INSANE PH problems in Roots 707 soil. HELP please?


Active Member
OK ive been having some plant issues like fan leaf tips turning yellow on one plant and yellow with brown on another. Had a MILD case of spider mites cleared them all up, Mind you i havent used any nutes.. I got them from clone transplanted them to 3gal pots in roots organics 707 soil i used tap water that sat for minimum 24 hrs my water tested 7.0 going in.
(yes i know going in a little hot) when i tested the run off in the drip pan I almost shit on the floor, I got a reading of 4.0.
Now remember i havent added any nutes whatsoever ive got some coming from dyna gro soon. Ive had them about a week and a half and they have been watered 3 times as of this morning.

I know i cant use PH UP until i water again but what gives? Anyone have ANY ideas on this?? Ive called around and noone is "expierenced" enough in soil apparently, they all seem to have no clue what i should do.
SO here i am turning to the RIU oldies and growmasters! please help me!
OK ive been having some plant issues like fan leaf tips turning yellow on one plant and yellow with brown on another. Had a MILD case of spider mites cleared them all up, Mind you i havent used any nutes.. I got them from clone transplanted them to 3gal pots in roots organics 707 soil i used tap water that sat for minimum 24 hrs my water tested 7.0 going in.
(yes i know going in a little hot) when i tested the run off in the drip pan I almost shit on the floor, I got a reading of 4.0.
Now remember i havent added any nutes whatsoever ive got some coming from dyna gro soon. Ive had them about a week and a half and they have been watered 3 times as of this morning.

I know i cant use PH UP until i water again but what gives? Anyone have ANY ideas on this?? Ive called around and noone is "expierenced" enough in soil apparently, they all seem to have no clue what i should do.
SO here i am turning to the RIU oldies and growmasters! please help me!
Run off isn't always accurate. Have you had experience with this soil? It sounds to me like that is already a vegging machine. Don't use PH up.. are u thinking of making the water 10 to try to even it out? Put a fan on em and water less than 3 a day. Weed plants are pretty hardy. Also is this indoor or out?


Active Member
No this is my first grow actually,I went with the 707 dirt off of a recommendation because i said i really didnt want to use nites through VEG. 10?? 7 is neutral or even hell my kit doent even go up to 10.. Not sure what you mean water less than 3 a day, Ive only had to water them every 3rd or 4th day, they are indoor havent had anything given to them except water as I said.. Ive only got three plants right now two clones and one i started from seed which I forgot to water when i did the others so i adjusted the ph like it was at four as the other are since its same dirt low and behold im at about 6.5 PH on that one in the run-off.. I understand run off isnt always accurate but when all three read the same thats close enough to accurate for me.
I misunderstood 3 times as of this morning as 3 times that day. My bad. It also sounded like you wanted to use pH up to remedy you acid levels. Keep watering at 7 ph tho. The levels will neutralize eventually. If your using tap water ive never heard of adjusting soil ph. I may be wrong tho. What is your ppm runoff? That would also determine why ur pH is off the chart.
top dress your soil with dolomite lime about a cup, maybe less. I had this issue with FFOF during my 2nd week of veg, had readings of 4-5. I don't think that's very accurate.
This maybe late, but I’ve verified with the university that plants really need 6-7 ph. Mostly closer to 6. My faucet water comes out 7 and burns most of my plants when left at 7. It’s subtle and took weeks to show, but once I made sure all watering (including with nutes) is at 6-6.5 before I added it to the soil, all of the plants stabilized. Happy growing!