Intelligent design

So where did we come from, I've asked again and again ?

I've given what I think to be true, but all you guys can say is "we just are here". How did we get here, where did we come from?

If someone just conjured us up, where did they come from?

6000 years ago, we just appeared out of thin air?

Come on, entertain me.............
They do, I don't think any one is about to confuse a dog for a cat, and a cat for a mouse, and a mouse for a human being.

Though I do have to say that based on your example, we are some how confusing idiots that can't answer simple questions, and have no rhetorical skill outside of reading straight from a teleprompter for human beings.
Your simplistic examples and personal attacks not withstanding, can you tell me the difference between a field mouse and a kangaroo mouse? How about between a house cat and ocelot? Where does one species end and the other begin? The fact that there aren't clear boundaries and we have seen many examples of speciation occurring, I guess I will put you in the category of the idiots that can't answer simple questions.

Every argument you have put forth here, I have countered with actual science and all we get in return in more of your opinion, no facts.
Your simplistic examples and personal attacks not withstanding, can you tell me the difference between a field mouse and a kangaroo mouse? How about between a house cat and ocelot? Where does one species end and the other begin? The fact that there aren't clear boundaries and we have seen many examples of speciation occurring, I guess I will put you in the category of the idiots that can't answer simple questions.

Every argument you have put forth here, I have countered with actual science and all we get in return in more of your opinion, no facts.

There's still definable difference, otherwise scientists wouldn't have been able to separate them into distinct species.

Do I need to define that word for you, since it is becoming increasingly clear that you are nothing more than a pampered pansified child of one of those idiotic couples that bought into the entire make your child feel good movement where they refused to let children keep score while playing t-ball, and insisted that everyone get a medal that hasn't read anything more complex than a coloring book, but thinks that that qualifies as a extremely advanced text for specialists in the field.
He's going to claim that they are sub-species, but he won't say how sub-species came to be. Could it be that they changed to suit their environment? No way.....

Oh yes and TBT, teaching a dog to sit isn't evolution unless the dogs later on down the line are born with the knowledge.

Nice personal attack TBT, way to back your theory up with facts............ :dunce:
He's going to claim that they are sub-species, but he won't say how sub-species came to be. Could it be that they changed to suit their environment? No way.....

Oh yes and TBT, teaching a dog to sit isn't evolution unless the dogs later on down the line are born with the knowledge.

Nice personal attack TBT, way to back your theory up with facts............ :dunce:

What, I rebutted the argument, and then pushed back even harder. I think it was a great example of rhetorical skill.

As far as the claims that they are a subspecies. What does that mean, besides the fact that they are incredibly similar to other furry, small rodents that look incredibly alike?

Though, as far as you mentioning dogs coming from wolves. That's like saying man came from primitive man. It's a statement of the obvious. Though I really doubt that any one would be crass enough to try saying that a caveman is actually the same species, because we wouldn't be able to recognize the similarities, because thousands of years of slowly decreasing the difficulty that we have coping with our environment has made us appear very different, and have different appearances.

Not proof of interspecies evolution though, proof that we adapted to our environment (or rather our environment to us) certainly, but not evolution.

Besides, I'm having a lot of fun making an ass out of myself.
The companies should not be obligated to let people continue to work for them if those people are not doing their jobs.
I agree with this totally. I have never stated that slackers deserved any support. I never slacked and therefore I never had any sympathy for anyone that did. Fire them all. Good jobs (Union jobs) deserve good people to hold them.

But of course this is the big problems with unions...individual merit is muted. I can work my ass off, and my "brother" next to me can hang all day, and my pay will be equal. Eventually the spirited either take it down a notch or quit. In the end, mediocrity prevails.

out. :blsmoke:
What, I rebutted the argument, and then pushed back even harder. I think it was a great example of rhetorical skill.

As far as the claims that they are a subspecies. What does that mean, besides the fact that they are incredibly similar to other furry, small rodents that look incredibly alike?

Though, as far as you mentioning dogs coming from wolves. That's like saying man came from primitive man. It's a statement of the obvious. Though I really doubt that any one would be crass enough to try saying that a caveman is actually the same species, because we wouldn't be able to recognize the similarities, because thousands of years of slowly decreasing the difficulty that we have coping with our environment has made us appear very different, and have different appearances.

Not proof of interspecies evolution though, proof that we adapted to our environment (or rather our environment to us) certainly, but not evolution.

Besides, I'm having a lot of fun making an ass out of myself.


there's only about 125,000 hits
TBT.... Please send me your herb. Put down the pipe sir.

:lol: (or rather our environment to us) :lol: PUT DOWN THE PIPE! NAPPY TIME!

out. :blsmoke:
So where did we come from, I've asked again and again ?

I've given what I think to be true, but all you guys can say is "we just are here". How did we get here, where did we come from?

If someone just conjured us up, where did they come from?

6000 years ago, we just appeared out of thin air?

Come on, entertain me.............
There is this really witty story book called, you guessed it, "The Bible" Read Genisis and take into consideration that God's time is not our time. Do not get hung up on literal translation, such as God created the earth in 6 days then rested, or a talking snake told Eve to eat the apple. These things are in Parables, stories that are more for the basic ideas presented instead of dates and literal translations. Then read the next few chapters to get the evolution or offspring thingy nailed down. I believe that about 6,000 years ago God, or the great spirit, Jehova, the Creator or whatever you call it/him/her, put forth a being in his likeness with a soul and the capacity for love and free will. Trying to take everything as literal will drive you crazy. Only those thumpers in the south can do that. Just remember, no known metal work has been found past about 4,000 years, so 6,000 would give man plenty of time to evolve into metal. Look what we have achieved in the last 200 years, amazing.
No, I'm not the one that's claiming to be an expert in the field. Why don't you prove it. Produce the references. You did after all supposedly read them all.

Besides, if you can't teach some one what your field is about, then you clearly aren't an expert in the field.
How many more references do you need? 125,000 not enough for you?
Well, you have been talking to scientists here and ignoring what they are saying so why should we think you know anything you are talking about. Have you not heard of the species problem?

Oh yeah, great reference, Mr. Expert, just the kind of stuff that every expert should pull out of their ass. Wikipedia...

It also fails to decide the debate. The ID crowd also argues that genetic similarities are proof of Intelligent Design...
How many more references do you need? 125,000 not enough for you?

Really, you've posted 125,000 references in this thread?

Or are you just referring to the google count?

I wonder how many hits Google would report if I googled, "Proof of Intelligent Design."

The problem with the internet is that idiots are free to spout their nonsense.

Reference, peer-reviewed journals, text books, you know, the kind of things that you as an expert should be familiar with.
Oh yeah, great reference, Mr. Expert, just the kind of stuff that every expert should pull out of their ass. Wikipedia...

It also fails to decide the debate. The ID crowd also argues that genetic similarities are proof of Intelligent Design...
So linking to an encyclopedic definition to explain something that a simple dictionary definition can't do is not something I should do because I'm an expert in my field? Can you explain the logic in that?
Really, you've posted 125,000 references in this thread?

Or are you just referring to the google count?

I wonder how many hits Google would report if I googled, "Proof of Intelligent Design."

The problem with the internet is that idiots are free to spout their nonsense.

Reference, peer-reviewed journals, text books, you know, the kind of things that you as an expert should be familiar with.
Did you even look at any of the links? Judging from the time I posted to the time you responded, I say you barely had enough time to even browse let alone study the huge number of observed instances of speciation.
Med, I'm glad that I get to burst your bubble on this one.

Hold onto your ass, the bible wasn't written by god, nor was it written by jesus. It was written by a bunch of different people after being passed down by word of mouth for hundreds of years.

Now since we don't have the DNA of those people in direct evidence, how do you know they didn't have some maddening disease? What if they'd been eating bread made from rye infected with ergot and they were all tripping?

Have you ever told someone something and then it went through the grapevine and by the time it got back to you the entire story was skewed beyond belief? Now imagine the story had been passed through people for hundreds of years. Maybe a little skewing going on there?

The books of the bible are named after the people who wrote them.

Now what if today, a pregnant girl came to you and said that she was a virgin and was impregnanted by god? Would you believe it? It can't happen today, but it can happen back then? No chance that she lied so as not to bring shame upon her family for not being able to restrain herself sexually?

And where did those stone tablets go with those commandments etched into them go anyway? You'd think stone would have lasted considering that dinosaur bones are still here.