Interactive Fiction


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is the actual interactive fiction thread.


Ok so the point of this is something simple, you might remember it from your younger years. I am going to start the story with a paragraph. The next person to post has to post a continuation of my story in about a paragraph as well.. And the story will continue and continue and continue.

Here we go,

Abe L. was a nice man. He enjoyed walks in the park, fiddling on the flute, and puffing the peace pipe:joint: One day, while fishing in the creek for sharks, he saw something he had never seen before. Two sharks, mating in a creek. His wife quickly came to watch the action.



Well-Known Member
When his wife came she was so turned on by this she, then made her husband whip it out right there, and thats when the eager wife started to suck on his cock.


Well-Known Member
and then johnny's parents pulled in the driveway. looks like he wouldn't get to finish watching his favorite video again. so he sulks down the stairs only to find a large basket of biscuits in his mothers arms. johnny loves his biscuits. he prefers them with butter and honey. yet plain works just as well.


Well-Known Member
Suddenly his mother asks him "Johnny you have been acting strange lately dear and show many signs of a teen experimenting with marijuana"


Well-Known Member
Just then Johnny's father came rushing down the steps holding johnnys bong and asked johhny "What is this?"


Well-Known Member
Johnny's father then fiercly backhands johnny and shouts "Dont you lie to me boy, I saw those damn KottonMouth Kings waving one of these in their music video"


Well-Known Member
Paragraphs Please.
Johnny then looks all around him to identify the person who has said "Paragraphs Please." when suddenly the culprit appears. It's the mailman bringing Johnny the seeds he ordered online. Why the mailman said "Paragraphs Please." is still unknown.


Well-Known Member
Johnny runs to the grab that package that was sent to "Bill Hankercheif" from Big Bad Marijuana Seed Company. As he reaches for the package of Crispy Chronic seeds his dad backhands him again, but this time twice as hard, the blow sends him crashing to the floor, Johnny hits his head on the coffee table, and breaks his neck.


Well-Known Member
The package of seeds breaks open when it hits the ground and they are all over the floor. His dad scopes them all up and puts them back in the box. When johnny gets out of the hospital his dad asks him why he had all those seeds and Johnny tells him he was planing on growning some green in the woods behind the house. His dad says, "well son its your lucky day I have all ready started growing and we are going to sit down after they are all fully grown and are going to smoke it all in one sitting..."