Inmate murdered in Milwaukee Co Jail

Jail capacity is 1500 and he said there were over 2000 there. He spent the first 4 months sleeping on a mat on the floor in a over crowded 10 man cell before he was finally moved to a pod. Lots of stories of survival of the fittest and lots of serious mental patients mixed in.
My friend had to choose between a blanket or a mattress. On the cement floor.
If you read the story it says they turned off the water to his cell. They must have locked him in his cell.
"Nearby inmates told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and police that corrections officers had turned off water in Thomas' cell for days before he died and he had been begging for water."
Damn... who was he? That sounds like they were trying to kill him. I wonder who ordered that. Water deprivation would be a cruel way to go.
It seems Thomas was not stable. He was seeing things in the police report. He might have been able to get the insanity defense.

He certainly should not of been executed while he was in custody; awaiting trial.
Again, 97 of the 100 poorest counties are in red states. But what about Chicago, right?

It's not governments job to make all counties equal in terms of income or wealth. You care more about that than dead minority kids??

Guess we know why nothing gets solved...

I am not a Republican and you are just regurgitating talking points that have no relevance unless you want crony capitalism to continue.
No. They ordered him to death without trial. Not okay. If it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone.

He ordered someone else to death for no reason. No it wasn't right according to our justice system and the people responsible should be held accountable, however fuck him anyway.

Anyone who kills in cold blood isn't "stable." I dont buy that shit as an excuse for even a moment.

You all care so much for this piece of shit, yet not one of you knows anything about the person he killed or the people who cared about him.
Again, 97 of the 100 poorest counties are in red states. But what about Chicago, right?

Simply not true. Use the right data and you can make it true. A simple ploy tactic.
Chicago, Well it`s not as safe as the gun ban hoped it would be. Major fail on an attempt to show America than gun bans work.
Chicago is what not to do.
It's not governments job to make all counties equal in terms of income or wealth.
What is the government's job?
You care more about that than dead minority kids??
Guess we know why nothing gets solved...
Because I don't care about dead minority kids.
I am not a Republican and you are just regurgitating talking points that have no relevance unless you want crony capitalism to continue.
You're so deep.
The system in this state is fucked and getting worse. My daughter works for private company that deals with patients with mental issues that are arrested. Her job is to assess them and make a recommendation as to course of action(way more to it but in a nutshell). This used to be a function of government, but is now private(like most things in this state). She has close to 100 cases at any given time.
She has told me so many stories about how these people need treatment but are jailed or sent home because it is cheaper. In one day she told me she had 10 in a row that needed treatment but the judge went against all recommendations.

Guy I grew up with is a prison guard. We talk even though we are not supposed to. He tells me horror stories as well. They are way understaffed due to changes since Act 10. Used to be waiting for the job, now they can't hire people.

Ya I've been to jail. More than once. No planning on getting caught again. But remember, who makes the rules? What is legal in one state may be illegal in another. And don't forget, it only takes an ACUSATATION to wind up in jail. Trying to prove you are innocent is very difficult. You think a prosecutor wants justice? Or numbers?

You fuckheads go ahead and say "he was a criminal, so who cares". I hope you POS end up in the same spot. Go ahead and tell us how much better you are, here on this weed forum.
Anyone who kills in cold blood isn't "stable."

my favorite part is where you celebrate him being killed in cold blood, then condemn him for killing in cold blood.

i think the ink from that huge swatsika you have tattooed on your shaved head is leaking through and infecting your feeble brain.
He ordered someone else to death for no reason. No it wasn't right according to our justice system and the people responsible should be held accountable, however fuck him anyway.

Anyone who kills in cold blood isn't "stable." I dont buy that shit as an excuse for even a moment.

You all care so much for this piece of shit, yet not one of you knows anything about the person he killed or the people who cared about him.
I am saying the jailors violated his right to a trial.

I never said it was cool for him to shoot people.
That`s all every day normal shit. The only thing different are the gang tiers inside.

Something which is normal doesn't mean it should be acceptable.

If jailing people for a victimless crime is the norm, then it is self evident that people who live under that kind of government are in some way enslaved.
Something which is normal doesn't mean it should be acceptable.

If jailing people for a victimless crime is the norm, then it is self evident that people who live under that kind of government are in some way enslaved.

Victim or no victim, crime will put you I jail.

You`re gonna have to accept a few things guy, and one of them is that America is not Rob Roy`s dream world.
That fucker is as crooked as the day is long. Few years ago, he covered up an accident caused by one of his deputies by arresting the other person for DUI. Not a shred of evidence. Lady went through hell to prove she was innocent. They used to bring it up when he would have a press conference.