Inrush Current

Can anyone explain this to me? For my build I went with 6x Meanwell APC-35-1050 rather than going with a smaller amount of bigger drivers for my 6x vero 18s.

I didn't realize Inrush Current was a thing and I'm seeing on the PDF for the apc-35-1050 that it has "COLD START 45A(twidth=490 s measured at 50% Ipeak) at 230VAC"

and it also says "5 units (circuit breaker of type B) / 9 units (circuit breaker of type C) at 230VAC"

I'm running my 6 on the same circuit breaker that has fans and about 40 watts of Veg lighting (split between fluorescent and led).

Am I creating an unsafe environment? Anything I can do to alleviate this? Did I make a mistake by not going with 2 smaller drivers to power each string of 3 cobs?

Part of the reason I went with a driver per cob was in case one of the drivers failed, I would still have 5 functional lights.
To clarify; I'm in the U.S. using 120v AC on either 15 or 20 amp breaker (can't remember, I'll have to check when I get home).


Well-Known Member
The inrush only lasts a few milliseconds. Just get more than one digital timer and set them for the same cycle instead of having all the drivers on the same timer. Very unlikely that they would activate at the exact same time to the millisecond. Or set them a couple minutes apart to make sure.