Insurance Is A Scam

Poll: Has your insurance covered a cost that you could not?

  • Yes, I would have to sell my house

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • It would have hurt my bank Account

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • No, $80 Sterilized socks for surgery is ridiculous

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
By voter ID do you mean the card you get in the mail to vote or Drivers License? Why would minorities not be able to get a card in the mail?
It's not that they can't get one, but that they can't get 12. Or they're not citizens.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yah, I'm calling bullshit on the "not able to get ID" line UB.

That is just rediculous. If you have a mailing address you can get a voters ID.


Well-Known Member
Here are the costs for State IDs

Quick look
Average about $15

Hmm not a bad estimate

real average is $15.41

Alaska$15; free if 60 or older
Arizona$12; free if 65 or older
California$26; free if 62 or older; $7 low-income residents
Colorado$10.50; free if 60 or older
Georgia$20 for five-years; $35 for 10 years
Hawaii$15; $10 if 65 or older
Idaho$10; $20 for eight-year card if 21 or older
Illinois$10 if under 18; $20; free if 65 or older
Indiana$13; $10 if 65 or older or disabled
Kansas$18; $14 if 65 or older
Louisiana$21; free if 60 or older
Michigan$10; free if 65 or older
Minnesota$18; $11 if 65 or older
NebraskaRanges from $7.50 to $26.50
Nevada$6 under 18; $12; $7 if 65 or older
New Hampshire$10
New Jersey$24
New Mexico$10 for four years; $18 for eight years
New York$9-$10 for four to five years; $13-$14 for nine to 10 years
North Carolina$10
North Dakota$8
Rhode Island$16.50; free if 59 or older
South Carolina$5
South Dakota$20
Texas$16; $6 if 60 or older
West VirginiaRanges from $2.50 to $12.50
Washington DC$20; free if 65 or older
still a poll tax if it's required in order to vote, thus squarely and inarguably unconstitutional.


Well-Known Member
It's not that they can't get one, but that they can't get 12. Or they're not citizens.
please post the evidence for widespread in person voter fraud that voter ID is designed to prevent.

go ahead, i'll wait.

could it be that you simply do not like that black people get to vote? you've complained about black people getting to vote in the past.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
In my state you have to show ID to get your ballot. Only the legal residents of the district get ballots.


Well-Known Member
Yah, I'm calling bullshit on the "not able to get ID" line UB.

That is just rediculous. If you have a mailing address you can get a voters ID.
think again, pie.

in many cases, you'll need a lot of documents to get the right ID, documents which can cost a lot of time and money to track down and obtain.

study after study after study shows how this will disproportionately affect minorities and student, who lean heavily democratic.

several federal court rulings back up this fact. it is a discriminatory policy meant to disenfranchise voters, plain and simple.

there is no widespread in person voter fraud that would be prevented by this. if you can prove otherwise, please do so and post the evidence for widespread in person voter fraud.

the voter ID bunny that bigoted and racist republicans are chasing is simply an admission that they can no longer win on their ideas, they need to rig the game to have any chance at all.

don't be that stupid.


Well-Known Member
In my state you have to show ID to get your ballot. Only the legal residents of the district get ballots.
in my state, they mail the ballot right to you a month ahead of time, and you can mail it back or drop it off.

no ID required.

since there is no ID required, we must have massive voter fraud going on, right? i invite anyone here to post evidence of such.

this is a fake issue manufactured by republicans who can no longer win on their ideas alone, plain and simple.

it is a solution in search of a problem and is designed specifically to disenfranchise voters, especially minorities and students.

anyone who falls for this nonsense is an idiot, plain and simple.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Records are not hard to obtain.

Minorities are able to obtain alcohol and cigarettes. This nonsense about not being able to get an ID is beneath you imo.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You just need a social security # and an address to get a Drivers License. You can complete your voters registration at the same time as receiving your Drivers License.

Look it up.


Well-Known Member
Records are not hard to obtain.
try getting your birth certificate without your social or vice versa.

many states require birth certificate and SS to get an ID. mine does.

to say that those records are not hard to obtain is the pinnacle of naivete. they are by their very nature extremely tough to obtain.

Minorities are able to obtain alcohol and cigarettes.
let me know when there's a SSN store or birth certificate store on every corner.

i would probably quit smoking if the line for cigarettes was like the line at the DMV.

think about what you say.

This nonsense about not being able to get an ID is beneath you imo.
this nonsense about needing an ID is beneath the intelligence of anyone who is not retarded.

in person voter fraud is virtually non-existent. you're trying to fix a problem that doesn't even exist in the first place.

now go ahead and show me this widespread in person voter fraud.


Well-Known Member
You just need a social security # and an address to get a Drivers License.
your mileage may vary by state.

don't forget the federal reserve notes, by the way. you need to pay money to get an ID as well.

that makes mandatory ID to vote a de facto poll tax, which is 100% unconstitutional. says so right on the 24th, plain and clear.

but who cares about the constitution when there are minorities to disenfranchise, right?

easier to just keep them from voting rather than to adopt policies that might actually not make their lives tougher, eh?

when you can't win on the merits, just cheat.


Well-Known Member
When I go to vote they check me off a list after I show ID.

I live in a democrat state btw.
when i used to vote in AZ, i would show them a utility bill with my name on it and put my signature next to my name.

no ID required.

now tell me about how rampant the problem of in person voter fraud was in arizona back in the 2000s.

i'll wait.


Well-Known Member
People don't pay their medical bills, by and large. My sis in law is a thoracic surgeon. Last month she billed $90k and collected just shy of $20k.


Well-Known Member
that makes mandatory ID to vote a de facto poll tax, which is 100% unconstitutional. says so right on the 24th, plain and clear.
by this logic the fact that you even have to go to the voting center and spend gas or pay bus fare is also a de facto poll tax. You can only get so much out of that. The language in the 24th is pretty tight and it has to be a fairly explicit tax to violate it. Nice try though.


Well-Known Member
by this logic the fact that you even have to go to the voting center and spend gas or pay bus fare is also a de facto poll tax. You can only get so much out of that. The language in the 24th is pretty tight and it has to be a fairly explicit tax to violate it. Nice try though.
your argument crumbles under the fact that anyone can request an absentee ballot.

not to mention you pay exxon for gas, whereas only the government is in the business of selling ID.

nice try though (not really a nice try, about as lame as everything else you argue).


Well-Known Member
your mileage may vary by state.

don't forget the federal reserve notes, by the way. you need to pay money to get an ID as well.

that makes mandatory ID to vote a de facto poll tax, which is 100% unconstitutional. says so right on the 24th, plain and clear.

but who cares about the constitution when there are minorities to disenfranchise, right?

easier to just keep them from voting rather than to adopt policies that might actually not make their lives tougher, eh?

when you can't win on the merits, just cheat.
i agree UB..republicans are such hippocrates..the miami-ft. lauderdale area is blue with the remainder of florida red (very much like austin, san antonio area is to texas), governor dick rott saw it fit to limit precints to 1 voting booth here in 2012 and changed our rules on drivers licenses in 2010 which required 4 separate pieces of legal proof of who you are : the single most pain in the ass thing i had to do that year..many of us are born elsewhere so you have to send away for official birth certificate (fee required), then jack-ass down to social security admin office to file for an "original" social security i needed money and transportation and lots of time for when i got turned away because i brought something unacceptable..and of course waiting in government offices lines..big FAIL dick rott, because black, white and brown banded together..neighbor to neighbor..we traveled to and met at homes with the cloak of the night as cover, we spread the word person to starbucks, mcD's, the corner gas and our grocery stores..stranger to stranger.."you ready to vote?"..we didn't even have to ask who for or look on someones bumper..WE the people are stronger than anything this lame governor can throw at us..i personally hand delivered my vote downtown at supervisor of elections office, gave it a good luck "kiss" and personally deposited my ballot to be counted..success, sweet success!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It really just seems like you are arguing just to argue.

Yes there are situations where it can be a pain to get your birth certificate but it is not impossible. Same goes for your social security card. The difficulty is not restricted to minorities.

The fee for ID is for maintaining the ID database. The price does not fluctuate for minorities.

Sometimes the retorts you post are funny/informative. Now is not one of those times.


Well-Known Member
It really just seems like you are arguing just to argue.

Yes there are situations where it can be a pain to get your birth certificate but it is not impossible. Same goes for your social security card. The difficulty is not restricted to minorities.

The fee for ID is for maintaining the ID database. The price does not fluctuate for minorities.

Sometimes the retorts you post are funny/informative. Now is not one of those times.
so in order to vote, you want that "it can be a pain" and that there is "the fee". your words, not mine.

in order to vote, you want "difficulty" and "price" to be part of the experience. again, your words, not mine.

sure the difficulty and price may not be unique to minorities, but it will nonetheless affect minorities more than it does others. this is beyond dispute.

pain and fees in order to vote, eh? difficulty and price?

and why? what problem even exists right now that voter ID is gonna fix?

you have been duped into arguing for pain, difficulty, fees, and prices, especially for minorities, in order to cast a ballot. you proud of that?