Intelligent design

It's proof that people were here, evolving and they painted those. If the world is only 6000 years old, how can those paintings be 17000 years old?

You're bat shiat crazy, or haven't been reading all the post in this thread.


Fossils separated by millions upon millions of years do not prove a damn thing. There is no way to say for sure if they are related. Especially when you consider the fact that DNA is composed of 4 proteins, and thus dna is incredibly similar regardless of what species it belongs to.
4 bases repeating billions of times gives you an astronomical number of possible variations. I dont think its a coincidence that humans and chimpanzee dna is so similar.
You're bat shiat crazy, or haven't been reading all the post in this thread.


Fossils separated by millions upon millions of years do not prove a damn thing. There is no way to say for sure if they are related. Especially when you consider the fact that DNA is composed of 4 proteins, and thus dna is incredibly similar regardless of what species it belongs to.
DNA is composed of 4 proteins? When people that can't even use the correct terminology and apply scientific principles incorrectly, it is apparent they don't have enough information to make the determination on the validity of evolution.
Nucleotides are not proteins. Fossils separated by millions of years don't mean anything unless they are carefully cataloged and studied, then they can tell us a lot. With all of your railing against ToE, which science admits still has some holes (otherwise why keep researching?), you have yet to produce one piece of information that falsifies ET.
You are blindly accepting that those drawings are 17,000 years old. If they used radiometric dating then there were three major assumptions made to arrive at the 17,000 years.
1)They assumed that the radioactive conditions have stayed the same for thousands to millions of years.
2)They assumed that the "half life" of the elements in question have stayed the same.
3)They assumed that no products of the radioactive decay were originally present or that they have been added since the formation of the rock.
It has been proven that this method produces different results. The "Leakey's 1470 man" produced one date that was 220 million years old an another that said it was 2.6 million. Kind of a swing there.
If they used Carbon 14 dating then there are many scientists that would tell you that it is unreliable beyond 3,000 years because they assume that the carbon level is constant but scientist know that the C14 levels are continually rising.

However, the older I get the more I realize how little I really know so you could be right and I could be wrong.

You are blindly accepting that those drawings are 17,000 years old. If they used radiometric dating then there were three major assumptions made to arrive at the 17,000 years.
1)They assumed that the radioactive conditions have stayed the same for thousands to millions of years.
2)They assumed that the "half life" of the elements in question have stayed the same.
For these first two you are correct. Those assumptions have to be made. Do you have any reason to believe that the laws of physics have changed since the beginning of time? Do you not understand that the weak nuclear force a constant. It is the same in this part of the galaxy as it is in one 13 billion ly away in another distant galaxy. If the laws of physics have varied over time, it's not just radiocarbon dating that would have problems but much of physics and chemistry would be wrong as well.
3)They assumed that no products of the radioactive decay were originally present or that they have been added since the formation of the rock.
You don't seem to understand how dating works. dating is used to determine when something was formed. They don't assume that no products were there at the beginning. The equation is:
D = D0 + N(eλt-1)
t = age of the sample
D = number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the sample
D0 = number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the original composition
N = number of atoms of the parent isotope in the sample
λ = decay constant of the parent isotope - this is equal to the inverse of the radioactive half-life of the parent isotope (which can be obtained from tables such as the one on this page) times the natural logarithm of two.

Do you notice D0 there?

Also, you should read about blocking temperatures. This gives us a starting point for the amount of daughter isotopes present. You will have to propose a mechanism that daughter isotopes can be added to igneous rock if you want to make the second half of your claim.

Stop relying on creationist websites to give you honest answers about science and physics. They are purposely misleading you because they don't have a strong enough argument for their own, they have to resort to opposing any science that shows their myths created by bronze age goat herders to be inaccurate to any way.
I say, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and evolution is just as much of an opinion as ID when it comes to human beings, In the natural world, Flora and fauna, I agree with evolution. Man on the otherhand, having dominion over all the creatures and plants on earth, is a special creature. Endowed with a soul and free will, he wreaks havok all around and makes "scientific" assertions about his own existence, when there is really no way to know if there is a God or not. Mankind would be better served if they took the ten commandnents to heart and followed this simple doctrine: "Treat others as you would like to be treated" This would work whether one was an athiest or a Mormon. It's time for Mankind to wake the fuck up.
I believe 17000 years to be about right, especially when you take into consideration the dating of other artifacts found in that area.

There are multiple caves in France with paintings in them, it's not just the one. I just posted pics from the one I'd love to see myself.

You have to keep in mind that writing wasn't always invented, this was their way of writing. These people predated the egyptians, who lived 5,000 years ago. The egyptians already had a working system of writing, which would have had to have been developed, they didn't just come up with it overnight.

Just coming up with a system of written symbols to represent material objects is an evolutionary leap. It requires abstract thought which our forebearers would have had to evolve to create.

Just the act of staying alive was something during our beginnings.
I believe 17000 years to be about right, especially when you take into consideration the dating of other artifacts found in that area.

There are multiple caves in France with paintings in them, it's not just the one. I just posted pics from the one I'd love to see myself.

You have to keep in mind that writing wasn't always invented, this was their way of writing. These people predated the egyptians, who lived 5,000 years ago. The egyptians already had a working system of writing, which would have had to have been developed, they didn't just come up with it overnight.

Just coming up with a system of written symbols to represent material objects is an evolutionary leap. It requires abstract thought which our forebearers would have had to evolve to create.

Just the act of staying alive was something during our beginnings.
You mean right after we crawled up out of that slimey goo? Or maybe when we first grew legs. Maybe right when our tail fell off, or was it when we started fucking face to face?, Me, I'd opt for the latter.
I imagine even before we crawled out of the sea. The sea was filled with giant terrifying creatures. I think we left the sea to escape them.
I think that when the intelligence in ID came along, and introduced "Soul" to the mix, "Humans" started fucking face to face because the "Emotion" called Love was introduced along with the soul. Outside of some animal species like dogs that "appear" to love us, which is just a response to our caring for them, animals don't experience emotion, at least not emotions of the higher plane. The anger elicited in attacks by animals is really not anger, just a primordial survival response. Animals=no souls. Some Humans=souls. Now if you don't believe in a soul, do you believe in love, and how could love exist without some higher intelligence than evolving animals?
There are animal species that mate for life, swans, wolves, certain penguins. Is that love? Do you think they have souls too? Most humans aren't even evolved enough to mate for life.
I think that when the intelligence in ID came along, and introduced "Soul" to the mix, "Humans" started fucking face to face because the "Emotion" called Love was introduced along with the soul. Outside of some animal species like dogs that "appear" to love us, which is just a response to our caring for them, animals don't experience emotion, at least not emotions of the higher plane. The anger elicited in attacks by animals is really not anger, just a primordial survival response. Animals=no souls. Some Humans=souls. Now if you don't believe in a soul, do you believe in love, and how could love exist without some higher intelligence than evolving animals?
What does any of this have to do with evolution? Define love. Define soul. Many animals exhibit strong pair bonds and strong family bonds. The only reason we 'love' is because we are sentient and came up with a word to describe the strong attachment we feel for certain individuals. Can you prove other species don't love? I believe my dog 'loves' me but is it true? I'm anthropomorizing her but you get the idea.

If you want to believe that humans are special and has dominion over other creatures, go for it, it sure doesn't make it so. The lowly virus has more dominion over the world than we do.
17000 year old paintings is proof. It's proof people were here and that they were evolving.

How much proof do you need?

Like I said BAT SHIAT Crazy, Miss.

Who gives a damn that 17,000 years ago there were primitive humans around, that did not have an effective language, spoken or written, that doesn't prove anything except for maybe that we all started out as dumb as Obama.

In that 17,000 year time frame, we built up on that knowledge to where we are now. And we'll continue building up on that knowledge. There's nothing to do with DNA with the status of human development.

Language, Art, none of that has anything to do with evolution.
That is true, the virus can fuck us up, it does all the time. Does it have a soul?

Just because humans are more mentally and physically capable of destroying the planet doesn't make us better than other species. If anything we are way more foolhardy. We don't let the weak die to preserve the genetic lines, and we're the only species that thinks that way.
What does any of this have to do with evolution? Define love. Define soul. Many animals exhibit strong pair bonds and strong family bonds. The only reason we 'love' is because we are sentient and came up with a word to describe the strong attachment we feel for certain individuals. Can you prove other species don't love? I believe my dog 'loves' me but is it true? I'm anthropomorizing her but you get the idea.

If you want to believe that humans are special and has dominion over other creatures, go for it, it sure doesn't make it so. The lowly virus has more dominion over the world than we do.
Let's look at this: The lowly virus is collected by species where it lies, unless it is an airborne variety, even then it is reliant upon the wind. The only animal species that kills it's own species for any reason other than self defense or hunger is human. We hunt and kill all animals for food and sport, and yes we have dominion over them as any sporting or military grade rifle makes us superior, Ask yourself what species of animal will go to war against it's own kind, killing thousands, millions (WWII). What form of animal would starve millions for it's own agrandisement? You guessed it, Humans. Do animals have written rules and laws, in fact have you ever heard an intelligent conversation from an animal, if so, you must be smoking the good stuff. To suggest that we are just evolved animals is absolutewly rediculous, and yes, I'd tell Darwin that myself.
TBT, the simple act of coming up with a written language is a evolutionary leap. The fact that we aren't still flinging shit at each other is an evolutionary leap. Do you even know what evolution is? It is the constant changing of a life form to suite its environment for survival.

You really think that we just appeared here, in our current state of form and mind? Just one day we weren't here and the next day, poof, people with a language in spoken and written form, with clothes and tools and knowing how to do everything?

And you think I'm crazy?

So tell me TBT, this entity that poofed us here, where did it come from? Did another entity poof it here and another poofed that one here and another one poofed that one here?

Med in the wild animals fight, sometimes to the death for control of the herd or mating rights with a female.

In a Lion pride, the female brings down the kill then the lead male eats first, then the lead females, then the other females then the adolescent cubs, then the younger cubs. Any lion trying to rush in out of turn can and usually is killed, outright.
Or is it the insistence of having religion and the differences produced because of geography and cultures, which lead to all of the violence?

out. :blsmoke:
TBT, the simple act of coming up with a written language is a evolutionary leap. The fact that we aren't still flinging shit at each other is an evolutionary leap. Do you even know what evolution is? It is the constant changing of a life form to suite its environment for survival.

You really think that we just appeared here, in our current state of form and mind? Just one day we weren't here and the next day, poof, people with a language in spoken and written form, with clothes and tools and knowing how to do everything?

And you think I'm crazy?

So tell me TBT, this entity that poofed us here, where did it come from? Did another entity poof it here and another poofed that one here and another one poofed that one here?

Language is not an evolutionary leap.

What's next are you going to claim that coming up with electricity was a evolutionary leap?

What about computers? Was that an evolutionary leap, too?

Or Airplanes, was that evolution?

Give me a break. It was nothing more than the standardization of the vocal sounds that were made by primitive humans. Codified, standardized, and passed down, expanded, modified, and passed down again, and repeat.

Just like written language. Written language went from being pictographs to symbols (letters), not through evolution, but through standardization (and laziness.)

That's not evolution, that's just an example of the self-organizing properties of this chaotic entity called Man.
TBT, the simple act of coming up with a written language is a evolutionary leap. The fact that we aren't still flinging shit at each other is an evolutionary leap. Do you even know what evolution is? It is the constant changing of a life form to suite its environment for survival.

You really think that we just appeared here, in our current state of form and mind? Just one day we weren't here and the next day, poof, people with a language in spoken and written form, with clothes and tools and knowing how to do everything?

And you think I'm crazy?

So tell me TBT, this entity that poofed us here, where did it come from? Did another entity poof it here and another poofed that one here and another one poofed that one here?

Med in the wild animals fight, sometimes to the death for control of the herd or mating rights with a female.

In a Lion pride, the female brings down the kill then the lead male eats first, then the lead females, then the other females then the adolescent cubs, then the younger cubs. Any lion trying to rush in out of turn can and usually is killed, outright.

Maybe we could do something like that with the bankers. Kill them for trying to steal the food from better people. We could also do that with all the politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats and spineless gutless executives at the Big Three.