injunction/court case updates

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Last time I was in federal court for the injunction in this case the courtroom wasn't so empty.What happened the folks who were outside?
0 replies0 retweets0 favorites Reply Retweet FavoriteMoreMelanie Nagy @MelanieNagyCTV · now27 seconds ago
Conroy says patients should be allowed to grow at home and that the 150g possession limit should be removed.
@liftcannabis: Remedy Conroy seeks is exempt medically approved patients pending opp on part of gov to make MMPR constitutional. 1/2 #Allard

Cannabis Culture @Cannabisculture now1 minute ago
Spectators are piling in to the Federal courtroom for the #Allard medical #marijuana case but there's still lots of space - get down here!

Melanie Nagy @MelanieNagyCTV · now22 seconds ago
Conroy says this is a constitutional question not a competition against licensed producers.

Melanie Nagy @MelanieNagyCTV · now20 seconds ago
Conroy now discussing the cost of producing medical marijuana and how some patients may not be able to afford product from LP's.
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Melanie Nagy @MelanieNagyCTV · now12 seconds ago
Federal lawyer says case is about whether governments policy choice is one that is constitutional They will argue it is.
0 replies0 retweets0 favorites Reply Retweet FavoriteMoreMelanie Nagy @MelanieNagyCTV · now33 seconds ago
Legal team for the federal government now addressing the court.
Lol im sure every home grower would gladly chip in on paying inspectors or use a fraction of the money saved incarcerating people.
What a dumb argument.
Maybe its good im not watching this
@MelanieNagyCTV: Shawn Davey has now been called to the stand. He is a plaintiff in this case.

Melanie Nagy @MelanieNagyCTV · now19 seconds ago
Davey now being asked by fed lawyer about his marijuana use.

Sam Fisher @JungleStrikeGuy now35 seconds ago
Waiting on Shane"Mold Spore Master"Holmquists's testimony.Need to come up with a new term, b/c 'needle dick' doesn't do him justice. #Neil Allard


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@ByJamesKeller: First witness is patient (and plaintiff) Shawn Davey. Here is his affidavit: #cdnpoli #mmpr

Lift @liftcannabis now1 minute ago
Fed Lawyer questioning Davey on his consumption, seems to be implying patient usage is at times is higher than necessary. #Neil Allard
@JungleStrikeGuy: Govt suggests patients are 'over-medicating', yet doesn't recognize #cannabis as medicine?? #cdnpoli #MMPR #MMAR #Allard #MMTalk #MMOT @MelanieNagyCTV: Davey tells the court that medical marijuana improved his life and enables him to function.But if his pain went away he would stop using .

court now on break
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