injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
A part time student making sacrifices to buy a car is a completely different thing than a sick person deciding to buy food or meds.
What a fucking joke.
I really hope this judge isnt in their pocket or people should rise up and force change.
The gov ignorance is too much and now they are being too obvious about it.


Well-Known Member
just got my taxes done for 2014 I got $12,116 last year at $10 a gram I would need $900 a month plus shipping for my meds that would leave me with $100 a month to pay rent-power-heat-ect. ect . ect. and I have 3 young boys to support I can't work anymore so whats a guy to do.


Well-Known Member
No one should have to spend $2000 a month on meds for anything whether they can afford it or not.
And i am confused why the conroy team didnt have a stack of info on patients that financially cant afford lps to point at in situations just like this.
I made $0 on my taxes for 2014 so whats the gov reaction to that fuk him hes poor anyway.