Intake fan on 5x5 tent


Well-Known Member
So i'm using a 5x5 gorilla tent, and I have everything set up basically (first real grow) but I am having trouble deciding where to put my intake fan (must have one, tent gets too hot otherwise sadly).

If I put it at the bot it is just blowing any plants in its way over easily even on low power. So I am losing a bunch of space in my 5x5, because I cant put plants in the line of fire of the fan on the lower parts of the tent.

But if I put it up high (where my exhaust is as well) I feel like the new cold fresh air will be sucked out to fast.

Dilemma ;0

Haven't found much on this topic overall so figured i'd post this and see what people are doing. Any advice helps.

Thanks! - I'll upload a pic when I get home this evening hopefully.

LINK TO THE TENT - so you guys can see where the fan slots are (the last pic on their site shows a great overview of the entry holes on the tent.
Hey man,
I run a 3X3 room and needed an intake since the room is in a musty basement that I felt needed fresh air.
It's hard to give advice on something like this without being there or at least seeing pictures. I had to give up some space from my 3X3 to make room for a fan and heater, my room is very space efficient.
The intake belongs at the bottom, because air flows up towards your exhaust. The idea is to fill the bottom of the room with fresh air and it will cycle out through the top. Is there a way you can put it in the bottom but direct the air-flow upwards? Maybe use a 90 degree flange? You'll figure it out, you may have to sacrifice some space.
Yeah, Ha, over lunch I thought of an idea very similar. I was thinking maybe run ducting up so it just shoots up slightly into an area that doesnt blow over plants ha. I'll look into some flanges though. Thanks for the idea man!
So i'm using a 5x5 gorilla tent, and I have everything set up basically (first real grow) but I am having trouble deciding where to put my intake fan (must have one, tent gets too hot otherwise sadly).

If I put it at the bot it is just blowing any plants in its way over easily even on low power. So I am losing a bunch of space in my 5x5, because I cant put plants in the line of fire of the fan on the lower parts of the tent.

But if I put it up high (where my exhaust is as well) I feel like the new cold fresh air will be sucked out to fast.

Dilemma ;0

Haven't found much on this topic overall so figured i'd post this and see what people are doing. Any advice helps.

Thanks! - I'll upload a pic when I get home this evening hopefully.

LINK TO THE TENT - so you guys can see where the fan slots are (the last pic on their site shows a great overview of the entry holes on the tent.

You want to mount your exhasut fan as high as possible. This is for a few reasons:
  • Heat rises and will be accumulating the the top of the tent
  • Vents at the bottom of the tent will allow cooler air at the floor to be sucked into the tent and drawn up through the plants
  • Fans create their own heat
Most people hang their fans from the top tent poles. Others, like myself, mount their fans outside of their tent to reduce the amount of heat needed to be removed in the tent.

What kind of light are you using?
I never use my intake fan but if I did and was concerned about it hitting a plant I would put a baffle in front of it and wouldn't lose much plant space that way

Why you can't run without it getting too hot, that would be my first adjustment?
-good luck