injunction/court case updates

True but the same could be said for JT and going Legal. Regardless I am not going to back out of this political commentary because it seems to make some of us argue and I am not here for that. Happy election to all, hope JT gets in, hope SH gets the boot, I can settle for TM.
isn't it sad that we have to "settle" for a leader. we chose the lesser of the evils.
it would be nice if we had someone running that was truly for the people. that way, more people would want to vote...more people would partake by having an interest at all.
i don't care for politics at all but Harper has changed me...I want that guy Gone Gone Gone
isn't it sad that we have to "settle" for a leader. we chose the lesser of the evils.
it would be nice if we had someone running that was truly for the people. that way, more people would want to vote...more people would partake by having an interest at all.
i don't care for politics at all but Harper has changed me...I want that guy Gone Gone Gone
It's always been that vote for who you hate the least in Canada and often elsewhere as well. Really sucks having nothing but compromised choices.
This says fines may be involved not that there is going to be set fines. Also this text is about the word decriminalizaton in general not the Ndp's marijuana decriminalizaton plan. So again nice try. Ndp have been clear decriminalizaton means NO repercussions for possession and personal growing!

Please share your resource or link to where this information Is. "Ndp have been clear decriminalizaton means NO repercussions for possession and personal growing!"

Please share your resource or link to where this information Is. "Ndp have been clear decriminalizaton means NO repercussions for possession and personal growing!"

Already done that. Keep up. I'm not posting the same fuckng links over and over again.
Already done that. Keep up. I'm not posting the same fuckng links over and over again.

All in all your argument is a moot point. The NDP don't have a policy yet, they don't even know what their policy is yet. As quoted by Constance Barnes of the NDP. They have no plan, it's just all hearsay. You may be right, but I doubt it. How can you so ademently say there will be no fine, when the NDP have no plan of action on their version of "decriminalization" seems to me your just running off your mouth, like usual. You can have an opinion about it, but don't go spouting off like those are the facts. Fact is, there are no facts. I hope your right, but once again, I doubt it, and that's my opinion.

“The use of cannabis is not going away,” Barnes said. “But I do not support going forward with any kind of legalization until we have a plan in place. And at this point right now,
I do not see any plan. It is putting the cart before the horse.”

All in all your argument is a moot point. The NDP don't have a policy yet, they don't even know what their policy is yet. As quoted by Constance Barnes of the NDP. They have no plan, it's just all hearsay. You may be right, but I doubt it. How can you so ademently say there will be no fine, when the NDP have no plan of action on their version of "decriminalization" seems to me your just running off your mouth, like usual. You can have an opinion about it, but don't go spouting off like those are the facts. Fact is, there are no facts. I hope your right, but once again, I doubt it, and that's my opinion.

“The use of cannabis is not going away,” Barnes said. “But I do not support going forward with any kind of legalization until we have a plan in place. And at this point right now,
I do not see any plan. It is putting the cart before the horse.”

Let,me be clear.... TM has been clear no criminal penaltys is pretty clear cut. Once again a Rui member with a FINANCIAL MOTIVE to have the liberals win trying to lie about what the Ndp want and what they stand for. TM in this video says everything a mj user rec or medical needs to know we are not criminals and won't be treated as criminals.
Let,me be clear.... TM has been clear no criminal penaltys is pretty clear cut. Once again a Rui member with a FINANCIAL MOTIVE to have the liberals win trying to lie about what the Ndp want and what they stand for. TM in this video says everything a mj user rec or medical needs to know we are not criminals and won't be treated as criminals.
That may be all well and good but I'd like to know how that's something they could do right away.
The only thing I could see doing it immediately would be to reschedule it. Otherwise I don't think any one politician can just change something this big automatically.
And what recourse would U.S voters have if he is full of shit and the pot war continues?
Let,me be clear.... TM has been clear no criminal penaltys is pretty clear cut. Once again a Rui member with a FINANCIAL MOTIVE to have the liberals win trying to lie about what the Ndp want and what they stand for. TM in this video says everything a mj user rec or medical needs to know we are not criminals and won't be treated as criminals.

That's your rebuttal? I think your reading way too much into that. I thought the topic was fines? Your way out to lunch if you think that snippet proves your point. Decrim will equal fines. Period.

I whole heartedly believe that cannabis should be free for all and with out the fear of persecution. End of story. If people choose to use my services for expertly grown cannabis and to pay me compensation for an exceptional product grow by a professional, compassionate grower then that's there choice. No body is holding a gun to their head, they need to make an educated dessicion where or who to get their smoke from. Your trying to paint a picture of me of something I'm not, and your making a fool out of your self. The more you talk the more people see who you really are. I'm not the only one calling you out, it's evident to others too. I don't even know why I bother with you anymore. It's always the same old regurgitated BS.
I will most likely be voting greens, as I always have.

here's the email i received a while back. i was given permission to post it. it has some names in it and I didn't want to post it without their permission.
@JungleStrikeGuy here's the info you asked me for earlier:

As the Executive Director at the time of the MMAR Coalition. We originally asked Conroy to file a constitutional challenge, and if that did not work then a class action suit for damages. Some how he got his wires crossed. We , Jason Wilcox and I showed Conroys case to a lawyer by the name of Kate Saunders at Branch McMaster, who said that Conroy should of filed a constitutional challenge and not a class action, which would have been way quicker and less costly, so yes CONROY is 100% responsible for that major screw up. Kate Saunders said CONROY was doing us no favors at all. In fact it was right about that time CONROY tried to muscle in on the Class Action privacy branch suit against Health Canada by meeting with Kate, my lawyer at the time to discuss how he wanted to receive 5% of the up 30 % the lawyers were going to take. Conroy met with her, and they declined his assistance for a potential of 5% of the winnings up to 40 million. Talk about greed. CONROY did all of this without consent from myself or Jason, if you can believe that !! I swear this is the truth.

CONROY discontinued the class action because Kate told him he was doing all wrong, and then he released some lame excuse to pretend everything was ok.
the other email:

When this was set up Conroy was employed by Jason Wilcox ONLY, not by the Coalition. But if you ask Conroy he will say that he answers to the Coalition and his clients, he does not he answers to Jason Wilcox. We have that from a tape recorded interview at Conroys office I attended with Wilcox and Joy Davies. Conroy in reality answers to one thing only ,$$$$$$, that's it.

I'm not sure why that wouldn't fit into one post
That may be all well and good but I'd like to know how that's something they could do right away.
The only thing I could see doing it immediately would be to reschedule it. Otherwise I don't think any one politician can just change something this big automatically.
And what recourse would U.S voters have if he is full of shit and the pot war continues?
Unschedule it. Strike it from the criminal code of canada. That's what he's going to do. No need to pass legistlation to do so.
That's your rebuttal? I think your reading way too much into that. I thought the topic was fines? Your way out to lunch if you think that snippet proves your point. Decrim will equal fines. Period.

I whole heartedly believe that cannabis should be free for all and with out the fear of persecution. End of story. If people choose to use my services for expertly grown cannabis and to pay me compensation for an exceptional product grow by a professional, compassionate grower then that's there choice. No body is holding a gun to their head, they need to make an educated dessicion where or who to get their smoke from. Your trying to paint a picture of me of something I'm not, and your making a fool out of your self. The more you talk the more people see who you really are. I'm not the only one calling you out, it's evident to others too. I don't even know why I bother with you anymore. It's always the same old regurgitated BS.
I will most likely be voting greens, as I always have.

So you admit you have no evidence whatsoever that the Ndp will issue fines like you keeps spouting off. And you freely admit you have $$$ on the line and that's why you're supporting the liberals not the Ndp. Sorry buddy but you lie about who stands for what due to the $$ that's not going to be in your pocket. No other way to slice that turd.

The resolution, which was supported by party members, calls for the provincial NDP to support the federal party's call for a "non-punitive approach to cannabis law, including all penalties for personal cultivation and possession by adults, and actively work to institute non-punitive cannabis policies at the provincial level." Quennell said he's not sure what the resolution means, since drug laws and drug prosecutions are both federal responsibilities.

"I believe the people who are in a position to administer the law should administer the law. If you don't like the law, you either as a legislator vote to change it or as a citizen you vote for a party that undertakes to change the law." Benn Greer, the president of eNDProhibition Saskatchewan, the provincial branch of the "unof- fi cial anti-prohibition wing" of the party, said in an interview he agrees with Quennell about the need to enforce laws as they exist.
So what does "- non-punitive approach to cannibis law including all penaltys for personal cultivation and possession by adults" mean? It clearly states that is the federal ndp's stance. And the provincial Ndp are saying well, it's federal law so we have to enforce it. Buy let me guess hiitsme this quote doesn't mean exactly what it says they will,still try to backdoor us unlike tweeds #1 silent partner jt? He's got our bet interest at heart. $20 grams for all!! As long as you buy tweed weed! Hiitsme has ulterior motives that's why he shuchs and jives when you really try to get him to prove anything he says. Btwthe pics you posted of "your" garden didn't looks like anything more then nammer mid grads so please for the love of Christ stop claiming you're an expert grower! Lol funny guy funny guy.
Mother fucking son of a bitch rat weasel bastard piece of shit Conroy. Donations coming in the front door, LP money coming in the back door.
that's how I felt when i read that. i was really taken back.
very disappointed for sure.
i believe he can still file for relief in the higher court where he had sympathy but he hasn't done that for some reason
Mother fucking son of a bitch rat weasel basterd piece of shit Conroy. Donations coming in the front door, LP money coming in the back door.
I tried to warn you guys when I first heard about this asshat last yr but everyone was soon convinced.
I really wish we were all wrong but when my one buddy told me if he ever sees Conroy in person he's nut punching him I knew he must have heard something we didn't.
He is a lawyer all he cares about is the most amount of money for the least amount of work.
I tried to warn you guys when I first heard about this asshat last yr but everyone was soon convinced.
I really wish we were all wrong but when my one buddy told me if he ever sees Conroy in person he's nut punching him I knew he must have heard something we didn't.
He is a lawyer all he cares about is the most amount of money for the least amount of work.
sad but true. what a drag. i still say all he had to do to get as many of us relief as possible was one more plaintiff that had current paperwork but needed changes! so many people would be better off IF he did that