Injured at work..

decisions, if you feel you're suffering,now, do whats right for you. If you have a bump,and only aches when touch, and seems to get better, well take the free money,he saids he will put in with your check, i think workmans comp is like 80% of your weekly pay. Only you know whats up with yourself. But these days all employers are suppose to have safety programs, EMPLOYERS INSURANCE companies require these programs, to educate and to prevent injuries.
chances are, you won't get to speak to an attorney over the phone, appointment will be needed, again, might talk,but doubt over a phone.
If you talk to an attorney, they will tell you to file the claim and let them "help" you get all you are entitled to......after they get their half of the total, and payout of medical bills. I hate lawyers.

I have been in the construction industry for a long time and I can tell you shit like this happens. Only you know how hurt you are. At 19 my body was much more resilient than it is today. If you file a claim, you will be in the system, and can pretty much forget working in that industry. Many employers in all industries ask if you have ever filed a WCB claim, so getting any job could be tough. I'd hate to see you file a claim, then be alright in another week. I'd also hate to see you not file and be more hurt than you think.

Did the doctor you visited write down what happened? If so, you at least have a record of it. Your emploer ispaying the doctor so they won't be notifying anyone to get paid. I think you are safe to wait a week to see how you feel then; as long as it is documented somewhere.
Any witnesses to your fall? If so get there names and numbers. As far as going to there doctor good luck with that. They are always on the companies side. I'd give it a week. If still having problems contact your doctor tell him what happened. He may suggest an MRI. Have it done then see the results. If you have some issues then contact an attorney. Workers comp sucks and they don't do much for injured employees. Document everything that has happened since initial injury. It will come in handy later on during litigation. Good luck. Your awful young to have a fucked up back.
Toughen up
People like you are what's wrong with the world today
Your boss should fire you and hire some people who are better and more eager to work and happy to have a job.
Either quit or toughen up and get back to work, stop expecting others to take care of you.
Toughen up
People like you are what's wrong with the world today
Your boss should fire you and hire some people who are better and more eager to work and happy to have a job.
Either quit or toughen up and get back to work, stop expecting others to take care of you.
What in the fuck are you talking about? Did you not read any of the post and how my boss breaks many fucking laws? I'm wrong with the world today? I have been working since the last fucking day i went to school and called in sick 3 times in a year and a half, fuck you, you don't know me. Thank you everybody else for the advice.
What in the fuck are you talking about? Did you not read any of the post and how my boss breaks many fucking laws? I'm wrong with the world today? I have been working since the last fucking day i went to school and called in sick 3 times in a year and a half, fuck you, you don't know me. Thank you everybody else for the advice.

Your boss gives you a chance to work and earn a living. If you don't like it or him then don't work for him. If you can do better then do it, don't blame your boss. Be a man. You called in sick three times and now you hurt yourself and want him to pay for it, you sound like an awful employee and he should be more careful of the type of people he allows to work for his business. Don't expect others to pull your dead weight or pay for your mistakes or lazieness.
What in the fuck are you talking about? Did you not read any of the post and how my boss breaks many fucking laws? I'm wrong with the world today? I have been working since the last fucking day i went to school and called in sick 3 times in a year and a half, fuck you, you don't know me. Thank you everybody else for the advice.

And I am suprised at the amount of people who supported your bitching and blaming and seeking of a free ride and hand out, it's a sad day when a bunch of people think their employer is responsible for them.
And I am suprised at the amount of people who supported your bitching and blaming and seeking of a free ride and hand out, it's a sad day when a bunch of people think their employer is responsible for them.
Are you fucked in the head or have never heard of workers rights or anything of the such? I'd like to know what the fuck you did for a a living if your employer never offered a safety course of any type, no on the spot training for safety, no harness. What should I have done then? Refused to do it? Then without a doubt i'd be one those people that are "wrong in the world today" because i refused to to my job. What would you have done? bought your own scaffold? Sorry I don't have 300$ to spend on that, or the money to refuse to work. I attempted to to the job to the best of my abiblities under my employers instruction and guidance and was hurt in the process. End of story, I am worried about this affecting my ability to WORK in the future, not wanting to fucking sue my employer, he asked me to do him an illegal favor. Figure it out. By the way, most people take 10 sick days per year in my province.
Are you fucked in the head or have never heard of workers rights or anything of the such? I'd like to know what the fuck you did for a a living if your employer never offered a safety course of any type, no on the spot training for safety, no harness. What should I have done then? Refused to do it? Then without a doubt i'd be one those people that are "wrong in the world today" because i refused to to my job. What would you have done? bought your own scaffold? Sorry I don't have 300$ to spend on that, or the money to refuse to work. I attempted to to the job to the best of my abiblities under my employers instruction and guidance and was hurt in the process. End of story, I am worried about this affecting my ability to WORK in the future, not wanting to fucking sue my employer, he asked me to do him an illegal favor. Figure it out. By the way, most people take 10 sick days per year in my province.
Oh so you're a socialist, well that explains a lot.
Workers rights? You have the right to work, or the right to refuse to work, that's your right. If you don't like the job or lack the skills to do it properly or safely then you can choose not to do it.
I have worked in many different feilds and I I have found that I would rather not work for an employer who offers safety courses and on the spot training for safety, I have found that those types of jobs and companies are for the unskilled and lazy and they offer low pay and not much room for upward mobility, they limit my potential. I am not a moron and don't need basic safety training or a company who employees morons.
If I were your boss I would go to home depot and pick up some workers who want a job and will work hard and not bitch and blame me if they do something stupid.
Your ability to work in the future depends on you, and with your attitude I doubt you will be anymore willing or able to work in the future than you are today.
beardo i like your style man. dont see you on the grow side of things much. nice to see another hardcore randian around these parts of unwashed hippies.
beardo i like your style man. dont see you on the grow side of things much. nice to see another hardcore randian around these parts of unwashed hippies.
I don't grow or smoke MJ but I am into gardening and farming, I just come here for entertainment, I enjoy having people to talk to and enjoy the RIU community a lot of interesting good people here that I like to converse and debate with.
Oh so you're a socialist, well that explains a lot.
Workers rights? You have the right to work, or the right to refuse to work, that's your right. If you don't like the job or lack the skills to do it properly or safely then you can choose not to do it.
I have worked in many different feilds and I I have found that I would rather not work for an employer who offers safety courses and on the spot training for safety, I have found that those types of jobs and companies are for the unskilled and lazy and they offer low pay and not much room for upward mobility, they limit my potential. I am not a moron and don't need basic safety training or a company who employees morons.
If I were your boss I would go to home depot and pick up some workers who want a job and will work hard and not bitch and blame me if they do something stupid.
Your ability to work in the future depends on you, and with your attitude I doubt you will be anymore willing or able to work in the future than you are today.
i bet you've never worked in a factory,d.eWU&fp=a0bc7280e12b6e9f&biw=1366&bih=606
i saw a woman cut in half one time and worked in one facility that was called the finger factory, i bet you can figure out why :eyesmoke:
i bet you've never worked in a factory,d.eWU&fp=a0bc7280e12b6e9f&biw=1366&bih=606
i saw a woman cut in half one time and worked in one facility that was called the finger factory, i bet you can figure out why :eyesmoke:

I kind of have but don't, I worked in a press or a bindery and that was a "factory" lots of dangerous equipment. I have also done logging and firewood and construction and carpentry, I saw a guy cut his fingers off one time. Yes there are dangerous jobs and the employer and employees both should try to manage the dangers inherent with certain machines and jobs. I chose not to work in the "finger factory" but if I did work their I would be very mindful of where I was putting my fingers at all times.
I used to know a girl that we refered to as the " finger factory". She was well known by many a logger and carpenter... She was an expert in wood... And you had to watch where you put your fingers then or else...
yes those can be very dangerous, surprised all you've seen is severed digits.
at the finger factory, those people were pushed to get large numbers out, over worked, machines missing safety guards, you name it.
a person has a right to a job that won't kill or maim them don't you think?
a person has a right to a job that won't kill or maim them don't you think?
A person has a right to refuse a job that might kill or maim them.
Are you going to disband the military because the job might kill or maim them? { disbanding the military- maybe not such a bad idea?}
Seriously though, people have the right to make their own decisions and some shit needs to get done that's dangerous- I'm all for people and would love to see the best for everyone. but I think if your willing to clean jammed bones out of the bone grinding machine at the meat plant for minimum wage or less then you ought to have that right, and the guy running the meat plant would be a bad business man not to hire you, the machine needs to be unjammed when it jams up or it shuts down the whole plant. Now would I do it no, would I advise you to do it no, I would advise you to do something better and safer, but it should be your choice to make and if you don't do it and no one else wants to do it then the meat plant owner will have to offer higher pay or safer conditions or buy a robot that can unjam the machine.
if you don't do it and no one else wants to do it then the meat plant owner will have to offer higher pay or safer conditions or buy a robot that can unjam the machine.
brilliant idea
seriously though apples and oranges
what serviceman or woman doesn't go into it know they could die anytime, same with police, fire fighter etc
but there's no job worth dying for and none which you should accept that you could be seriously injured when you follow all reasonable/safety/common sense rules
i really did see someone cut in half due to lack of safety signage/safe passageway and they didn't even have a dangerous job :eyesmoke: