inline fan to noisy would this work ???

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
i bought a s&p inline fan td250 but is a little to noisy ..

i was thinking of building a box to house the inline fan in and line the box with expanding foam . would this make it a few db less (less noise)?????

ps its the fan its self thats noisy not the ducting or vibration .


Active Member
I would use dyna-mat like they use in cars with loud stereos and bass. Helps quiet vibration and overall noise. Cut and stick.

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
never thought o dynamat lol a use it with every boot build i do . going to call my local motorsport see what the prices are av got none left .

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
i have just stuffed my box with news paper at min as local shop never had dynamat its working a bit will add dynamat this weekend for extra stealth


Well-Known Member

Egg crate foam..or soundproofing foam.
Best solution you can do is to build a box, line it with this and suspend the fan inside the box.


Well-Known Member
Good luck, put mine in a cooler, filled it foam, hung it from bungee, it made more noise than when I just bolted it to the ceiling.