Albanian Kush
I have just set everything up finally, been several days, plants in their new pots, light up and all. Than the other day i started to notice little flying bugs, they look like gnats, maybe a little bigger. i am about 90% sure that i have id'ed them as fungus gnats. Now i have done research, i know this problem can get very bad, and eventually if the fungus in the dirt, or whatever they feed on dies away, they start to feed on the micro roots. I have heard of serveral rememdies for this problem. I am down to two of them, 1) i saw a post how one person on another site, claiming if you soak two cigerettes in normal water for twenty-four hours, and spray the soil and leaves, aswell as the underside of the leaves, this should take care of the problem. now i only bring this up because i can do this easily, i do smoke and that remedy would indeed be the fastest and easiest, but i also know there are many different chemicals in cigerettes that my guess would harm the plant. note: they are baby plants as well. now number two would be diatomaceous earth some insect killer i believe that is not harmful and to some point beneficial for your plants. I am simply looking for the best remedy that will NOT harm my plants, and kill those little bugs, as said before there is only a few, but i would not like to see more, also i know the problem is in the soil, not the flies themselves, all information is appreciated. thanks.