Intelligent design

It took 3 billion or so years for this planet to progress to the point of implanting human species on it. One certainly wouldn't have implanted them here in the age of dinosaurs, now would they. And please explain how the mayans got those 8 ton rocks up that mountain and installed with the accuracy they maintain.
They got the dinosaurs to help?
So let me get this straight and don't take any offense to what I am about to say. You believe aliens or intelligent beings from somewhere else in our universe installed a soul into the human species, upgraded our intelligence and so on?
Exactly my friend. Someone intervened in the evolution of simians. Either by implanting a whole new species, Human, or tuning up the most advanced simians, 6,000 years ago. As far as to who it was, I have no empirical evidence, I have to take that on faith. I do believe that the evolutional of the animal species (Except humans) may have happened like Darwin suggests, but Humans are the only creatures imbued with a soul, Well some are. And yes, I do believe we've been continuously visited by beings from the universe throughout our history. It took 3 billion or so years for this planet to progress to the point of implanting human species on it. One certainly wouldn't have implanted them here in the age of dinosaurs, now would they. And please explain how the mayans got those 8 ton rocks up that mountain and installed with the accuracy they maintain.

I'm not sure I believe it, but a look at a lot of religious texts and historical text do mention angels, monsters, demons, or other things. Genies, Djinns, so on and so forth.

There is a lot that appears in religious texts everywhere that had to come from somewhere.

Tales of giants, and of demons. Let's not forget the widespread existence of polytheism prior to Judaism or Monotheism.

Where did so many people come up with the idea to worship Gods?

Where did they get the images of these Gods?

Imagination? Maybe over time it became distorted from being passed verbally, but every myth has some grain of truth to it.
I'm not sure I believe it, but a look at a lot of religious texts and historical text do mention angels, monsters, demons, or other things. Genies, Djinns, so on and so forth.

There is a lot that appears in religious texts everywhere that had to come from somewhere.

Tales of giants, and of demons. Let's not forget the widespread existence of polytheism prior to Judaism or Monotheism.

Where did so many people come up with the idea to worship Gods?

Where did they get the images of these Gods?

Imagination? Maybe over time it became distorted from being passed verbally, but every myth has some grain of truth to it.

The ancients found bones in the deserts, mountains, fields of the world just as archeologists do today. You can imagine a man finding a huge leg bone of a dinosaur and trying to imagine what sort of beast it came from, there imagination was the limit, They couldn't understand that the fossils they found were millions of years old. Tales being passed down for hundreds of years change alot also, thats where I think tales of giants and dragons come from.
It's pretty simple.They played dungeons and dragons.The monster manual contains BOTH giants and dragons.:bigjoint:
I'm not sure I believe it, but a look at a lot of religious texts and historical text do mention angels, monsters, demons, or other things. Genies, Djinns, so on and so forth.

There is a lot that appears in religious texts everywhere that had to come from somewhere.

Tales of giants, and of demons. Let's not forget the widespread existence of polytheism prior to Judaism or Monotheism.

Where did so many people come up with the idea to worship Gods?

Where did they get the images of these Gods?

Imagination? Maybe over time it became distorted from being passed verbally, but every myth has some grain of truth to it.
So, the bottom line in this entire discussion seems to be that BOTH the Evolutionists and the Creationists are basing their beliefs on FAITH. :lol:

As for me, I prefer to believe that my beginnings came from a Higher Source. Now if you Evolutionists choose to believe that your Uncle was a monkey ... so be it. :blsmoke:

No, not faith.EVIDENCE.That's what evolutionists are basing their beliefs on.Creationists are the ones dealing with FAITH.
So, the bottom line in this entire discussion seems to be that BOTH the Evolutionists and the Creationists are basing their beliefs on FAITH. :lol:

As for me, I prefer to believe that my beginnings came from a Higher Source. Now if you Evolutionists choose to believe that your Uncle was a monkey ... so be it. :blsmoke:


This whole idea that it is impossible for life to arise spontaneously...

Put a bunch of various elements in a heated stew for 4+ BILLION years. Do the same thing on BILLIONS of planets. I find it unlikely that self-replicating organisms WOULDN'T arise. If those self-replicating organisms had any variation upon replication, evolution HAS to happen. It is a very simple theory when you look at it. And it is a theory that HASN'T been disproven in the 200 years since it was posited. Science actively seeks to disprove its own hypotheses and frequently does. That is how scientific progress occurs.

When we look at the simplicity of the evolutionary process (and all of its supporting evidence) vs. intelligent design (that doesn't have a single, solitary ounce of scientific support), the....

Oh...why am I even trying. Whatever. An invisible man in the sky did it.

This whole idea that it is impossible for life to arise spontaneously...

Put a bunch of various elements in a heated stew for 4+ BILLION years. Do the same thing on BILLIONS of planets. I find it unlikely that self-replicating organisms WOULDN'T arise. If those self-replicating organisms had any variation upon replication, evolution HAS to happen. It is a very simple theory when you look at it. And it is a theory that HASN'T been disproven in the 200 years since it was posited. Science actively seeks to disprove its own hypotheses and frequently does. That is how scientific progress occurs.

When we look at the simplicity of the evolutionary process (and all of its supporting evidence) vs. intelligent design (that doesn't have a single, solitary ounce of scientific support), the....

Oh...why am I even trying. Whatever. An invisible man in the sky did it.

Do you even have proof that your experiment will lead to the outcome?

Do you have empirical evidence that backs up your claims that life can arise from non-life?


Neither do the experts.
Yes...look at water.You set some out, and life is gonna start growing in it eventually, provided the conditions are right.Bacteria was probably the first "life form",it came from amino acids,and evolved into higher life forms.If we look at the process of cell division, it's like a perfect map for evolution in miniature...the cells go through mitosis, splitting and serparating, and though many of them are just copies of the parent cell, some mutate,because of evironmental factors,defects, etc...some of these mutations are successful, and are passed to successive generations, modified though mutation when the need arises, producing new and unique organisms.We can see this just by watching these cells through their generations, experiment with it by adding in new environmental's all there, and to me, it just makes so much sense when you look at it.The argument of intelligent can you even call some of these life forms intelligent design?Take guinea pigs, just as an example...They have babies that are way too big for them, and often they die, both the babies and the mother.What about folks like that elephant man?Surely if the designer was so "intelligent," they'd have put a failsafe in there so shit like that couldn't happen?
Do you even have proof that your experiment will lead to the outcome?

Do you have empirical evidence that backs up your claims that life can arise from non-life?


Neither do the experts.
No, not faith.EVIDENCE.That's what evolutionists are basing their beliefs on.Creationists are the ones dealing with FAITH.

Wait a minute, Stoney ...

Faith is belief in the unknown. When I speak of Evolutionists, I'm speaking of those who believe that Man has ascended from lower life forms. There is no evidence of that ... there are only guesses based upon looking at fossil evidence that has NOTHING to do with the development of Man. In other words, the belief in Man's evolution from lower life forms must be taken on faith.

Can anyone answer these questions:

1. If Man ascended from apes ... why are there still apes?

2. From where did the very first organism originate?


PS: You're a monkey's Aunt, Stoney. :lol:
We are a life form of the earth.All the rules that apply to other earth life forms apply to us as well.Look at my previous post, it answers some of your questions.Evolutionists don't necessarily believe we are descended DIRECTLY from apes, we just have a common ancestor, and are of the same family.Apes branched one way, we another.Simple as that.If you look at cell division, you see clues as to how we came to be...from one, the cell replicates itself, over and over,and diversifies according to environment.Though we don't necessarily think of them as such, bacteria, yeasts, viruses, are all life forms, albeit simple ones,and they exist within us, forming some of the building blocks of what make us what we are.Noone knows for sure from where the first organism originated..we haven't found it yet.But we do know for certain that chemical reactions occur with certain elements in the right theory is that in the warm shallow seas of prehistoric earth,comets bombarded us, the massive heat from impact causing explosive chemical reactions,creating amino acids, essentially"seeding" the earth.Because the conditions were right,single celled bacteria began to grow...then, as conditions changed over time,they divided and changed in order to survive.Naturally, not all of them survived, that's why we see fossils in one layer that don't cross over...dead ends on the tree of life...but others branched, grew, diversified, and became what we now recognize as life forms of earth.It's so simple, to me.Everything shows us that change, evolution, is essential to maintaining life.And it's a never ending cycle...we have only begun to scratch the surface of Time,and how it works...we see things in a linear manner, but I propose it's a big loop..and we can see evidence to back this star dies, and from its remnants, other stars are born, accreting dust and gas, forming planets,and if conditions are right, life.Not always as we know or understand it.But it didn't happen in 6000 years.And if an intelligent life form created us, why would it make so many mistakes?If god is supposed to be omnipotent, perfect, and all powerful?Don't you understand how ludicrous that sounds?God is perfect, but he makes mistakes?That's an oxymoron.

And I don't care if I am related to apes...I have no problem with that...humans are not anything special.We are all a part of this earth as well,subject to its scientific laws and limitations.
Wait a minute, Stoney ...

Faith is belief in the unknown. When I speak of Evolutionists, I'm speaking of those who believe that Man has ascended from lower life forms. There is no evidence of that ... there are only guesses based upon looking at fossil evidence that has NOTHING to do with the development of Man. In other words, the belief in Man's evolution from lower life forms must be taken on faith.

Can anyone answer these questions:

1. If Man ascended from apes ... why are there still apes?

2. From where did the very first organism originate?


PS: You're a monkey's Aunt, Stoney. :lol:
Wait a minute, Stoney ...

Faith is belief in the unknown. When I speak of Evolutionists, I'm speaking of those who believe that Man has ascended from lower life forms. There is no evidence of that ... there are only guesses based upon looking at fossil evidence that has NOTHING to do with the development of Man. In other words, the belief in Man's evolution from lower life forms must be taken on faith.

Can anyone answer these questions:

1. If Man ascended from apes ... why are there still apes?

2. From where did the very first organism originate?


PS: You're a monkey's Aunt, Stoney. :lol:
1. man and apes ascended from a common ancestor
2. the primordial stew. Life as amazing as it is, is just a collection of non living atoms, and in infinite space and time, the right atoms and molecules were bound to come together eventually.

Ok I have a question for you, do you think dinosaurs and humand beings coexisted :lol:
1. man and apes ascended from a common ancestor
2. the primordial stew. Life as amazing as it is, is just a collection of non living atoms, and in infinite space and time, the right atoms and molecules were bound to come together eventually.

Ok I have a question for you, do you think dinosaurs and humand beings coexisted :lol:

Of course dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Just go to the creation museum. It's all there:
Yes...look at water.You set some out, and life is gonna start growing in it eventually, provided the conditions are right.Bacteria was probably the first "life form",it came from amino acids,and evolved into higher life forms.If we look at the process of cell division, it's like a perfect map for evolution in miniature...the cells go through mitosis, splitting and serparating, and though many of them are just copies of the parent cell, some mutate,because of evironmental factors,defects, etc...some of these mutations are successful, and are passed to successive generations, modified though mutation when the need arises, producing new and unique organisms.We can see this just by watching these cells through their generations, experiment with it by adding in new environmental's all there, and to me, it just makes so much sense when you look at it.The argument of intelligent can you even call some of these life forms intelligent design?Take guinea pigs, just as an example...They have babies that are way too big for them, and often they die, both the babies and the mother.What about folks like that elephant man?Surely if the designer was so "intelligent," they'd have put a failsafe in there so shit like that couldn't happen?

That's not proof Stony. Prior to the invention of the microscope people thought that maggots (life) spontaneously emerged out of rotting corpses.

As far as your water scenario, I can tell you that right now, uncontaminated water not exposed to outside bacterial, viruses, or fungii would not behave that way. No life would spontaneously emerge out of the water.

Pure water is missing a hell of a lot of chemicals, and if you're talking about regular river water you might as well ram your head against a wall and give up trying to argue right now, because you're stating that if you take something that has life in it, life will be evident. It's a zero sum argument.

Start Condition - The water has life in it
End Condition - The water has life in it

You haven't proved anything.
The comets, brutal, harbored the outside bacteria.This made CONDITIONS for life possible.All we are is a chemical cocktail, when you really come down to it.Chemical reactions occured that caused what we call "life".I don't believe I was talking about river water, I was referring to the prehistoric seas,which were more than likely briny,as they are today.I'm saying that this is a never ending cycle of death and rebirth, in a loop(IMO)...the death of one thing brings the life of another...which is why I made a reference to stars,time, and how we perceive it.
Anyway, the start condition was: Water has POTENTIAL for life in it.
End condition (At least in this universe):Life emerges.
Everything, even the things we don't recognize as living, has a chemical composition.Certain chemicals react with one another in certain ways.Given the right conditions, certain results occur:i.e, "life".
That's not proof Stony. Prior to the invention of the microscope people thought that maggots (life) spontaneously emerged out of rotting corpses.

As far as your water scenario, I can tell you that right now, uncontaminated water not exposed to outside bacterial, viruses, or fungii would not behave that way. No life would spontaneously emerge out of the water.

Pure water is missing a hell of a lot of chemicals, and if you're talking about regular river water you might as well ram your head against a wall and give up trying to argue right now, because you're stating that if you take something that has life in it, life will be evident. It's a zero sum argument.

Start Condition - The water has life in it
End Condition - The water has life in it

You haven't proved anything.