This looks like a cool place for a Sirtiva edible tip, imma just leave this here:
If you eat edibles on an empty stomach you're wasting "what could have been" To make a long story really short, your body just burns them up quickly instead of dragging it out and fucking your world up for the whole day. Theres a fine balance for each person you dont need to STUFF yourself, but empty is not the way to go if you're looking for the "most bang for your buck" find your personal balance and you'll have crazy highs.
If you go for something high in fat its supposed to be even better...
**HOLYSHITBALLS SCIENCE INCOMING** (if you're a skimmer, go to the last sentence)
Science: Oral intake of a cannabinoid together with a meal improved bioavailability by avoiding first-pass metabolism
Researchers of Monash University in Victoria, Australia, investigated the reason why the oral bioavailability of a synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist (CRA13) was significantly improved if taken together with a meal rich in fat. Oral bioavailability was assessed in human volunteers and in dogs with and without a meal. Food had a substantial positive effect on the oral bioavailability of CRA13 in human volunteers and in dogs. This cannabinoid is highly lipophilic (soluble in fat) as other cannabinoids including THC.
The absolute bioavailability of the cannabinoid was low in fasted dogs (8-20 per cent), in spite of good absorption (72-75 per cent of radio-labelled CRA13 recovered in the systemic circulation). In fed dogs, bioavailability increased to 47.5 per cent and the majority (43.7 per cent) of the dose was absorbed via the lymphatic system of the intestine. Researchers concluded that the positive food effect for CRA13 does not appear to result from increased absorption. Rather the increase in bioavailability was stimulated via almost complete transport into the lymph, in turn resulting in a reduction in first-pass metabolism. In fasted dogs most of the cannabinoid was metabolised, i.e. changed to inactive compounds, at once in the liver before reaching the whole body, while the liver was bypassed in fed animals.
Hey, thanks for this information, however I have had the opposite results. I know it is science, but I also think it comes down to each person's metabolism. Also is there research out there on the number of cannabinoid receptors each person has? (Just thinking out loud here) is it possible that some people have more than others?
I often eat edibles on an empty stomach and then eat about 1 hour after. If I do that the edible kicks in about 30 minutes after the meal. The edible then lasts for hours, of course depending on the potency and if it is cannabutter, coconut oil, hash or kief. The effects last for hours. I can take one of my cookies, cannabutter extraction about 30 minutes before dinner, it will kick in 30-60 minutes after (also dependent on the meal and how much fat was in it) and sleep a good solid 6-8 hours. If I eat one of my brownie bites (coconut oil extraction) around 4 or 5 and on an empty stomach, then eat, I can go to bed and sleep a good 8 hours. We eat pretty healthy. Anyway, that is just my experience.
Sah can you send me the link for that study, I have dabbled in dog biscuits, and am very interested in the research. I medicated my 10 dog, who was on some of the same medication I was on for chronic pain, he had bad arthritis. Anyway, he was bloated and got a think called cushing's disease from the predisone we had him on. He had horrible allergies as well so he needed the predisone. Anyway, near the end, I would give him a tiny nibble of a cookie and he was a different dog. So I made a very diluted oil extraction and backed cookies for him. We had to take him off the predisone due to all the issues, he could hardly walk. We gave him a dog biscuit and he would be better. Able to walk outside to the yard, he didn't look so miserable. He was able to relax and not hold his body so tight. It was much better than the damn big pharma meds, personally I think it is a travesty what we are doing to our bodies and our animals bodies. Oh we have been duped for too long by Big Pharma and Uncle Sam, but no longer!! <---------ok stepping down of my very high soap box, let see I think I need a ladder as I am only 4 9 1/2. Lol