Intelligent design

TBT, the simple act of coming up with a written language is a evolutionary leap. The fact that we aren't still flinging shit at each other is an evolutionary leap. Do you even know what evolution is? It is the constant changing of a life form to suite its environment for survival.

You really think that we just appeared here, in our current state of form and mind? Just one day we weren't here and the next day, poof, people with a language in spoken and written form, with clothes and tools and knowing how to do everything?

And you think I'm crazy?

So tell me TBT, this entity that poofed us here, where did it come from? Did another entity poof it here and another poofed that one here and another one poofed that one here?

Med in the wild animals fight, sometimes to the death for control of the herd or mating rights with a female.

In a Lion pride, the female brings down the kill then the lead male eats first, then the lead females, then the other females then the adolescent cubs, then the younger cubs. Any lion trying to rush in out of turn can and usually is killed, outright.
That's called animal instinct. A far cry from a true soul or love. I know there are humans that live within that realm, but they are psychotic.
Abstract thought is an evolutionary leap. The fact that a person can picture in idea in their head and then take material objects and create something is an evolutiuonary leap. I'm guessing that your bloodline is a bit behind the rest of us in that part of evolution.

So you avoided telling me how the entity that poofed us here complete with a vocal and written language ( you can't just make sounds and call it language, it has to be organized you know), with clothes and the knowledge to make them, and tools and the knowledge to make them and the abilty to hunt and gather and make fire, came from?

One day there was nothing and the next day a planet complete with animals and plants and birds, reptiles, insects, water, fish and an intelligent life form that can't remember yesterday because there was no yesterday, but they luckily have food and clothes and everything they need to survive as well as the thought process to put those survival techniques to good use.

Yep, that sounds way more believeable than evolving slowly over the course of thousands of years of trial and error and learning to survive cold harsh climates.
Maybe we could do something like that with the bankers. Kill them for trying to steal the food from better people. We could also do that with all the politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats and spineless gutless executives at the Big Three.
My god, here we go again. Agreement. I'd expand this much farther down the ladder to all the asshole middle managers like the ones I've had to deal with over the years. The ones doing the CEOs bidding to save their own sorry asses. We're talking thousands, perhaps even millions.
Maybe we could do something like that with the bankers. Kill them for trying to steal the food from better people. We could also do that with all the politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats and spineless gutless executives at the Big Three.
My god, here we go again. Agreement. I'd expand this much farther down the ladder to all the asshole middle managers like the ones I've had to deal with over the years. The ones doing the CEOs bidding to save their own sorry asses. We're talking thousands, perhaps even millions.

I wouldn't include middle management. They're not that well compensated, besides, if we're going to include asshole middle management, perhaps we should also include asshole union employees. The one's that physically attacked scabs, or damaged their property.
Med you said animals don't have rules and laws, you also said that animals wouldn't kill other animals aside from self defense or hunger. You are incorrect.

All species have rankings within them. There are leaders, there are followers, there are those that move on the fringes because they have no place.

Cats will kill for sport, as soon as the mouse is dead, they are done. Dogs will kill for sport too, how else can you explain all these well fed house dogs that are attacking people?
Abstract thought is an evolutionary leap. The fact that a person can picture in idea in their head and then take material objects and create something is an evolutiuonary leap. I'm guessing that your bloodline is a bit behind the rest of us in that part of evolution.

So you avoided telling me how the entity that poofed us here complete with a vocal and written language ( you can't just make sounds and call it language, it has to be organized you know), with clothes and the knowledge to make them, and tools and the knowledge to make them and the abilty to hunt and gather and make fire, came from?

One day there was nothing and the next day a planet complete with animals and plants and birds, reptiles, insects, water, fish and an intelligent life form that can't remember yesterday because there was no yesterday, but they luckily have food and clothes and everything they need to survive as well as the thought process to put those survival techniques to good use.

Yep, that sounds way more believeable than evolving slowly over the course of thousands of years of trial and error and learning to survive cold harsh climates.
Actually, I don't think you were talking to me here but I have an answer for you. First, there is no proof of God Or the creator unless you look for it. It is taken on faith, a much unused commodity these days. Second I never said poof and then there was all these birds and flowers and animals. I can agree with evolution for all flora and fauna with the exception of Humans. My beliefs range along the 6,000 year timeline for actual humans on the planet, be they upgraded primates or a whole new species, they are not evolved animals, a bigfoot might be an evolved animal, but I've never seen one, have you?
Actually, I don't think you were talking to me here but I have an answer for you. First, there is no proof of God Or the creator unless you look for it. It is taken on faith, a much unused commodity these days. Second I never said poof and then there was all these birds and flowers and animals. I can agree with evolution for all flora and fauna with the exception of Humans. My beliefs range along the 6,000 year timeline for actual humans on the planet, be they upgraded primates or a whole new species, they are not evolved animals, a bigfoot might be an evolved animal, but I've never seen one, have you?

I'm not arguing that the sounds weren't organized. I'm saying that it's not proof of evolution. How do most people learn? By Watching, and mimicry. Thus when one started using a specific sound to mean food it caught on, and more and more used the specific sound to mean food. Then it became different sounds to mean food.

That's not evolution, that's just organization through a need to communicate effectively.

Wondering why the hell the entire tribe is off picking flowers when you wanted them to help you go hunt, because the entire tribe is almost out of meat is, I'd imagine, a little stressful. So there was an inherent motivation for humans to develop a standardized means of communication (language.)

Of course it didn't start out as English or Chinese. It was probably nothing more than grunts and gestures, and facial expressions that mimicked the animals and wildlife around them. But it didn't require a change in the physiology of human beings to develop it. Just time, and adoption by more and more people.

If it was evolution that lead to the develop of languages, are you going to say that the Chinese, Japanese, or Koreans are less developed than us, because they still use a more primitive form of writing?
Easy way to challenge your assertion.

Are you asserting that when you teach a dog to sit on command that they are evolving?

Was there some change in their DNA that enabled them to understand the word "Sit" more readily?
I wouldn't include middle management. They're not that well compensated, besides, if we're going to include asshole middle management, perhaps we should also include asshole union employees. The one's that physically attacked scabs, or damaged their property.
I see you're trying to incite me. Let me explain the theory of union management negotiations for you. The company tries to fuck the employees and the union tries to protect them, in the simplest of terms. Now when negotiations break down, there is either a strike or a lockout. This should affect both sides equally. If the employees can't make aa living, why should the companies be allowed to continue on with scabs. They should be held accountable and be brought back to the bargaining table to resume negotiations. When scabs are brought in, the Idea is to break the unions back and make the employees either eat shit or walk. If someone was trying to steal bread off of your table, what would you do? When we were locked out, hell yeah some damage was done to the scabs property, in fact if we could have gotten to the scabs, there would certainly have been some damage inflicted on them. They were in the process of stealing bread off of our tables.m They had police escorts to and from the hotel where they stayed. They were promised jobs after we settled, but they were so hated that only 2 stayed and we finally ran them off after one almost literally lost his head. Many ways to create an accident in the truck driving industry. I wouldn't have pissed on anyone of them if they were on fire. With a union behind you, you can feel like your job is somewhat secure, beats the hell out of having to be at the whim of some asshole boss that can fire you for not smiling at him in the morning
The fact that all dogs come from wolves is evolution. The fact that they aren't all looking just like wolves is evolution. Humans lent a hand, by keeping those mutations alive but it's evolution just the same.

Just the same as during slavery, the slave owners knew that if they bred the largest strongest slaves it would result for the most part in larger stronger offspring. That also is evolution.

Weed is proof of evolution, the fact that there isn't just one kind of marijuana. There are different types depending on where it grew. The plants changed to fit their environment. Hence, they evolved or they would die. Then humans stepped in and took the evolution of weed to a new level.

In fact all plants have sub-species, they reason they do is because not all species of plants can live in all places in the world. The plants had to evolve to suit the growing seasons and weather around them.
I see you're trying to incite me. Let me explain the theory of union management negotiations for you. The company tries to fuck the employees and the union tries to protect them, in the simplest of terms. Now when negotiations break down, there is either a strike or a lockout. This should affect both sides equally. If the employees can't make aa living, why should the companies be allowed to continue on with scabs. They should be held accountable and be brought back to the bargaining table to resume negotiations. When scabs are brought in, the Idea is to break the unions back and make the employees either eat shit or walk. If someone was trying to steal bread off of your table, what would you do? When we were locked out, hell yeah some damage was done to the scabs property, in fact if we could have gotten to the scabs, there would certainly have been some damage inflicted on them. They were in the process of stealing bread off of our tables.m They had police escorts to and from the hotel where they stayed. They were promised jobs after we settled, but they were so hated that only 2 stayed and we finally ran them off after one almost literally lost his head. Many ways to create an accident in the truck driving industry. I wouldn't have pissed on anyone of them if they were on fire. With a union behind you, you can feel like your job is somewhat secure, beats the hell out of having to be at the whim of some asshole boss that can fire you for not smiling at him in the morning

The companies should not be obligated to let people continue to work for them if those people are not doing their jobs.

While I agree that unions do a lot of good, they also do a lot of bad. How many people have heard stories about unionized shops having employees that routinely leave during hours to go to baseball games, and football games, and in general jerk off on the company's dime.

It cuts both ways. The employer may have a responsibility to be fair to the employees, but the employees also have the same responsibility to be fair to the employer. Which means, not jerking off on the company's dime.
The fact that all dogs come from wolves is evolution. The fact that they aren't all looking just like wolves is evolution. Humans lent a hand, by keeping those mutations alive but it's evolution just the same.

Just the same as during slavery, the slave owners knew that if they bred the largest strongest slaves it would result for the most part in larger stronger offspring. That also is evolution.

Weed is proof of evolution, the fact that there isn't just one kind of marijuana. There are different types depending on where it grew. The plants changed to fit their environment. Hence, they evolved or they would die. Then humans stepped in and took the evolution of weed to a new level.

In fact all plants have sub-species, they reason they do is because not all species of plants can live in all places in the world. The plants had to evolve to suit the growing seasons and weather around them.

That's not evolution, that's natural selection limited to intraspecies breeding.

You're still missing INTERspecies evolution.
You are still insisting that a species has clear definable boundaries.

They do, I don't think any one is about to confuse a dog for a cat, and a cat for a mouse, and a mouse for a human being.

Though I do have to say that based on your example, we are some how confusing idiots that can't answer simple questions, and have no rhetorical skill outside of reading straight from a teleprompter for human beings.
The companies should not be obligated to let people continue to work for them if those people are not doing their jobs.
I agree with this totally. I have never stated that slackers deserved any support. I never slacked and therefore I never had any sympathy for anyone that did. Fire them all. Good jobs (Union jobs) deserve good people to hold them.
The companies should not be obligated to let people continue to work for them if those people are not doing their jobs.
I agree with this totally. I have never stated that slackers deserved any support. I never slacked and therefore I never had any sympathy for anyone that did. Fire them all. Good jobs (Union jobs) deserve good people to hold them.

:: lifts up pencil, lets go, watches as it falls ::

Sorry, just had to make sure I wasn't in some weird time warp, you're actually making sense, and saying shit I can agree with.
The fact that all dogs come from wolves is evolution. The fact that they aren't all looking just like wolves is evolution. Humans lent a hand, by keeping those mutations alive but it's evolution just the same.

Just the same as during slavery, the slave owners knew that if they bred the largest strongest slaves it would result for the most part in larger stronger offspring. That also is evolution.

Weed is proof of evolution, the fact that there isn't just one kind of marijuana. There are different types depending on where it grew. The plants changed to fit their environment. Hence, they evolved or they would die. Then humans stepped in and took the evolution of weed to a new level.

In fact all plants have sub-species, they reason they do is because not all species of plants can live in all places in the world. The plants had to evolve to suit the growing seasons and weather around them.
No arguements about plants and animals, miss, just the human species. The one with free will and speech. The one that rules supreme on this planet. The very tip top of the food chain.