I’ve never tried air cooling anything that large, but the math should be the same. 3.412 btu per watt of lighting. 550x8=4400 watts but let’s call it a min of 5000 watts because of other equipment. It takes 3.41 but per watt so 3.41x5000= 17050. So the min size AC I’d go with would be 18k btu. I’d go bigger than that tho but I’m not used to led. I am getting a 2 ton mini for 4K watts.
It would def be cheaper to cool 2 10x10 tents run on opposite schedules. Then you only cooling 2200 watts at a time. At that point depending on your home hvac system and or ventilation you use you could possibly not even need extra AC unless it’s really hot where u live. I successfully air cooled 2150 watts in a 4x8 all winter just had to keep the house set on 66 and highest temps I got was 81 and that was with venting back into house for heat. I did close the damper for the hvac to the room it’s in so it didn’t get heated by furnaceand I open it when have AC on. I have dropped down to 1830 watts for now as it’s warming up outside but won’t be a problem in couple weeks when get the mini installed.
The only problem with two tents is you have to buy 2 of everything and can add to intial cost.