Intelligent design

The experimental setup is simple: just a liquid-filled beaker surrounded by a magnet. That magnet is hooked up to alternating current, which creates a magnetic field that can flip direction very quickly. Most of the time, when the scientists sprinkle particles into the liquid and turn on the current, nothing really interesting happens. Maybe the particles link together in static strings. But when the magnetic field is tuned just right, something strange happens. The particles snap into chains that just start swimming around.
"We call this structure Snake," Snezhko says, pointing to one of the simple structures, and indeed, it looks like that game you used to play on your pre-iPhone Nokia. (You can see a slew of other clips of the snakes at Wired Video.)
The snakes' motion, Snezhko says, is a kind of "resonance." As the magnetic field flips back and forth, the particles' movement changes the surface of the water, which changes how the particles move, which changes the surface of the water, and so on. The simulation they've developed, in the video below, helps show how the process starts.

Interesting, but not much more than that really.
Medical doctors have a saying for this in regards to their patients.

People do not like knowledge which makes them unhappy.

out. :blsmoke:
So TBT posts a link about the EVOLUTION of writing? Interesting.....after arguing that we all just appeared here with clothes and knowledge and a written and spoken language all plotted out for us.
after arguing that we all just appeared here with clothes and knowledge and a written and spoken language all plotted out for us.

Blah blah blah.... no one is arguing that...... thats just what you choose to read into things.

You can't seem to grasp that just because someone doesn't agree with you....doesn't mean they are arguing the opposite.
So TBT posts a link about the EVOLUTION of writing? Interesting.....after arguing that we all just appeared here with clothes and knowledge and a written and spoken language all plotted out for us.

Actually it was more about there possibly being a universal written language, which might lend credence to the Biblical Story about the Tower of Babylon.

Of course, proving that an account in the Bible might have been true, does nothing to prove the existence of God, it just proves that a specific event mentioned in it might have happened.
the bible...
there are a lot of things in it that i think are utter BS.
i consider it more of a fudgy historical document than an accurate record of anything.
some things in it coincide with hard archeological evidence. Battles and cities and whatnot.
i also beleive that it has been commandeered by people with purely human plots and schemes.
corrupt, you might say. and as for as the entire bible being hindsight... thats true with the exception of the last bit.
Revelations... Jesus was like, "I'll be back, so be ready, yo!".
there ARE a lot of things in it that don't make sense.
like, who did cain live with after he killed able?
who were the sons of god that married the daughters of men?
what happened to enoch?