injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Phelan: all of these systems are choices by gov't. That means some genius in Ottawa could alter them. "It is not an insurmountable obstacle"

keep going...


Well-Known Member
I still dont understand why they are back tracking from when tousew asked the judge to remove mj from the cdsa. Thereby striking down the mmpr altogether.
They all seem really hell bent on whats convienient to keep the mmpr going...why
Its was proven to not work over this entire case at a cost of a bagullion dollars


Well-Known Member
Conroy: gov't led us to believe that database was completely frozen. They didn't tell us about the police pager and tried to block evidence



Well-Known Member
it might just change to fuck Canada, not ftg.
but go buy smokes and boose, kill your selves, oh hookers and aids also,