the sheriff. But he didn't shoot the deputy.


Well-Known Member
Robert was 5'7" high, he was buried in a crypt at Nine Miles with a Gibson Les Paul Guitar, a soccer ball, a cannibus bud, and a Bible.


Active Member
he died of complications to the toe injury. not cancer. personaly i think it was germ warfare against him and an assassination. the ring on his finger on the cover of the album legend was given to him by haile selassie. that ring had direct lineage to king solomon.. it was considered priceless. in addition many think that robert nesta marley was king david reincarnated... top that shit fuck faces....

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
If you guys want to actually take this thread seriously instead of posting random bullshit feel free....

He had over ten children and weekend activities included gathering up his kids and going to the beach. This is according to his children who are alive today (ziggy,Damian,etc.) He had many kids and still supported and educated them all equally.

An assassination attempt was made at him a few days before he was to go on stage. He was shot and the next day he still playd in the concert. He said the famous quote "The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?&#8221;

Many people who were close to him claim he was mis treated by American doctors afterwards. In short they're sayingthey ink he was murdered. I happen to be studying for genetic engineering. The speculation is that he died of a cancer injury in his toe from a soccer accident. This is not how cancer is spread. If you are stepped on by someone, this will not change your genetics. Many people are found dead with strange cancers and tumours (look up Karla turner). That's mall I will say.

He never swore in his music because he believed that music could change the world by spreading messages of love and prosperity. very different from music today: " east side, we in this btch, wish a nigga would like a tree in this bitch" -lil wayne

In modern society, media propaganda has made wearing anything of marley or rasta culture almost awkward in a way. You can't wear bob marley shirts without everyone thinking you're You're trying to sell them drugs. I idolize this man and I can't wear a t shirt without everyone laughing in my face.

In short I believe he was murdered, but that's my opinion and you don't have to agree with me. All I know was that bob marley was a prophet. Jesus has nothing on marley. One loooove


Well-Known Member
because you idolize Mr Bob Marley i'm not going to pull the curtain off the wizard. I like him too. but it's more likely his own peers killed him, they were very very Jealous and thought he was a 5'7" half cast member, familiarity breeds contempt.
haile selassie was a vain man, happens when your descendant is the Queen of Sheba! The idea that he blessed Bob Marely as a Rastafari prophet and gave him a ring from King Soloman is to be frank, Ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I know he liked his donuts :Leaf:



Active Member
he died of complications to the toe injury. not cancer. personaly i think it was germ warfare against him and an assassination. the ring on his finger on the cover of the album legend was given to him by haile selassie. that ring had direct lineage to king solomon.. it was considered priceless. in addition many think that robert nesta marley was king david reincarnated... top that shit fuck faces....
He had a big boabie.